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Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索
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2014年04月30日(水) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/05/02 15:55:57"]

#1 [dejagnu] (dejagnu) make test

make test には dejagnu が良く使われる。dejagnu の中の runtest が呼ばれる。
runtest は、./config/default.exp を参照する
例えば testsuite という directory を作って、その下の config/default.exp に 一言、mytest_init と書いておくと、それを実行しようとする。 (その中身を定義する前に実行して見ると) その様子は次の通り
modena@makoto 12:04:57/140430(..mydirectory/testsuite)% runtest
WARNING: Couldn't find the global config file.
WARNING: No tool specified
Test Run By makoto on Wed Apr 30 12:05:00 2014
Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.1.2

                ===  tests ===

Schedule of variations:

Running target unix
Using /usr/pkg/share/dejagnu/baseboards/unix.exp as board description file for target.
Using /usr/pkg/share/dejagnu/config/unix.exp as generic interface file for target.
Using ./config/default.exp as tool-and-target-specific interface file.
ERROR: (DejaGnu) proc "mytest_init" does not exist.
The error code is NONE
The info on the error is:
invalid command name "mytest_init"
    while executing
"::tcl_unknown mytest_init"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel 1 ::tcl_unknown $args"

                ===  Summary ===

modena@makoto 12:05:00/140430(..mydirectory/testsuite)% 
そこで、dejagnu 的 hello world はどうなるか、とい話も思い着く。

Hello World by dejagnu:

modena@makoto 12:18:20/140430(..my_directory/testsuite)% ls -lR        
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel  512 Apr 30 12:16 config
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel  512 Apr 30 12:16 lib

total 4
-rw-r--r--  1 makoto  wheel  37 Apr 30 12:14 default.exp

total 4
-rw-r--r--  1 makoto  wheel  107 Apr 30 12:15 mytest-defs.exp
modena@makoto 12:18:22/140430(..my_directory/testsuite)% head config/default.exp lib/mytest-defs.exp 
==> config/default.exp <==
load_lib mytest-defs.exp

==> lib/mytest-defs.exp <==
proc mytest_init { args } {
#   global variable_name

    print "   ***  Hello World ! *** "

modena@makoto 12:18:36/140430(..my_directory/testsuite)%
少し比較もあるといいかな、と思ったり。 dejagnu の info を見ると、次のような節がある
3.4.3 Remote testing "Hello world"

proc regexp_diff:

modena@makoto 12:13:47/140501(/export/local-src)% cat -n binutils-2.24/binutils/testsuite/lib/binutils-common.exp | sed -n 181,342p | head -40
181  # Compare two files line-by-line.  FILE_1 is the actual output and FILE_2
182  # is the expected output.  Ignore blank lines in either file.
183  #
184  # FILE_2 is a series of regexps, comments and # directives.  The directives
185  # are:
186  #
187  #    #pass
188  #        Treat the test as a PASS if everything up till this point has
189  #        matched.  Ignore any remaining lines in either FILE_1 or FILE_2.
190  #
191  #    #failif
192  #        Reverse the sense of the test: expect differences to exist.
193  #
194  #    #...
195  #    REGEXP
196  #        Skip all lines in FILE_1 until the first that matches REGEXP.
197  #
198  # Other # lines are comments.  Regexp lines starting with the `!' character
199  # specify inverse matching (use `\!' for literal matching against a leading
200  # `!').  Skip empty lines in both files.
201  #
202  # The first optional argument is a list of regexp substitutions of the form:
203  #
204  #    EXP1 SUBSPEC1 EXP2 SUBSPEC2 ...
205  #
206  # This tells the function to apply each regexp substitution EXPi->SUBSPECi
207  # in order to every line of FILE_2.
208  #
209  # Return nonzero if differences exist.
210  proc regexp_diff { file_1 file_2 args } {
211      set eof -1
212      set end_1 0
213      set end_2 0
214      set differences 0
215      set diff_pass 0
216      set fail_if_match 0
217      set ref_subst ""
218      if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
219          set ref_subst [lindex $args 0]
220      }

333          } else {
334              set differences 0
335          }
336      }
338      close $file_a
339      close $file_b
341      return $differences
342  }
この regexp_diff は (binutils-2.24 の場合に)
    proc test_cond
    proc run_dump_test
  load_lib gas-defs.exp
modena@makoto 11:34:59/140502(~)% grep '^proc ' binutils-2.24/gas/testsuite/lib/gas-defs.exp
proc load_common_lib { name } {
proc gas_version {} {
proc gas_host_run { cmd redir } {
proc gas_run { prog as_opts redir } {
proc gas_run_stdin { prog as_opts redir } {
proc all_ones { args } {
proc gas_start { prog as_opts } {
proc gas_finish { } {
proc want_no_output { testname } {
proc gas_test_old { file as_opts testname } {
proc gas_test { file as_opts var_opts testname } {
proc gas_test_ignore_stdout { file as_opts testname } {
proc gas_test_error { file as_opts testname } {
proc gas_exit {} {}
proc gas_init { args } {
proc get_standard_section_names {} {
proc run_dump_tests { testcases {extra_options {}} } {
proc run_dump_test { name {extra_options {}} } {
proc slurp_options { file } {
proc objdump { opts } {
proc objdump_start_no_subdir { prog opts } {
proc objdump_finish { } {
proc file_contents { filename } {
proc write_file { filename contents } {
proc verbose_eval { expr { level 1 } } {
proc run_list_test { name {opts {}} {testname {}} } {
proc run_list_test_stdin { name {opts {}} {testname {}} } {
config/default.exp -> gas_init
を呼出す。gas_init は、次の中に定義してある

proc gas_init


which runtest とすると、/usr/pkg/bin/runtest を表示する。これは shell script。
modena@makoto 14:01:39/140502(..binutils-2.24/gas)% file `which runtest`
/usr/pkg/bin/runtest: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
この中で、runtest.exp を探し
# Find runtest.exp. First we look in its installed location,
# otherwise start if from the source tree.
最後に、次のように runtest.exp を呼んでいる
exec $expectbin $debug -- $runpath/runtest.exp $target ${1+"$@"}

runtest.exp, /usr/pkg/share/dejagnu/runtest.exp:

runtest.exp では、いくつかの proc を定義した後で、
modena@makoto 14:13:32/140502(..binutils-2.24/gas)% \
grep  ^proc /usr/pkg/share/dejagnu/runtest.exp 
proc verbose { args } {
proc transform { name } {
proc findfile { args } {
proc load_file { args } {
proc search_and_load_file { type filelist dirlist } {
proc usage { } {
proc lookfor_file { dir name } {
proc load_lib { file } {
proc get_local_hostname { } {
proc setup_target_hook { whole_name name } {
proc cleanup_target_hook { name } {
proc setup_host_hook { name } {
proc setup_build_hook { name } {
proc load_tool_init { file } {
proc load_generic_config { name } {
proc load_config { args } {
proc load_tool_target_config { name } {
proc load_board_description { board_name args } {
proc load_base_board_description { board_name } {
proc runtest { test_file_name } {
proc process_target_variants { target_list } {
proc iterate_target_variants { target variants } {
proc iterate_target_variants_two { orig_target target variants } {
modena@makoto 14:13:36/140502(..binutils-2.24/gas)% 
modena@makoto 14:16:25/140502(..share/dejagnu)% cat -n runtest.exp| sed -n 1590,1625p
  1590  #
  1591  # main test execution loop
  1592  #
  1594  if {[info exists errorInfo]} {
  1595      unset errorInfo
  1596  }
  1597  # make sure we have only single path delimiters
  1598  regsub -all "\(\[^/\]\)//*" $srcdir "\\1/" srcdir
  1600  if {![info exists target_list]} {
  1601      # Make sure there is at least one target machine. It's probably a Unix box,
  1602      # but that's just a guess.
  1603      set target_list { "unix" }
  1604  } else {
  1605      verbose "target list is $target_list"
  1606  }
  1608  #
  1609  # Iterate through the list of targets.
  1610  #
  1611  global current_target
  1613  set target_list [process_target_variants $target_list]
  1615  set target_count [llength $target_list]
  1617  clone_output "Schedule of variations:"
  1618  foreach current_target $target_list {
  1619      clone_output "    $current_target"
  1620  }
  1621  clone_output ""
  1624  foreach current_target $target_list {
  1625      verbose "target is $current_target"


runtest.exp の中に
  68:set configfile  site.exp     ;# (local to this file)
635:    load_file $objdir/$configfile
という行があるので、 site.exp に何か書いておくと読んでくれる (その他に読むのは何かと調べると)
modena@makoto 15:21:52/140502(..my_directory/testsuite)% \
grep -n "^\ *load_file" /usr/pkg/share/dejagnu/runtest.exp
624:load_file ~/.dejagnurc $base_dir/$configfile
635:    load_file $objdir/$configfile


runtest に --strace N (N は数字)を付けると N 段階までの情報を表示する

#2 (dejagnu) Reading info

改めて info の中の dejagnu を読んでいる訳だが、
3.2.1 A simple project without the GNU autotools
  • automake を使えば site.exp を作ってくれる (make site.exp と入力)
  • その中身は、次のようになるはずだ、とある。
         set tool calc
         set srcdir .
         set objdir /home/dgt/dejagnu.test

"Hello world" locally:

3.3.4 Testing "Hello world" locally

2014年04月28日(月) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/29 00:31:34"]

#1 [NetBSD] NetBSD-6.1.4-amd64-install.img

modena@makoto 14:03:14/140428(~)% \
time sudo dd if=/export/NetBSD-6.1.4-amd64-install.img of=/dev/rsd0d bs=64m
8+1 records in
8+1 records out
576716800 bytes transferred in 146.675 secs (3931936 bytes/sec)
0.00s 1.29s 2:26.75 0% 0+0k 0+1io 6pf+0w
This USB memory does not boot (saying missing OS)
modena@makoto 14:29:34/140428(~)% \
time sudo dd if=/export/NetBSD-6.1.4-amd64-install.img of=/dev/rsd0d bs=4k 
140800+0 records in
140800+0 records out
576716800 bytes transferred in 427.095 secs (1350324 bytes/sec)
0.13s 2.90s 7:07.13 0% 0+0k 0+1io 0pf+0w
This one boots. bs=64m should NOT be used.

#2 [Security] MaxLogins

を見て、 MaxLogins を知るなど。

#3 [Hardware] copying 250GB to next drive

I had a experience to copy 250GB disk on the same machine.
It took 9836.292 secs at that time. (DL320/G3).
Today, I did the same thing on HP Proliant Microserver (Old model). It took 8356 secs.
ttyp4:makoto@catania 23:48:34/140428(~)> dmesg | grep ^wd
wd0 at atabus0 drive 0ahcisata0 port 2: device present, speed: 3.0Gb/s
wd0: quirks 2<FORCE_LBA48>
wd0: drive supports 16-sector PIO transfers, LBA48 addressing
wd0: 232 GB, 484518 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 488395055 sectors
wd0: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133)
wd0(ahcisata0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133) (using DMA)

wd1 at atabus2 drive 0: <Hitachi HDT725025VLA380>
wd1: drive supports 16-sector PIO transfers, LBA48 addressing
wd1: 232 GB, 484521 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 488397168 sectors
wd1: drive supports PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133)
wd1(ahcisata0:2:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2, Ultra-DMA mode 6 (Ultra/133) (using DMA)
dd if=/dev/rwd0d of=/dev/rwd1d bs=64m
3506+0 records in
3506+0 records out
235283677184 bytes transferred in 7635.024 secs (30816363 bytes/sec)
dd: /dev/rwd0d: Input/output error
3726+0 records in
3726+0 records out
250047627264 bytes transferred in 8356.836 secs (29921327 bytes/sec)
Trying to boot copied disk. Getting fsck. Too silly to do this. And the OS is too old.

2014年04月27日() 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/28 23:56:05"]

#1 [Xen] Xen server replaced

HP DL320/G3 Pentium 4GB/250GB
に入っていた 7 つの DOMU (NetBSD/i386 5.2) を
HP Proliant MicroServer 8GB/500GB
に写した。購入時構成に NIC (re0) と 4GB メモリを追加してある。
  • 何故か起動の記録が表示されない
    installboot 的には Bios (PC) になっている。/boot.cfg にも console=pc と書いて見た
  • 何故かキーボード入力が出来なくなる

2014年04月18日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/20 01:13:58"]

#1 [NetBSD] File Server replaced

2014/03/31、 HP MicroServer に (NetBSD/amd64 6.1.3) Software RAID サーバを新たに設置した
2014/04/01 から rsync を始め、 96 hrs で 1.4TB ほどを一応完了。 それから何回か rsync をして様子を見ていた
rsync の更新 5 hrs
Mail だけの更新 35 mins
2014/04/18 今までの ML110/G2 (Hardware RAID) を入替。
実メモリが 1GB から 4GB に増えたのが原因か、少し速い気がする。

2014年04月16日(水) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/16 07:37:56"]

#1 [] 久ぶりの current

  719  2014-04-15 22:52  time cvs -Q -d co src
  720  2014-04-15 23:35  cd src/
  722  2014-04-15 23:35  mkdir ../log
  723  2014-04-15 23:35  sudo ./ -j 3 release |& tee ../log/release

make release started at:  Tue Apr 15 23:35:53 JST 2014
make release finished at: Wed Apr 16 02:22:05 JST 2014
===> Successful make release
===> ended:      Wed Apr 16 02:22:05 JST 2014
===> Summary of results: command:    ./ -j 3 release started:    Tue Apr 15 23:35:43 JST 2014
         NetBSD version:      6.99.40
         MACHINE:             amd64
         MACHINE_ARCH:        x86_64
         Build platform:      NetBSD 6.1.2 amd64
         HOST_SH:             /bin/sh
         No $TOOLDIR/bin/nbmake, needs building.
         Bootstrapping nbmake
         MAKECONF file:       /etc/mk.conf
         TOOLDIR path:        /export/iso/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-6.1.2-amd64
         DESTDIR path:        /export/iso/src/obj/destdir.amd64
         RELEASEDIR path:     /export/iso/src/obj/releasedir
         Created /export/iso/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-6.1.2-amd64/bin/nbmake
         Updated makewrapper: /export/iso/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-6.1.2-amd64/bin/nbmake-amd64
         Successful make release ended:      Wed Apr 16 02:22:05 JST 2014
===> .
13832.51s 3942.80s 2:46:23.80 178% 0+0k 6696+35757io 64198pf+0w
0.80s 28.09s 2:46:23.80 0% 0+0k 4+2655io 0pf+0w
modena@makoto 02:22:05/140416(..iso/src)% 
modena@makoto 07:32:25/140416(..iso/src)% sudo find . -name pxeboot_ia32.bin

2014年04月15日(火) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/17 08:22:06"]

#1 [PC] PCI and PCI-X

(今となっては古い) PCI slot に
PCI(32bit) と PCI-X(64bit)、
3.3V と 5.0V
の四種類があることを忘れていた。左の図は WikiPedia にあった画像だが、 元(出典)はどこなのかがまだ分らない。
つっこみをいただきましたが、 PCI-X とは bit 方向の拡張 (32 -> 64bit) ではなくて、 速度の方 の拡張なのですね。
で、(多分)物理的には、同じ slot を使う、ということかな。

Comments related this article

Re: PCI and PCI-X by     2014/04/14 20:15

2014年04月14日(月) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/15 06:43:10"]

#1 [無線] JIDX CW 2014 (7MHz Single)

QSO Pts  DXC  Zn   Score

306   306   56  24   24,480  (2014)
458   455   58  25   37,765  (2013)

2013 の結果など:

去年の結果 (の一部)
*JA7MSQ       7      485   482   60   26    41452
*JA1XMS       7      458   455   58   25    37765
 JA7BME       7      274   271   47   22    18699
去年 の時刻/Zone 内訳
modena@makoto 23:35:24/140414(..ham-radio/contest)% \
perl ~/perl/ham-radio/cabrillo2-time-table  -a ./2013/2013-jidx-cw.LOG                    

(  7) 13                   |                   | 14         
       8  9 10 11 12 13 14 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 |  9 10 11 12 TOT
     --------------------- |------------------ |------------    
   01     1              1 |                   |               2
   03 10  5  7  4  4  8  2 |                   |  2  5  1  5  53
   04  4  7 13  8  6  3  1 |                   |  1  3  3  2  51
   05  3  4  9  5          |                   |  3  4        28
   06              1       |                   |               1
   07                      |                   |  1            1
   08  1  1  1             |                   |        1      4
   10                      |                   |     1         1
   11  1  2                |                   |               3
   13  2     1             |                   |     1         4
   14                      |  2 16 19 14  7  2 |              60
   15                      | 20 27 28 28  2  4 |             109
   16              1  2  3 | 28 17  7  9  3  1 |              71
   17              1       |  3  2  1          |               7
   18        1     2  2  1 |     1             |     1         8
   19  3  2  2  1  6  1    |                   |     1        16
   20                      |  4  2  5  4       |              15
   24        1  1  2  3    |  2  2     1       |           1  13
   25                    1 |                   |               1
   26                 1    |           1       |               2
   27              1  1    |                   |               2
   28           2     3    |                   |           2   7
   29                    1 |                   |               1
   30     2  1             |                   |               3
   32  1                   |        1          |     1  1      4
   40                      |                   |     1         1
  sub 25 24 36 21 24 24 10 | 59 67 61 57 12  7 |  7 18  6 10 468

                           |                   |            
 accm  0  0  0  1  1  1  1 |  2  2  3  4  4  4 |  4  4  4  4
       2  4  8  0  3  5  6 |  2  9  5  0  2  2 |  3  5  5  6
       5  9  5  6  0  4  4 |  3  0  1  8  0  7 |  4  2  8  8

2014 の時刻/Zone 内訳:

modena@makoto 23:35:28/140414(..ham-radio/contest)% perl \
~/perl/ham-radio/cabrillo2-time-table  -a jidx/2014-jidx-cw.log   

(  7) 12                         |          | 13      
       8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | 18 19 20 |  9 10 11 TOT
     --------------------------- |--------- |---------    
   03  2  6  6  1  3  6     3  1 |          |  2  1     31
   04  2  3  3  2  2     1       |          |  1  6  2  22
   05     4  4  2  1             |          |     6  4  21
   07  1  2                      |          |            3
   08           1                |          |     1      2
   09  1                         |          |            1
   11     1                      |          |            1
   13           1                |          |        2   3
   14                            |  6 12  4 |           22
   15                       7  5 | 24 25 21 |           82
   16                 1    21 11 | 19  7  4 |           63
   17                 1     2    |  1  1    |            5
   18              1  3     2    |          |            6
   19  1  3  3  1  1  1          |          |           10
   20                       2  1 |  5  3    |           11
   23     1        1             |          |            2
   24     1  2  2  1  2          |          |     1      9
   25  1           1             |          |            2
   26              1        1    |          |        2   4
   27              1             |          |            1
   28        1  2     1          |          |            4
   29                            |          |     1      1
   31  1                    1    |          |            2
   32     1                      |          |  1     1   3
   40                            |     1    |            1
  sub  9 22 19 12 13 15  1 39 18 | 55 49 29 |  4 16 11 312

                                 |          |         
 accm  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1 |  2  2  2 |  2  3  3
       0  3  5  6  7  9  9  3  4 |  0  5  8 |  8  0  1
       9  1  0  2  5  0  1  0  8 |  3  2  1 |  5  1  2
23:00 (1400 UTC) に食事休憩。01:30 (1630 UTC) にどうしようもなく 眠くなって、風呂に入る g(多分風呂で寝ていたと思う)。 そうしたら少し元気になって 03:20 (1820 UTC) から再開。

2014年04月06日() 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/07 14:11:35"]

#1 [NetBSD] RAID5 File server

数日前 から HP MicroServer に File サーバを用意している
容量は 1.4TB で、ちょうど丸四日 96 時間かかって rsync -aH で全てを写した (その間にも変化しているからまた何度か rsync -aH する予定にしている)。
  • Memory Disk (tmpfs)
  • Non RAID disk (起動用に用意した区画)
  • RAID5 disk
の三通り。anoncvs jp netbsd org から pkgsrc を checkout する時間を測った (相手もあることだし、本来は何回か測って平均を取るべきだけれど、以下は一回のみ)。
ms02@makoto 11:38:32/140406(/tmp)% time cvs -Q \
-d co pkgsrc
  9.79s 23.54s 4:54.21 11% 0+0k 3+0io 33pf+0w

ms02@makoto 17:45:22/140406(/wd1a)% time cvs -Q \
-d co pkgsrc
  21.97s 112.12s 13:14.71 16% 0+0k 10921+1993887io 0pf+0w

ms02@makoto 11:47:59/140406(/export)% time cvs -Q \
-d co pkgsrc
  9.75s 39.23s 21:41.76 3% 0+0k 14919+92990io 0pf+0w
そうしたら、上のように「これでは使いものにならないな」 というような数字になってしまった
Write tomin:sec
Memory Disk (tmpfs)4:54
Non RAID disk13:14
RAID5 disk21:42
write cache は有効にしてあります。raid.conf の
START layout
# sectPerSU SUsPerParityUnit SUsPerReconUnit RAID_level_1
128 1 1 5
この 128 を 64 にするのはどうか、と考えているところです。
ms02@makoto 21:28:08/140406(/var/tmp)% time cvs -Q \
-d co pkgsrc
9.93s 35.33s 19:44.88 3% 0+0k 14925+100018io 0pf+0w
実は raid0 と raid1 の二つの raid 構成があって、前者は 32 1 1 5 になっているので、上のように試したところ、「少しは速いが、大きくは改善されない」 という数字になりました。

今の File server では:

ところが、今使っている Pentium + Adaptec 2610SA Hardware RAID5 では:
ml110@makoto 21:47:47/140406(/export)% time cvs -Q \
-d co pkgsrc
12.82s 55.04s 37:58.95 2% 0+0k 42207+93732io 22pf+0w

別の ML-115 Software RAID5 で:

kuro@makoto 09:30:48/140407(/export)% time cvs -Q \
-d co pkgsrc
8.04s 32.49s 29:07.75 2% 0+0k 1837+99564io 26pf+0w
本当なら pkgsrc.tar.bz2 を開けるのが良い
non-RAID volume
kuro@makoto 10:38:51/140407(/export)% time tar zxf pkgsrc.tar.bz2
13.54s 13.62s 3:56.22 11% 0+0k 1348+51525io 15pf+0w
on RAIL5 Volume
ms02@makoto 10:53:25/140407(/export)% time tar zxf pkgsrc.tar.bz2
14.28s 15.26s 6:29.37 7% 0+0k 36+39740io 23pf+0w
(上記は別に、大きな rsync が走っている)
non-RAID volume
ms02@makoto 11:29:58/140407(/wd1a)% time tar zxf /export/pkgsrc.tar.bz2
17.89s 42.41s 3:17.29 30% 0+0k 7+809372io 0pf+0w


bonnie++ でも使う方が良いのかも知れないが、数字を見ても実感出来ない。 cvs co pkgsrc の方が、いつも使っているので、(僕には) 分り易い。

2014年04月04日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/04 12:16:17"]

#1 [pkgsrc] pkgin install cacti

modena@makoto 08:50:33/140404(/export)% sudo pkgin install cacti
calculating dependencies... done.

nothing to upgrade.
5 packages to be installed: 
cacti-0.8.8b (14M to download, 49M to install)

proceed ? [Y/n] 
downloading packages...
mysql-client-5.5.35.tgz         100%   11MB 303.7KB/s 288.1KB/s   00:38    
php54-sockets-5.4.23.tgz        100%   24KB  24.1KB/s  24.1KB/s   00:01    
php54-snmp-5.4.23.tgz           100%   24KB  24.0KB/s  24.0KB/s   00:01    
php54-mysql-5.4.23.tgz          100%   23KB  23.3KB/s  23.3KB/s   00:01    
cacti-0.8.8b.tgz                100% 2215KB 369.1KB/s 100.8KB/s   00:06    
installing packages...
installing mysql-client-5.5.35...
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 2011/04/25 21:12:53 adam Exp $

To use the ``mysqlhotcopy'' script, you'll have to install the following


installing php54-sockets-5.4.23...
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.2 2004/11/05 21:50:11 jdolecek Exp $

To enable this module, add the following to /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini:

and make sure extension_dir points to the dir where is.

Then restart your PHP5.4-enabled HTTP server to load this module.
installing php54-snmp-5.4.23...
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.2 2004/11/05 21:50:11 jdolecek Exp $

To enable this module, add the following to /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini:

and make sure extension_dir points to the dir where is.

Then restart your PHP5.4-enabled HTTP server to load this module.
installing php54-mysql-5.4.23...
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.2 2004/11/05 21:50:11 jdolecek Exp $

To enable this module, add the following to /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini:

and make sure extension_dir points to the dir where is.

Then restart your PHP5.4-enabled HTTP server to load this module.
installing cacti-0.8.8b...
cacti-0.8.8b: Creating group ``cacti''
cacti-0.8.8b: Creating user ``cacti''
cacti-0.8.8b: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/cacti/httpd-cacti.conf 
                   to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-cacti.conf
cacti-0.8.8b: setting permissions on /usr/pkg/share/cacti/log/cacti.log 
                   (o=cacti, g=cacti, m=755)
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 2011/11/22 22:23:13 tez Exp $

cacti is now installed.

To get cacti up and running asap, you have to complete these steps:

- Install & Configure mysql-server

- Add a cacti database and cactiuser user to mysql

        mysql> CREATE DATABASE cacti;
        mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cacti.* TO 'cactiuser'@'localhost'
            -> IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';

- Add the cacti database layout (/usr/pkg/share/cacti/cacti.sql) to mysql

        shell> mysql [-p] cacti < /usr/pkg/share/cacti/cacti.sql

- Add a symlink from /usr/pkg/share/cacti/scripts/ to the appropriate
  * script (or create one if none for your OS exists)

        shell> ln -s /usr/pkg/share/cacti/scripts/ \

- Install & Configure an apache webserver

- If you have not already done so, add these lines to enable php extensions
  required by cacti in /usr/pkg/etc/etc/php.ini

- Append this to apache's httpd.conf and restart apache

        Include etc/httpd/httpd-cacti.conf

- Add the following lines to cacti's crontab

# Invoke poller.php to collect snmp-statistics
*/5 * * * * /usr/pkg/bin/php /usr/pkg/share/cacti/poller.php > \
/usr/pkg/share/cacti/log/poller.log 2>&1

Please read the included README (/usr/pkg/share/cacti/docs/README) file,
for more information about configuring and starting cacti.

pkg_install warnings: 6, errors: 0
pkg_install error log can be found in /var/db/pkgin/pkg_install-err.log
reading local summary...
processing local summary...
updating database: 100%
marking cacti-0.8.8b as non auto-removable
modena@makoto 08:52:15/140404(/export)% 

#2 [NetBSD] git clone NetBSD src

Good practice or trial to go further for #NetBSD VCS. Repository conversions:
modena@makoto 08:47:47/140404(..git-work/netbsd)%  \
time git clone
Cloning into 'src'...
remote: Reusing existing pack: 3302183, done.
remote: Total 3302183 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (3302183/3302183), 1.00 GiB | 170.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2653984/2653984), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (159842/159842), done.
317.22s 164.27s 2:00:25.94 6% 0+0k 1752+21426io 17921pf+0w

2014年04月03日(木) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/04/03 20:03:15"]

#1 [pkgsrc] net/cacti

mrtg の表示が port 別にならないかな、と思って cacti を見つけた。
ちょっと見たところ pkgsrc はなさそうだったので、 wip で途中まで作った
でも良く見たら、実は net/cacti があった。ところが、次のようになる。
(多分 DEPENDS+= で mysql を加えたのだったと思う)
checking if /usr/bin/awk is broken... no
checking for MySQL support... yes, shared
checking for specified location of the MySQL UNIX socket... no
checking for the location of libz... no
configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr/pkg.
Note that the MySQL client library is not bundled anymore!
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/databases/php-mysql
*** Error code 1

comparison on ./buildsh tools
py-setuptools (python 3.11.9)
make release took 1 hours and 10 min
qemu invocation for 10.99.10
Windows 10 version
serial connection
bc bench
Trial on 10.99.10
another version (later trial) to succeed
以上、10 日分です。
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