hns - 日記自動生成システム - Version 2.19.9

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2003年11月12日(水) 旧暦 [n年日記]

#1 [X11] XFree86 4.3.99 + Siliconmotion

#2 [TeX] ja-ptex を入れて見る(lets)

ttyp5:makoto@lets 6:30:01/031112(...print/ja-ptex)> make install
===> *** No /export/pkgsrc/distfiles/pkg-vulnerabilities file found,
===> *** skipping vulnerability checks. To fix, install
===> *** the pkgsrc/security/audit-packages package and run
===> *** '/usr/pkg/sbin/download-vulnerability-list'.
===> Installing for ja-ptex-1.0
===> Becoming root@lets to install ja-ptex.
/usr/bin/su Password:
awk: cmd. line:1: warning: escape sequence `\/' treated as plain `/'
===> Registering installation for ja-ptex-1.0
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package adobe-cmaps-20030126
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package dialog-0.6znb2
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package dvipdfmx-
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package freetype-lib-1.3.1nb1
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package ghostscript-fonts-6.0
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package ghostscript-gnu-7.05nb1
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package ja-jsclasses-030624
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package ja-ptex-bin-3.1.2nb1
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package ja-ptex-share-2.1
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package ja-vflib-lib-2.24.2
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package ja-vfxdvik-22.40v.j1.14nb2
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package libwww-5.4.0
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package perl-5.6.1nb9
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package png-1.2.5nb2
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package t1lib-1.3.1
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package teTeX2-2.0.2
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package teTeX2-bin-2.0.2nb4
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package teTeX2-share-2.0.2nb1
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package teTeX2-sharesrc-2.0.2
ja-ptex-1.0 requires installed package texi2html-1.64nb1
ttyp5:makoto@lets 6:57:24/031112(...print/ja-ptex)>
adobe-cmaps-20030126 の時は
83 5:21 make NO_CHECKSUM=yes


ttyp2:makoto@lets 7:38:32/031112(~...hoge/work)> vfxdvi hoge.dvi
Unexpected error in "read_ZEIT_char()" vfontcap の問題か、それとも最近の TTfont の著作権の問題か ?
同じような構成の別の機械と比べても vfontcap は良く似ている。 もしかしたら、全く同じ。ktrace でも vfontcap を読みにいっている 形跡なし。 # apt-get install asiya24-vfont watanabe-vfont で直る
という人もいる ? そう言えば、動く方では xfs も動かしていた。動かない方でも動いている.....。

kicad oddity
comparison on ./buildsh tools
py-setuptools (python 3.11.9)
make release took 1 hours and 10 min
qemu invocation for 10.99.10
Windows 10 version
serial connection
bc bench
Trial on 10.99.10
another version (later trial) to succeed
以上、1 日分です。
Powered by hns-2.19.9, HyperNikkiSystem Project

Count.cgi (since 2000/02/05)