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2010年07月05日(月) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2010/07/06 10:29:39"]

#1 [機械] Let's Note R4 NetBSD/i386 5.1_RC3 pkgsrc

その後、次のようなものを足している (pkg_info -u) の表示の最後の方。
firefox-3.6.4       Web browser with support for extensions
idutils-4.2nb1      Classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
flim-1.14.9nb1      Emacs lisp library for message representation/encoding
semi-1.14.6nb6      Emacs lisp library to provide MIME feature
emacs-24.0.50nb20100702 GNU editing macros (editor)
ja-ptex-1.0nb3      Meta-package for pTeX et al, supports Japanese language
openoffice3-3.1.1nb6 Integrated office productivity suite (version 3)
ls -tl /var/db/pkg を見ると、次のようになっている
 Jul  6 08:19 openoffice3-3.1.1nb6
 Jul  5 17:34 libgcrypt-1.4.5
 Jul  5 17:33 libgpg-error-1.8
 Jul  5 15:54 gperf-3.0.4
 Jul  5 15:53 p5-IO-Compress-2.024
 Jul  5 15:53 p5-Archive-Zip-1.30
 Jul  5 15:53 p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.026
 Jul  5 15:53 p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024
 Jul  5 13:27 dvipdfmx-20090708nb2
(と思ったが、上のは make package-install をした時で、 make package では
 ls -lt /export/pkgsrc/packages/All
 138207523 Jul  6 02:42 openoffice3-3.1.1nb6.tgz
  • OpenOffice を作る準備に 1:40
     Jul  5 17:34 libgcrypt-1.4.5
     Jul  5 15:53 p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024
  • OpenOffice を作るのに
     138207523 Jul  6 02:42 openoffice3-3.1.1nb6.tgz
         60548 Jul  5 14:53 p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.024.tgz
    13 時間くらいかかっている。

dvipdfmx で ** ERROR ** Could not find encoding file "H".:

と言われたので、 6/10 の日記 を見て、次のようにした。
sudo ln -s  /usr/pkg/share/ghostscript/8.71/Resource /usr/pkg/share/texmf/fonts/cmap/dvipdfmx
modena@makoto 23:48:21/100610(..hoge/work)% sudo mktexlsr

vfxdvi で Could not find config file xdvi.cfg:

Xdvi Error:
Could not find config file xdvi.cfg in path "/usr/pkg/share/texmf/xdvi:/usr/pkg/share/texmf-local/web2c:/usr/pkg/share/texmf/web2c" - disabling T1lib.
Direct Type 1 (PostScript) font rendering has been disabled. You should try to fix this error, since direct Type 1 font rendering gives you a lot of benefits, such as:
  • quicker startup time, since no bitmap fonts need to be generated;
  • saving disk space for storing the bitmap fonts.
To fix this error, check that xdvi.cfg is located somewhere in your XDVIINPUTS path. Have a look at the xdvi wrapper shell script (type "which xdvi" to locate that shell script) for the current setting of XDVIINPUTS.
vfxdvi.bin: page description doesn't begin with BOP
Google said:
For the case with fink, should do following
fink reinstall tetex-base
Xdvi Error:
Could not find dvips map - disabling T1lib.
Direct Type 1 (PostScript) font rendering has been disabled. You should try to fix this error, since direct Type 1 font rendering gives you a lot of benefits, such as:
  • quicker startup time, since no bitmap fonts need to be generated;
  • saving disk space for storing the bitmap fonts.
To fix this error, check that the dvips map file is located somewhere in your XDVIINPUTS path. Have a look at the xdvi wrapper shell script (type "which xdvi" to locate that shell script) for the current setting of XDVIINPUTS.

kicad oddity
comparison on ./buildsh tools
py-setuptools (python 3.11.9)
make release took 1 hours and 10 min
qemu invocation for 10.99.10
Windows 10 version
serial connection
bc bench
Trial on 10.99.10
another version (later trial) to succeed
以上、1 日分です。
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