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Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索
詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい

2003年12月13日() 旧暦 [n年日記]

#1 [] 自分で作った Repository から co して

400MHz の PPC 7450 より
ttyp8:root@serv 17:47:44/031212(/export/20031206)# time ./ -D $DESTDIR -R $RELEASEDIR release > & log-1
16037.775u 4543.135s 5:44:33.78 99.5% 0+0k 17445+436749io 24689pf+133w
ttyp8:root@serv 23:32:50/031212(/export/20031206)#
700MHz の i 社の方が少し速かった気がする。
install ===> sys/arch/macppc/stand/ustarboot
# install /export/d/usr/share/mk/bsd.README
STRIP=/export/20031206/tooldir.NetBSD-1.6T-powerpc/bin/powerpc--netbsd-strip /export/20031206/tooldir.NetBSD-1.6T-powerpc/bin/nbinstall -N /export/20031206/etc -c -r -o root -g wheel -m 444 bsd.README /export/d/usr/share/mk/bsd.README
nbinstall: bsd.README: stat: No such file or directory

*** Failed target: /export/d/usr/share/mk/bsd.README

#2 [Emacs][Emcws] ワイドキャラクタのAPI 変更

#3 [CVS] ちょっと練習

   104  12:32   mkdir emcws-track
   105  12:32   cd emcws-track
   106  12:33   mkdir src
   107  12:33   mkdir repository
   108  12:33   mkdir checkout
ttypb:makoto@harry  12:42:44/031213(/export/emcws-track)> ls -l
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  3 makoto  wheel  512 Dec 13 12:39 checkout/
drwxr-xr-x  4 makoto  wheel  512 Dec 13 12:37 repository/
drwxr-xr-x  3 makoto  wheel  512 Dec 13 12:33 src/
drwxr-xr-x  3 makoto  wheel  512 Dec 13 12:42 work/
ttypb:makoto@harry  12:42:45/031213(/export/emcws-track)> 
   109  12:33   cd src
   110  12:33   tar zxf /e/u/j/distfiles/emacs-21.3.tar.gz
   111  12:33   tar zxf /e/u/j/distfiles/leim-21.3.tar.gz
   112  12:34   cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository init
   114  12:34   cd emacs-21.3/
   118  12:37   cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository import -ko -m 'FSF import' -W "*.elc -k 'b'" emcws FSF m_21_3
   120  12:39   cd ..
   121  12:39   cd ..
   123  12:39   cd checkout/
   124  12:39   cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository co emcws
   126  12:39   cd emcws/
   129  12:40   zcat /e/u/j/ftp/pub/emcws/emcws-21.3-20030507.gz | patch -p1 -s
   130  12:41   cvs commit -m 'emcws-21.3-20030507'
   131  12:41   cd ../..
   133  12:41   mkdir work
   134  12:41   cd work
   135  12:42   cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository co emcws
./configure \
--with-wnn-includes=/usr/pkg/include/wnn \
--with-wnn-libraries=/usr/pkg/lib \
--with-canna \
--with-canna-includes=/usr/pkg/canna/include \
--with-canna-libraries=/usr/pkg/lib \
--with-sj3 \
--x-libraries=/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib \
make bootstrap
gcc -c -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/local/lib -Demacs -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DUSE_LUCID -I. -I/export/emcws-track/work/emcws/src -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/pkg/lib -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/pkg/canna/include -g -O2 -DPURESIZE=5000000 -I../src fontset.c
make: don't know how to make canna.o. Stop

make: stopped in /export/emcws-track/work/emcws/src
*** Error code 2

cvs add が抜けている。やり直し。:

やり直し summary 全文
177  12:56   mkdir emcws-track
178  12:57   cd emcws-track/
179  12:57   mkdir src repository checkout work
180  12:57   cd src
181  12:57   tar zxf /e/u/j/distfiles/emacs-21.3.tar.gz
182  12:57   tar zxf /e/u/j/distfiles/leim-21.3.tar.gz
183  12:57   cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository init
184  12:57   cd emacs-21.3/
185  12:57   cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository import -ko -m 'FSF import' -W "*.elc -k 'b'" emcws FSF m_21_3
186  12:58   cd ../../checkout/
187  12:58   cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository co emcws
188  12:58   cd emcws
189  12:59   zcat /e/u/j/ftp/pub/emcws/emcws-21.3-20030507.gz | patch -p1 -s
190  12:59   cvs -n update > /tmp/list
192  12:59   less /tmp/list
201  13:01   cvs -n update | awk ' /^\?/ { print "cvs add",$2}' > ! /tmp/
203  13:01   sh /tmp/
204  13:02   cvs commit -m 'emcws-21.3-20030507'
205  13:02   cd ../../work
206  13:02   cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository co emcws
209  13:02   cd emcws/
210  13:02   ./configure \
    --with-wnn-includes=/usr/pkg/include/wnn \
    --with-wnn-libraries=/usr/pkg/lib \
    --with-canna \
    --with-canna-includes=/usr/pkg/canna/incude \
    --with-canna-libraries=/usr/pkg/lib \
    --with-sj3 \
    --x-libraries=/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib \
211  13:03   make bootstrap
212  13:28   find . -name its/hira
214  13:28   cd ../../checkout/emcws
221  13:29   cvs add lisp/its/hira.el
222  13:29   cvs commit -m 'adding hira'
223  13:29   cd ../../work/emcws
227  13:29   cvs update -dP lisp/its
228  13:29   make bootstrap
229  13:33   cd ../../emcws-track/checkout/emcws/lisp/its
233  13:33   cvs -n update
234  13:34   cvs add *.el
236  13:34   cvs commit -m newly-addition
237  13:34   cd ../../../../work/emcws/lisp/its/
241  13:34   cvs update
245  13:34   cd ../../
247  13:34   make
何とはなく動く感じ。 cvs diff -u -r FSF > ! /tmp/diff
cvs diff: tag FSF is not in file src/canna.c
cvs diff: tag FSF is not in file src/wnnfns.c
となってしまう。 cvs diff -u -N -r m_21_3 > ! /tmp/diff こうすると、それらしくなるが、ちょっとまだ変。
Index: lisp/egg-keymap.el
 RCS file: egg-keymap.el
diff -N egg-keymap.el
--- /dev/null   Sat Dec 13 13:50:11 2003
+++ /tmp/cvs00009114al  Sat Dec 13 14:08:28 2003
ttypb:makoto@harry  14:14:55/031213(...src-2/emacs-21.3)> patch -s -p0 < /tmp/diff
usage: mkdir [-p] [-m mode] dirname ...
ttypb:makoto@harry  14:17:18/031213(...src-2/emacs-21.3)> patch --version
Patch version 2.0, patch level 12u8
これって古い ? gpatch という名前で入っているのを知らなかった。
やはり /tmp/cvs00009114al のようなものが出来てしまう。
while (<>) {
	if    (/^Index: (.*)/) {
	$filename = $1;}
	elsif ( /^\+\+\+ (.*)\s+[MTWTFSS][ouehra][neduitn] [A-Z][a-z][a-z]\s+\d/) {
	print }


cvs-1.11 (NetBSD に入っているもの)を cvs-1.11.6 (pkgsrc/devel/cvs) にしたら上の問題は解決した。

cvs export:

気のせいだが cvs export を知らなかった気がする。

21.3.50 を取出して見る:

(...emcws-track/21.3.50)> setenv CVS_RSH ssh
(...emcws-track/21.3.50)> cvs co emacs
cvs server: Updating emacs
 U emacs/.cvsignore
 U emacs/AUTHORS


ttypa:makoto@harry 18:35:50/031213(...checkout/emcws)> cvs -d `cat CVS/Root` rtag -r FSF -b FSF_cvs emcws
cvs rtag: Tagging emcws


cvs -d `cat ../../checkout/emcws/CVS/Root` import emcws FSF m_20031213
13 conflicts created by this import.
Use the following command to help the merge:

cvs -d /export/emcws-track/repository checkout -jFSF:yesterday -jFSF emcws
-ko -m 'FSF import' -W "*.elc -k 'b'" 

今更 advent calendar
sh: 1: not found
sh: 1: not found
以上、1 日分です。
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