Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
2013年07月31日(水) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/31 08:31:30"]#1 [Emacs] 2013-07-28 versionmodena@makoto 08:25:28/130731(..wip/emacs-current)% gdb work/emacs/src/emacs GNU gdb (GDB) 7.3.1 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64--netbsd". For bug reporting instructions, please see: <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>... Reading symbols from /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/emacs-current/work/emacs/src/emacs...(no debugging symbols found)...done. (gdb) run Starting program: /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/emacs-current/work/emacs/src/emacs Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] 0x00000000005a12db in resize_bloc () (gdb) bt #0 0x00000000005a12db in resize_bloc () #1 0x00000000005a1752 in r_re_alloc () #2 0x00000000004e898f in enlarge_buffer_text () #3 0x00000000004eb506 in make_gap () #4 0x00000000004ecc4d in insert_1_both () #5 0x000000000043103e in message_dolog () #6 0x00000000004430a8 in message3 () #7 0x000000000052c919 in Fmessage () #8 0x0000000000533303 in Ffuncall () #9 0x0000000000564fd8 in exec_byte_code () #10 0x0000000000532eb5 in funcall_lambda () #11 0x0000000000533227 in Ffuncall () ( つっこみ )
2013年07月28日(日) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/28 17:27:11"]#1 disk > 2T# gpt show sd0 start size index contents 0 5860378032 # stty erase ^H # gpt create sd0 # gpt destroy sd0 # gpt show sd0 start size index contents 0 1 PMBR 1 5860378031 # gpt create sd0 # gpt add -s 2097152 sd0 Partition added, use: dkctl sd0 addwedge <wedgename> 34 2097152 <type> to create a wedge for it # gpt add -s 8388608 sd0 Partition added, use: dkctl sd0 addwedge <wedgename> 2097186 8388608 <type> to create a wedge for it # gpt add -s 20971520 sd0 Partition added, use: dkctl sd0 addwedge <wedgename> 10485794 20971520 <type> to create a wedge for it # gpt add -s 62914560 sd0 Partition added, use: dkctl sd0 addwedge <wedgename> 31457314 62914560 <type> to create a wedge for it # gpt add sd0 Partition added, use: dkctl sd0 addwedge <wedgename> 94371874 5766006125 <type> to create a wedge for it # dkctl sd0 addwedge dk0 34 2097152 ffs dkctl: /dev/rsd0d: addwedge: Invalid argument # dkctl sd0 delwedge dk0 dk0 at sd0 (root) deleted # # gpt show sd0 start size index contents 0 1 PMBR 1 1 Pri GPT header 2 32 Pri GPT table 34 2097152 1 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 2097186 8388608 2 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 10485794 20971520 3 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 31457314 62914560 4 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 94371874 5766006125 5 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 5860377999 32 Sec GPT table 5860378031 1 Sec GPT header # dkctl sd0 addwedge dk0 34 2097152 ffs dkctl: /dev/rsd0d: addwedge: Invalid argument # gpt show sd0 start size index contents 0 1 PMBR 1 1 Pri GPT header 2 32 Pri GPT table 34 2097152 1 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 2097186 8388608 2 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 10485794 20971520 3 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 31457314 62914560 4 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 94371874 5766006125 5 GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2 5860377999 32 Sec GPT table 5860378031 1 Sec GPT header # dkctl sd0 addwedge root 34 2097152 usage: dkctl device dkctl device command [arg [...]] Available commands: getcache setcache none | r | w | rw [save] synccache [force] keeplabel yes | no badsector flush | list | retry addwedge name startblk blkcnt ptype delwedge dk getwedgeinfo listwedges strategy [name] # dkctl sd0 addwedge root 34 2097152 ffs dkctl: /dev/rsd0d: addwedge: Invalid argument # dkctl sd0 getwedgeinfo dkctl: /dev/rsd0d: getwedgeinfo: Bad file descriptor # dkctl sd0 listwedges /dev/rsd0d: 1 wedge: dk0: root, 5860377965 blocks at 34, type: ffs # dkctl sd0 delwedge root dkctl: /dev/rsd0d: delwedge: No such process # dkctl sd0 delwedge dk dkctl: /dev/rsd0d: delwedge: No such process # dkctl sd0 strategy: /dev/rsd0d: priocscan cache: /dev/rsd0d: read cache enabled /dev/rsd0d: read cache enable is not changeable /dev/rsd0d: write cache enable is not changeable /dev/rsd0d: cache parameters are not savable wedges: /dev/rsd0d: 1 wedge: dk0: root, 5860377965 blocks at 34, type: ffs # dkctl sd0 delwedge root dkctl: /dev/rsd0d: delwedge: No such process # dkctl sd0 delwedge dk0 dk0 at sd0 (root) deleted # dkctl sd0 addwedge root 34 2097152 usage: dkctl device dkctl device command [arg [...]] Available commands: getcache setcache none | r | w | rw [save] synccache [force] keeplabel yes | no badsector flush | list | retry addwedge name startblk blkcnt ptype delwedge dk getwedgeinfo listwedges strategy [name] # dkctl sd0 addwedge root 34 2097152 ffs dk0 at sd0: root dk0: 2097152 blocks at 34, type: ffs dk0 created successfully. # dkctl sd0 addwedge swap 2097186 8388608 swap dk1 at sd0: swap dk1: 8388608 blocks at 2097186, type: swap dk1 created successfully. # dkctl sd0 addwedge usr 10485794 20971520 ffs dk2 at sd0: usr dk2: 20971520 blocks at 10485794, type: ffs dk2 created successfully. # dkctl sd0 addwedge var 31457314 62914560 ffs dk3 at sd0: var dk3: 62914560 blocks at 31457314, type: ffs dk3 created successfully. # dkctl sd0 addwedge export 94371874 5766006125 ffs dk4 at sd0: export dk4: 5766006125 blocks at 94371874, type: ffs dk4 created successfully. # dkctl sd0 listwedges /dev/rsd0d: 5 wedges: dk0: root, 2097152 blocks at 34, type: ffs dk1: swap, 8388608 blocks at 2097186, type: swap dk2: usr, 20971520 blocks at 10485794, type: ffs dk3: var, 62914560 blocks at 31457314, type: ffs dk4: export, 5766006125 blocks at 94371874, type: ffs #多分この方法は間違い(良くない = 便利でない) dk0 だけで良い あれ、sysinst は dk が見えない ? sysinst の中では disklabel を良く使う。 その disklabel は gpt に対応していない。 だから単に dk が見えれば良いというものでもない ( つっこみ )
2013年07月18日(木) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/18 22:41:43"]#1 [Emacs] Emacs 24.3.50 2013-07-18(gdb) run -f wl Starting program: /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/emacs-current/work/emacs/src/emacs -f wl Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] 0x0000000000575ec8 in balance_an_interval () (gdb) bt #0 0x0000000000575ec8 in balance_an_interval () #1 0x0000000000576a6f in split_interval_right () #2 0x0000000000579212 in copy_intervals () #3 0x000000000057929f in copy_intervals_to_string () #4 0x000000000052eaef in make_buffer_string_both () #5 0x00000000004ebdfc in del_range_2 () #6 0x00000000004ed1f9 in del_range_1 () #7 0x0000000000485237 in encode_coding_object () #8 0x000000000048538e in code_convert_region.clone.13 () #9 0x0000000000533132 in Ffuncall () #10 0x0000000000564cf8 in exec_byte_code () #11 0x0000000000532b7d in funcall_lambda () #12 0x0000000000532eed in Ffuncall () #13 0x0000000000564cf8 in exec_byte_code () #14 0x0000000000532b7d in funcall_lambda () #15 0x0000000000532eed in Ffuncall () #16 0x0000000000564cf8 in exec_byte_code () #17 0x0000000000532b7d in funcall_lambda () #18 0x0000000000532eed in Ffuncall () #19 0x0000000000530515 in Fcall_interactively () #20 0x0000000000533149 in Ffuncall () #21 0x0000000000564cf8 in exec_byte_code () #22 0x0000000000532eed in Ffuncall () #23 0x00000000005332f5 in call1 () #24 0x00000000004d538b in command_loop_1 () #25 0x0000000000531784 in internal_condition_case () #26 0x00000000004cac9b in command_loop_2 () #27 0x0000000000531662 in internal_catch () #28 0x00000000004cba54 in recursive_edit_1 () #29 0x00000000004cbce0 in Frecursive_edit () #30 0x00000000004c7b02 in main () ( つっこみ )
2013年07月12日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/12 12:34:53"]#1 [Emacs] Segmentation fault.
Emacs 2013-07-04 version
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] 0x0000000000577c5a in balance_an_interval (i=0x4a35230) at intervals.c:444 444 new_diff = i->total_length - i->left->total_length (gdb) bt #0 0x0000000000577c5a in balance_an_interval (i=0x4a35230) at intervals.c:444 #1 0x0000000000577d0e in balance_an_interval (i=<optimized out>) at intervals.c:449 #2 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x4a35188) at intervals.c:507 #3 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x4a35668) at intervals.c:507 #4 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x5d4ded8) at intervals.c:507 #5 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x88ad310) at intervals.c:507 #6 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x5af7d88) at intervals.c:507 #7 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x7d4da68) at intervals.c:507 #8 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x666e748) at intervals.c:507 #9 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x49790a8) at intervals.c:507 #10 0x000000000051f318 in gc_sweep () at alloc.c:6425 #11 Fgarbage_collect () at alloc.c:5367 #12 0x0000000000533d43 in maybe_gc () at lisp.h:4320 #13 Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7ffffe7630) at eval.c:2741 ( つっこみ )
2013年07月11日(木) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/11 21:25:37"]#1 [Email] Segmentation fault at memmove
(Emacs version 2013-07-04)
(gdb) run -f wl Starting program: /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/emacs-current/work/emacs/src/emacs -f wl Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] 0x00007f7fec4ec12a in memmove () from /usr/lib/libc.so.12 (gdb) bt #0 0x00007f7fec4ec12a in memmove () from /usr/lib/libc.so.12 #1 0x000000000051ea45 in compact_small_strings () at /usr/include/ssp/string.h:71 #2 sweep_strings () at alloc.c:1837 #3 gc_sweep () at alloc.c:6115 #4 Fgarbage_collect () at alloc.c:5367 #5 0x0000000000533d43 in maybe_gc () at lisp.h:4320 #6 Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffff9820) at eval.c:2741 #7 0x00000000005340f5 in call1 (fn=<optimized out>, arg1=<optimized out>) at eval.c:2589 #8 0x00000000004e544b in Fget_buffer_create (buffer_or_name=<optimized out>) at buffer.c:619 #9 0x00000000004839aa in make_conversion_work_buffer (multibyte=true) at coding.c:7772 #10 code_conversion_save (with_work_buf=<optimized out>, multibyte=true) at coding.c:7823 (gdb) run -f wl Starting program: /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/emacs-current/work/emacs/src/emacs -f wl Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] compact_small_strings () at alloc.c:1906 1906 nbytes = s ? STRING_BYTES (s) : SDATA_NBYTES (from); (gdb) bt #0 compact_small_strings () at alloc.c:1906 #1 sweep_strings () at alloc.c:1837 #2 gc_sweep () at alloc.c:6115 #3 Fgarbage_collect () at alloc.c:5367 #4 0x0000000000533d43 in maybe_gc () at lisp.h:4320 #5 Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7ffffe9378) at eval.c:2741 #6 0x0000000000566835 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=4788563690564839285, vector=64339520, maxdepth=16, args_template=4611686019484352512, nargs=4611686018662268928, args=0x3d5bcd8) at bytecode.c:903 #7 0x0000000000533971 in funcall_lambda (fun=45463229, nargs=<optimized out>, arg_vector=0x7f7ffffe9520) at eval.c:3024 #8 0x0000000000533cde in Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7ffffe9518) at eval.c:2851 #9 0x0000000000566835 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=4788563690564839285, vector=64339520, maxdepth=16, args_template=4611686019484352512, nargs=4611686018662268928, args=0x3d5bcd8) at bytecode.c:903 #10 0x0000000000533971 in funcall_lambda (fun=45473989, nargs=<optimized out>, arg_vector=0x7f7ffffe9788) at eval.c:3024 #11 0x0000000000533cde in Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7ffffe9780) at eval.c:2851 #12 0x0000000000534e00 in Fapply (nargs=2, args=0x7f7ffffe9780) at eval.c:2276 gdb work/emacs/src/emacs GNU gdb (GDB) 7.3.1 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "x86_64--netbsd". For bug reporting instructions, please see: <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>... Reading symbols from /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/emacs-current/work/emacs/src/emacs...done. (gdb) run -f wl Starting program: /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/emacs-current/work/emacs/src/emacs -f wl Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x6b6f6e6b203a6f54) at intervals.c:504 504 if (tree->left) (gdb) bt #0 balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x6b6f6e6b203a6f54) at intervals.c:504 #1 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x76edfb0) at intervals.c:507 #2 0x000000000051e937 in sweep_strings () at alloc.c:1777 #3 gc_sweep () at alloc.c:6115 #4 Fgarbage_collect () at alloc.c:5367 #5 0x0000000000533d43 in maybe_gc () at lisp.h:4320 #6 Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffffa640) at eval.c:2741 #7 0x0000000000566835 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9223372036854775807, vector=1616, maxdepth=89536936, args_template=4611686019484352512, nargs=4611686018662268928, args=0xfe4e) at bytecode.c:903 #8 0x0000000000533971 in funcall_lambda (fun=37017357, nargs=<optimized out>, arg_vector=0x7f7fffffa7c0) at eval.c:3024 #9 0x0000000000533cde in Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffffa7b8) at eval.c:2851 #10 0x0000000000566835 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9223372036854775807, vector=1616, maxdepth=89536936, args_template=4611686019484352512, nargs=4611686018662268928, args=0xfe4e) at bytecode.c:903 #11 0x0000000000533971 in funcall_lambda (fun=38322741, nargs=<optimized out>, arg_vector=0x7f7fffffa960) at eval.c:3024 #12 0x0000000000533cde in Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffffa958) at eval.c:2851 #13 0x0000000000566835 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9223372036854775807, vector=1616, maxdepth=89536936, args_template=4611686019484352512, nargs=4611686018662268928, args=0xfe4e) at bytecode.c:903 #14 0x00000000005333ea in eval_sub (form=<optimized out>) at eval.c:2166 ( つっこみ )
2013年07月09日(火) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/09 08:17:38"]#1 [pkgsrc] mk/x11.buildlink3.mk
例えば、/etc/mk.conf に
X11_TYPE?= modularと書いておいて wip/Rezound で make するか、 次のように env X11_TYPE=modular として make すると、 modena@makoto 08:12:57/130709(..wip/ReZound)% env X11_TYPE=modular make ERROR: This package has set PKG_FAIL_REASON: ERROR: Do not include x11.buildlink3.mk for X11_TYPE != "native". *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/ReZoundちなみに、/etc/mk.conf に X11_TYPE= modularと書いてあると env X11_TYPE=modular make としても、この env は上書きされ、結果的に無視される それで、次のようにして見たが、 Index: Makefile =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc-wip/wip/ReZound/Makefile,v retrieving revision 1.15 diff -u -r1.15 Makefile --- Makefile 24 Sep 2012 16:56:28 -0000 1.15 +++ Makefile 8 Jul 2013 23:15:55 -0000 @@ -47,5 +47,7 @@ .include "../../mk/oss.buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/pthread.buildlink3.mk" +.if !empty(X11_TYPE:Mnative) || empty(X11_TYPE) .include "../../mk/x11.buildlink3.mk" +.endif .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"これが合っているかどうか確める方法を、ここに書こうと思ったが、 とりあえず、ここまで (調べる場合分け)
( つっこみ )
2013年07月08日(月) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/08 23:35:12"]#1 [pkgsrc] wip/emacs-current#0 mark_interval (i=0xab8ce7006c696e39, dummy=11835442) at alloc.c:1228 #1 0x000000000057878a in traverse_intervals_noorder (tree=0xab8ce7006c696e39, function=0x51e50a <mark_interval>, arg=11835442) at intervals.c:245 #2 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x560bdd0) at alloc.c:5590 #3 0x000000000051db8e in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5908 #4 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x6199008) at alloc.c:5590 #5 0x000000000051db15 in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:6012 #6 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x5341800) at alloc.c:5590 #7 0x000000000051e4df in mark_buffer (buffer=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5641 #8 0x000000000051de41 in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5922 #9 0x000000000051db15 in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:6012 #10 0x000000000051db8e in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5908 #11 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x1304d20) at alloc.c:5590 #12 0x000000000051da45 in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5899 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] mark_interval (i=0x6c696e00, dummy=11835442) at alloc.c:1228 1228 i->gcmarkbit = 1; (gdb) bt #0 mark_interval (i=0x6c696e00, dummy=11835442) at alloc.c:1228 #1 0x000000000057878a in traverse_intervals_noorder (tree=0x6c696e00, function=0x51e50a <mark_interval>, arg=11835442) at intervals.c:245 #2 0x00000000005787a0 in traverse_intervals_noorder (tree=0x8273528, function=0x51e50a <mark_interval>, arg=11835442) at intervals.c:250 #3 0x000000000051db8e in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5908 #4 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x7f39008) at alloc.c:5590 #5 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x2611628) at alloc.c:5590 #6 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x2d2b940) at alloc.c:5590 #7 0x000000000051de4f in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5923 #8 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x16d22e8) at alloc.c:5590 #9 0x000000000051da45 in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5899 #10 0x000000000051db15 in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:6012 #11 0x000000000051e269 in mark_vectorlike (ptr=0x12b1f98) at alloc.c:5590 #12 0x000000000051da53 in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:5900 #13 0x000000000051db15 in mark_object (arg=<optimized out>) at alloc.c:601 ( つっこみ )
#2 [ham-radio] fldigi sound( つっこみ )
#3 [pkgsrc] wip/Makefile
次のようにすると、hoge と hoge-a の順が違うと言われる
mini-6@makoto 15:18:09/130708(..pkgsrc/wip)% ls */Makefile | \ sort | \ sed 's,/Makefile,,' | \ awk '{print "SUBDIR+=\t" $1}' >! \ Makefile.newsort の option を調べた方が良いのかな。 gnu-sort -d良く考えたら、Makefile を取った後に sort するべきだった。 modena@makoto 15:40:14/130708(..pkgsrc/wip)% \ ls */Makefile | \ sed 's,/Makefile,,' | \ sort | \ awk '{print "SUBDIR+=\t" $1}' >! Makefile.new ( つっこみ )
#4 [NetBSD] fatal page fault in supervisor mode
Active USB audio with NetBSD/amd64 6.1, NetBSD/amd64 の 6.1 で、使っている USB audio uaudio0 at uhub0 port 7 configuration 1 interface 0 uaudio0: C-Media Electronics Inc. C-Media USB Headphone Set, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 4 uaudio0: audio rev 1.00 audio1 at uaudio0: full duplex, playback, capture, independent uhidev3 at uhub0 port 7 configuration 1 interface 3 uhidev3: C-Media Electronics Inc. C-Media USB Headphone Set, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 4, iclass 3/0Unplugs without any inactivation, kernel panics as fatal page fault. Is this the issue to resolve with high priority or it is NetBSD style ? を(いきなり)抜いたら panic しました。これって大問題 ? それとも普通 ? (僕は困るけれど)。 Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: uhidev3: detached Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: uhidev3: at uhub0 port 7 (addr 4) disconnected Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: fatal page fault in supervisor mode Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: trap type 6 code 0 rip ffffffff8075b658 cs 8 rflags 10246 cr2 48 cpl 4 rsp fffffe800103cbf0 Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: panic: trap Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: cpu0: Begin traceback... Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: printf_nolog() at netbsd:printf_nolog Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: startlwp() at netbsd:startlwp Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: alltraps() at netbsd:alltraps+0x96 Jul 8 23:04:13 modena /netbsd: usb_transfer_complete() at netbsd:usb_transfer_complete+0x1ac ( つっこみ )
2013年07月07日(日) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/08 00:42:54"]#1 [pkgsrc] emacs-current segmentation fault
2013-07-04 on modena
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] 0x0000000000577c5a in balance_an_interval (i=0x3ffc630) at intervals.c:444 444 new_diff = i->total_length - i->left->total_length (gdb) bt #0 0x0000000000577c5a in balance_an_interval (i=0x3ffc630) at intervals.c:444 #1 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x48098e0) at intervals.c:507 #2 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x4fcc988) at intervals.c:507 #3 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x298a438) at intervals.c:507 #4 0x0000000000577ec4 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x3ffc4a8) at intervals.c:505 #5 0x0000000000577ec4 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x4bbb6a0) at intervals.c:505 #6 0x0000000000577ec4 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x33eedc0) at intervals.c:505 #7 0x000000000051f318 in gc_sweep () at alloc.c:6425 #8 Fgarbage_collect () at alloc.c:5367 #9 0x0000000000533d43 in maybe_gc () at lisp.h:4320 #10 Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffffb520) at eval.c:2741 #11 0x00000000005340f5 in call1 (fn=<optimized out>, arg1=<optimized out>) at eval.c:2589 #12 0x00000000004e544b in Fget_buffer_create (buffer_or_name=<optimized out>) at buffer.c:619 #13 0x00000000004839aa in make_conversion_work_buffer (multibyte=true) at coding.c:7772 #14 code_conversion_save (with_work_buf=<optimized out>, multibyte=true) at coding.c:7823 #15 0x00000000004844a7 in decode_coding_object (coding=0x7f7fffffb660, src_object=28429889, from=0, from_byte=0, to=<optimized out>, to_byte=<optimized out>, dst_object=11835490) at coding.c:8055 #16 0x0000000000486107 in code_convert_string (string=28429889, coding_system=11936866, dst_object=11835490, encodep=false, nocopy=<optimized out>, norecord=true) at coding.c:9403 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to LWP 1] balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x6c696e39) at intervals.c:504 504 if (tree->left) (gdb) bt #0 balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x6c696e39) at intervals.c:504 #1 0x0000000000577ec4 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x652dda0) at intervals.c:505 #2 0x000000000051e937 in sweep_strings () at alloc.c:1777 #3 gc_sweep () at alloc.c:6115 #4 Fgarbage_collect () at alloc.c:5367 #5 0x0000000000533d43 in maybe_gc () at lisp.h:4320 #6 Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffffacc0) at eval.c:2741 #7 0x00000000005340f5 in call1 (fn=<optimized out>, arg1=<optimized out>) at eval.c:2589 #8 0x00000000004e544b in Fget_buffer_create (buffer_or_name=<optimized out>) at buffer.c:619 #9 0x00000000004839aa in make_conversion_work_buffer (multibyte=true) at coding.c:7772 #10 code_conversion_save (with_work_buf=<optimized out>, multibyte=true) at coding.c:7823 #11 0x00000000004844a7 in decode_coding_object (coding=0x7f7fffffae00, src_object=58794785, from=0, from_byte=0, to=<optimized out>, to_byte=<optimized out>, dst_object=11835490) at coding.c:8055 (gdb) bt #0 balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x616d2f0000363534) at intervals.c:504 #1 0x0000000000577ed2 in balance_intervals_internal (tree=0x65141c0) at intervals.c:507 #2 0x000000000051e937 in sweep_strings () at alloc.c:1777 #3 gc_sweep () at alloc.c:6115 #4 Fgarbage_collect () at alloc.c:5367 #5 0x0000000000533d43 in maybe_gc () at lisp.h:4320 #6 Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffffb988) at eval.c:2741 #7 0x0000000000566835 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9223372036854775807, vector=698, maxdepth=64351480, args_template=4611686019484352512, nargs=4611686018662268928, args=0x80df20) at bytecode.c:903 #8 0x0000000000533971 in funcall_lambda (fun=24231037, nargs=<optimized out>, arg_vector=0x7f7fffffbb30) at eval.c:3024 #9 0x0000000000533cde in Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffffbb28) at eval.c:2851 #10 0x0000000000566835 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9223372036854775807, vector=698, maxdepth=64351480, args_template=4611686019484352512, nargs=4611686018662268928, args=0x80df20) at bytecode.c:903 #11 0x0000000000533971 in funcall_lambda (fun=23944973, nargs=<optimized out>, arg_vector=0x7f7fffffbca0) at eval.c:3024 #12 0x0000000000533cde in Ffuncall (nargs=<optimized out>, args=0x7f7fffffbc98) at eval.c:2851 #13 0x0000000000566835 in exec_byte_code (bytestr=9223372036854775807, vector=698, maxdepth=64351480, args_template=4611686019484352512, nargs=4611686018662268928, args=0x80df20) at bytecode.c:903 #14 0x0000000000533971 in funcall_lambda (fun=23994909, nargs=<optimized out>, arg_vector=0x7f7fffffbe88) at eval.c:3024 ( つっこみ )
#2 [Network] ipf.conf の設定 reload と restart
(短い間だけれど) 外とネットワーク的に遮断されていた。
で、元の cvsimport の問題は解決していない。 ( つっこみ )
2013年07月06日(土) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/06 14:10:28"]#1 [pkgsrc] doxygen-1.8.4 segfaults (NetBSD/macppc 6.1)/usr/bin/install -d -o makoto -g users -m 755 /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/doxygen/work/.destdir//usr/pkg/share/doc/doxygen /usr/pkg/bin/gmake -C examples gmake[1]: Entering directory `/export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/doxygen/work/doxygen-1.8.4/examples' "/export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/doxygen/work/doxygen-1.8.4/bin/doxygen" class.cfg [1] Segmentation fault (core dumped) "/export/CHROOT/... gmake[1]: *** [class/html/index.html] Error 139 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/doxygen/work/doxygen-1.8.4/examples' gmake: *** [install_docs] Error 2 *** Error code 2 Stop. make: stopped in /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/doxygen *** Error code 1 mini-6@makoto 14:07:35/130706(..wip/avr-libc)% gdb `find /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/doxygen/work/doxygen-1.8.4 -name doxygen` `find /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/doxygen/work/doxygen-1.8.4/examples -name \*core` GNU gdb (GDB) 7.3.1 Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "powerpc--netbsd". For bug reporting instructions, please see: <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>... Reading symbols from /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/doxygen/work/doxygen-1.8.4/bin/doxygen...(no debugging symbols found)...done. [New process 1] Core was generated by `doxygen'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x01bf18f0 in QTime::currentTime(QTime*) () (gdb) bt #0 0x01bf18f0 in QTime::currentTime(QTime*) () #1 0x01bf19bc in QTime::currentTime() () #2 0x01bf1a14 in QTime::start() () #3 0x01822d1c in initDoxygen() () #4 0x01802afc in main () (gdb) ( つっこみ )
2013年07月05日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/05 23:45:34"]#1 [pkgsrc] avr-gccconfigure:3020: /usr/pkgsrc/wip/avr-gcc/work/obj/./gcc/xgcc -B/usr/pkgsrc/wip/avr-gcc/work/obj/./gcc/ -B/usr/pkg/avr/bin/ -B/usr/pkg/avr/lib/ -isystem /usr/pkg/avr/include -isystem /usr/pkg/avr/sys-include -o conftest -g -I/usr/pkg/include conftest.c >&5 exec: : permission deniedこうなるのは binutils の path が不適切なため。 (cross binutils の as を見つけられない) @ NetBSD/i386 5.2:configure:3020: /usr/pkgsrc/wip/avr-gcc/work/obj/./gcc/xgcc -B/usr/pkgsrc/wip/avr-gcc/work/obj/./gcc/ -B/usr/pkg/avr/bin/ -B/usr/pkg/avr/ lib/ -isystem /usr/pkg/avr/include -isystem /usr/pkg/avr/sys-include -o conftest -g -I/usr/pkg/include conftest.c >&5 exec: : permission denied configure:3023: $? = 1 configure:3211: checking for suffix of object files configure:3233: /usr/pkgsrc/wip/avr-gcc/work/obj/./gcc/xgcc -B/usr/pkgsrc/wip/avr-gcc/work/obj/./gcc/ -B/usr/pkg/avr/bin/ -B/usr/pkg/avr/ lib/ -isystem /usr/pkg/avr/include -isystem /usr/pkg/avr/sys-include -c -g -I/usr/pkg/include conftest.c >&5 exec: : permission deniedまた同じことが。もしかして 版名の同じ wip/avr-binutils-2.23.2 の古いやつか。 その通りで avr-binutils を作り直したら解決した。 ( つっこみ )
2013年07月04日(木) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/07/04 11:24:21"]#1 [pkgsrc] wip/gdb 7.6 (on DragonFly 3.5-DEVELOPMENT) Can't find i386--dragonfly-gccRunning ./gdb.base/step-line.exp ... gdb compile failed, default_target_compile: Can't find i386--dragonfly-gcc.実は wip/gdb には DragonFly で何とか package 出来るように 一か所変更を入れているが、これは Error message が正しく、 元の 7.6 は DragonFly の native はまだ利用出来ない(ことになっている)らしい と思った理由は次の通り: modena@makoto 11:23:07/130704(..wip/gdb)% find work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/?bsd*.mh work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/fbsd.mh work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/fbsd64.mh work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/nbsd64.mh work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/nbsdaout.mh work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/nbsdelf.mh work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/obsd.mh work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/obsd64.mh work/gdb-7.6/gdb/config/i386/obsdaout.mhでも DragonFly 自体には gdb は入っているので、そちらを調べて見る @ testing devel/gdb6 on NetBSD/amd64 6.1:=== gdb Summary === # of expected passes 6992 # of unexpected failures 1672 # of expected failures 48 # of known failures 12 # of unresolved testcases 106 # of untested testcases 7 # of unsupported tests 18 /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/devel/gdb6/work/gdb-6.2.1/gdb/testsuite/../../gdb/gdb version 6.2.1 -nx ( つっこみ )
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