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2010年06月30日(水) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2010/07/01 22:14:57"]

#1 [Emacs] Cannot open load file: pcvs

When I hit
M-x cvs-status RET
I got the message as:
call-interactively: Cannot open load file: pcvs 
I believe this is due to recent emacs change. This is it: (from lisp/ChangeLog)
2010-06-11  Juri Linkov  <>

        Move version control related files to the "vc" subdirectory.
        * add-log.el, cvs-status.el, diff.el, diff-mode.el, ediff-diff.el,
        * ediff.el, ediff-help.el, ediff-hook.el, ediff-init.el,
        * ediff-merg.el, ediff-mult.el, ediff-ptch.el, ediff-util.el,
        * ediff-vers.el, ediff-wind.el, emerge.el, log-edit.el, log-view.el,
        * pcvs-defs.el, pcvs.el, pcvs-info.el, pcvs-parse.el, pcvs-util.el,
        * smerge-mode.el, vc-annotate.el, vc-arch.el, vc-bzr.el, vc-cvs.el,
        * vc-dav.el, vc-dir.el, vc-dispatcher.el, vc.el, vc-git.el,
        * vc-hg.el, vc-hooks.el, vc-mtn.el, vc-rcs.el, vc-sccs.el, vc-svn.el:
        Move files to the "vc" subdirectory.
One easy thing is following (add-path "vc") line after "mime-setup"
(load "mime-setup")
(add-path "vc")
but the file subdirs.el is here, so the sub directory should be automatically added ?
There should be something missing...

hnf-mode problem::

Loading `hnf-mode': old-style backquotes detected!
Invalid function: (cond ((cdr (assq (\, key) (cdr (\, command))))) ((hnf-command-type-get-variable (hnf-command-get-type (\, command)) (\, key))))
The related lisp looks:
288 (defmacro hnf-command-type-get-variable (type key)
289   (` (cdr (assq (, key) (cdr (assq (, type) hnf-command-type-alist))))))
You (or Myself) should consult M-x info RET melisp RET mbackquote RET
` is for quote, whole element to be quoted
, is reverse, avoid quoting next word

This problem is fixed by patches by Okazaki San But it is under discussion.
This also works:

diff --git a/src/lread.c b/src/lread.c
index c73f7f3..de01387 100644
--- a/src/lread.c
+++ b/src/lread.c
@@ -2693,7 +2693,11 @@ read1 (readcharfun, pch, first_in_list)
 	 old-style.  For Emacs-25, we should completely remove this
 	 first_in_list exception (old-style can still be obtained via
 	 "(\`" anyway).  */
-      if (first_in_list && (c = READCHAR, UNREAD (c), c == ' '))
+      {
+	 int next_char = READCHAR;
+	 UNREAD (next_char);
+      if (first_in_list && next_char == ' ')
 	  Vold_style_backquotes = Qt;
 	  goto default_label;
@@ -2708,6 +2712,7 @@ read1 (readcharfun, pch, first_in_list)
 	  return Fcons (Qbackquote, Fcons (value, Qnil));
+      }
     case ',':
       if (new_backquote_flag)

停電 (瞬電)
the second try on bare-metal
opendkim and senmail
chat/iam 0.0.8
uselocale vs setlocale (textproc/R-readxl)
以上、1 日分です。
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