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2006年07月21日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2006/07/22 01:12:15"]

#1 [NetBSD][X11] error: conflicting types for 'malloc'

これって一つづつ char * -> void * と 直すしかないのかな ?
ttyp0:makoto@yoshimi 9:11:44/060721(/export/xc)> cat -n ../xc-make-world-log-2 | grep 'error: conflicti' 
  4591  AuFileName.c:36: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
  6562  AuFileName.c:36: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
  9230  CloseHook.c:61: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
  9268  CvtCache.c:38: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 12278  bmtoa.c:42: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 12288  atobm.c:39: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 12289  atobm.c:39: error: conflicting types for 'calloc'
 12439  iceauth.h:44: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 12440  iceauth.h:44: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
 12447  iceauth.h:44: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 12448  iceauth.h:44: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
 13254  parsedpy.c:47: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 13389  xconsole.c:277: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 14207  utils.c:396: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
 15508  dsimple.c:72: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 15510  dsimple.c:88: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
 15722  dsimple.c:72: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 15724  dsimple.c:88: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
 15807  xrefresh.c:62: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 15809  xrefresh.c:88: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 16149  charproc.c:99: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 16150  charproc.c:100: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
 16862  xwd.c:246: error: conflicting types for 'calloc'
 16884  dsimple.c:73: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 16886  dsimple.c:89: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
 16973  dsimple.c:73: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 16975  dsimple.c:89: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
 16988  xwud.c:47: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 17308  utils.c:859: error: conflicting types for 'malloc'
 17310  utils.c:948: error: conflicting types for 'realloc'
ttyp0:makoto@yoshimi 9:11:56/060721(/export/xc)> 
直した (少しだけ warning を外しただけの部分もある)。

#2 [][NetBSD][macppc] ./ release を Firewire の上で

ttyp0:makoto@mini 14:58:51/060721(...checkout/src)> time sudo ./ release >& ../log-1
9851.609u 2959.855s 3:32:30.78 100.4%   0+0k 19770+323586io 25200pf+240w
ttyp0:makoto@mini 18:31:28/060721(...checkout/src)> 
いつもだと 3:10 くらいで終わるが、今回は ATA/IDE disk ではまだ測れていないので、 とりあえず比較なし。と思ったら、失敗している
adb_direct.o: In function `adb_reinit':
adb_direct.c:(.text+0x578): undefined reference to `adb_dummy_noop'
adb_direct.c:(.text+0x714): undefined reference to `adb_dummy_noop'
変だなぁ、一度作れたはずなのだが。そうか gcc-4 で kernel を作るのは 初めてかも知れない。
static void adb_dummy_noop(void);
static void adb_dummy_panic(void);
time sudo env TOOLDIR=/export/20060702/checkout/src/tooldir.NetBSD-3.99.21-powerpc ./ kernel=GENERIC

#3 [Emacs] 久振りに emacs-22.0.50 の make

   150  23:47   cd /export/
                cvs -d co emacs
   154  23:47   mkdir emacs-work
   155  23:47   cd emacs-work/
   156  23:47   ../emacs/configure
   158  23:48   time make bootstrap
Wrote /export/emacs/lisp/cus-load.el
Generating /export/emacs/lisp/cus-load.el...done
1596.902u 151.485s 29:55.75 97.3%       0+0k 553+8203io 154pf+9w
ttyp0:makoto@mini 0:18:45/060722(/export/emacs-work)> 
(相変らず Firewire の上で動いている NetBSD/macppc の上で)
ttyp0:makoto@mini 0:34:00/060722(/export/emacs-work)> env DISPLAY=cvsync:0.0 /usr/local/bin/emacs
Fatal error (11)Segmentation fault (core dumped)
あっれーっという感じで: bt したら、もう一度
ttyp0:makoto@mini 0:36:49/060722(/export/emacs-work)> gdb /usr/local/bin/emacs emacs.core 
(gdb) bt
#0  0x41e093e8 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
2006/2/13 の日記
やはり --without-xim すると問題ない。

dvipdfmx ICC profile format spec. version 4.3.0
wip/wsjtx 5.4.2
今更 advent calendar
以上、1 日分です。
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