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2006年07月05日(水) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2006/07/05 09:24:09"]

#1 [Software] afpd said cannot open CNID or invalid CNID backend for /home/hoge/root: cdb

at around Jul 4 01:20:37, I've seen the console is saying:
afpd[14999]: cnid_open: dbenv->open (rw) of /home/hoge/root/.AppleDB failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
afpd[14999]: cnid_open: dbenv->open of /home/hoge/root/.AppleDB failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
afpd[14999]: Cannot open CNID db at [/home/hoge/root].
afpd[14999]: Fatal error: cannot open CNID or invalid CNID backend for /home/hoge/root: cdb

afpd[22229]: cnid_open: dbenv->open (rw) of /home/hoge/root/.AppleDB failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
afpd[22229]: cnid_open: dbenv->open of /home/hoge/root/.AppleDB failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
afpd[22229]: Cannot open CNID db at [/home/hoge/root].
afpd[22229]: Fatal error: cannot open CNID or invalid CNID backend for /home/hoge/root: cdb

afpd[1514]: cnid_open: dbenv->open (rw) of /home/hoge/root/.AppleDB failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
afpd[1514]: cnid_open: dbenv->open of /home/hoge/root/.AppleDB failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
afpd[1514]: Cannot open CNID db at [/home/hoge/root].
afpd[1514]: Fatal error: cannot open CNID or invalid CNID backend for /home/hoge/root: cdb
I remember followin operation fixed the problem.
rm -rf /home/hoge/root/.AppleDB
( I don't know what happened and why.)

The version is:

netatalk-2.0.3nb1 Netatalk appletalk file and print services

停電 (瞬電)
the second try on bare-metal
opendkim and senmail
chat/iam 0.0.8
uselocale vs setlocale (textproc/R-readxl)
以上、1 日分です。
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