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2015年09月26日() 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/09/27 10:28:38"]

#1 [pkgsrc] wip/virtualbox-ose (4.3.30)

Too little number of files/directories under obj
h97@makoto 09:50:50/150926(..virtualbox-ose/work)% \
ls -l ./VirtualBox-4.3.30/out/netbsd.amd64/release/obj 
total 1040
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     144 Sep 26 01:03 Runtime
drwxr-xr-x  6 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 01:03 RuntimeBldProg
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 01:02 VBoxCmp
-rw-r--r--  1 makoto  wheel  252943 Sep 26 01:02 VirtualBox_stripped.xidl
-rw-r--r--  1 makoto  wheel  252943 Sep 26 01:02 VirtualBox_stripped.xidl.ts
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 01:02 bin2c
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 01:02 biossums
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 01:02 filesplitter
Check how older commit was:
    7  git checkout 47c51e5
    8  git branch
    9  make clean
   10  make package
   11  vi Makefile
   12  make clean
   13  make
   14  popd
   15  ls -l ./VirtualBox-4.3.30/out/netbsd.amd64/release/obj
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     144 Sep 26 10:01 Runtime
drwxr-xr-x  6 makoto  wheel     336 Sep 26 10:01 RuntimeBldProg
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel      48 Sep 26 10:01 VBox-kStuff
drwxr-xr-x  4 makoto  wheel     240 Sep 26 10:01 VBox-kStuffStaticBldProg
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 09:59 VBoxCmp
-rw-r--r--  1 makoto  wheel  252943 Sep 26 09:59 VirtualBox_stripped.xidl
-rw-r--r--  1 makoto  wheel  252943 Sep 26 09:59 VirtualBox_stripped.xidl.ts
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 09:59 bin2c
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 09:59 biossums
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     192 Sep 26 09:59 filesplitter
drwxr-xr-x  2 makoto  wheel     480 Sep 26 10:01 scm

2015年09月25日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/09/25 00:10:36"]

#1 [gitlab] gitlab に初めて push する時

簡単説明書を gitlab に置いておこうと思った。次に、

The very first push to gitlab

gitlab に初めて push する時、 どうするか (が今思い出せない) (止むを得ないので)

で操作した。 そうしたら、次のようなことが書いてある

Command line instructions:

Git global setup
git config --global "makoto"
git config --global ""
Create a new repository
mkdir Manuals
cd Manuals
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
Push an existing Git repository
cd existing_git_repo
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

2015年09月22日(火) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/09/22 10:33:36"]

#1 [pkgsrc] The very first clone pkgsrc-wip

h97@makoto 19:10:31/150922(..usr/pkgsrc)% mv wip wip-cvs
h97@makoto 19:10:35/150922(..usr/pkgsrc)% git clone wip
Cloning into 'wip'...
remote: Counting objects: 288911, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (116618/116618), done.
remote: Total 288911 (delta 167573), reused 288847 (delta 167536)
Receiving objects: 100% (288911/288911), 323.74 MiB | 284.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (167573/167573), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (23857/23857), done.
h97@makoto 19:33:48/150922(..usr/pkgsrc)% 

2015年09月17日(木) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/09/17 20:57:29"]

#1 [sed] ham/gnuradio to wip/gnuradio

  119  2015-09-17 22:38  foreach i (`/bin/ls gnuradio*/* | sed '/CVS/d'`)
echo $i
  120  2015-09-17 22:38  foreach i (`/bin/ls gnuradio*/* | sed -e '/CVS/d' -e '/Entries/d' -e '/Root/d' -e /Repository/d'`)
  121  2015-09-17 22:38  foreach i (`/bin/ls gnuradio*/* | sed -e '/CVS/d' -e '/Entries/d' -e '/Root/d' -e '/Repository/d'`)
echo $i
  122  2015-09-17 22:39  find gnuradio*/* -name \*orig |perl -nle unlink                                                         
  123  2015-09-17 22:39  find gnuradio*/* -name \*~ |perl -nle unlink                                                            
  124  2015-09-17 22:39  foreach i (`/bin/ls gnuradio*/* | sed -e '/CVS/d' -e '/Entries/d' -e '/Root/d' -e '/Repository/d'`)
echo $i
  125  2015-09-17 22:39  tar zcvf /tmp/gnuradio.tar.gz gnuradio*                                                                 
  126  2015-09-17 22:39  foreach i (`/bin/ls gnuradio*/* | sed -e '/CVS/d' -e '/Entries/d' -e '/Root/d' -e '/Repository/d'`)
echo $i
  127  2015-09-17 22:40  foreach i (`/bin/ls gnuradio*/* | sed -e '/CVS/d' -e '/Entries/d' -e '/Root/d' -e '/Repository/d'`)
echo $i; echo mv $i $i.bak; echo sed 's/ham\/g/wip\/g/g' $i.bak = $i
  128  2015-09-17 22:41  foreach i (`/bin/ls gnuradio*/* | sed -e '/CVS/d' -e '/Entries/d' -e '/Root/d' -e '/Repository/d'`)
echo $i;  mv $i $i.bak; sed 's/ham\/g/wip\/g/g' $i.bak > $i
  129  2015-09-17 22:41  foreach i (`/bin/ls gnuradio*/*/*  | sed -e '/CVS/d' -e '/Entries/d' -e '/Root/d' -e '/Repository/d'`)

echo $i;  mv $i $i.bak; sed 's/ham\/g/wip\/g/g' $i.bak > $i
  130  2015-09-17 22:41  cd gnuradio-core
  133  2015-09-17 22:41  make clean

2015年09月11日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/09/11 15:18:28"]

#1 [FreeBSD] cloning ports with svn

After reading the page
A ports/lang/gcc-aux/Makefile
A ports/lang/ats/Makefile
A ports/lang/ats/files/patch-Makefile__bootstrap
svn: E120108: Error running context: The server unexpectedly closed the connection.
h97@makoto 23:54:27/150911(/export/svn-work)% echo svn update ports  
svn update ports
h97@makoto 23:54:51/150911(/export/svn-work)% history              
    6  less /export/WRKOBJDIR/ham/gnuradio-ctrlport/work/gnuradio-3.7.8/
    7  cd /export/CHROOT/usr/pkgsrc/wip/virtualbox-ose
    8  (cd /export/WRKOBJDIR/wip/virtualbox-ose/work/VirtualBox-4.3.30; diff -up configure{~,})
    9  (cd /export/WRKOBJDIR/wip/virtualbox-ose/work/VirtualBox-4.3.30; diff -up configure{~,}) > patches/patch-configure
   10  make clean
   11  make distinfo
   12  make
   13  ls patches
   14  ls -lt patches
   15  ls /export
   16  cd /export
   17  mkdir svn-work
   18  cd svn-work
   19  svn checkout /usr/ports
   20  svn checkout  ports
   21  echo svn update ports
h97@makoto 23:54:56/150911(/export/svn-work)% 

#2 [FreeBSD] make show-var VARNAME=hoge

Adding following patch to /usr/ports/Mk/
may give convenient target
--- Mk/	2015-09-12 00:47:22.100599000 +0900
+++ Mk/	2015-09-12 00:41:04.369753000 +0900
@@ -2934,6 +3007,31 @@ describe:
+# convenience target, to display make variables from command line
+# i.e. "make show-var VARNAME=var", will print var's value
+# See also:
+#       show-vars, show-subdir-var
+.PHONY: show-var
+	@${ECHO} ${${VARNAME}:Q}
+# enhanced version of target above, to display multiple variables
+.PHONY: show-vars
+	@${ECHO} ${${VARNAME}:Q}
+# displays multiple variables as shell expressions
+# VARS is space separated list of VARNAME:shellvarname
+.PHONY: show-vars-eval
+.for var in ${VARS}
+	@${ECHO} ${var:C/^.*://}="${${var:C/:.*$//}:Q}"
 # More standard targets start here.

2015年09月06日() 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/09/06 12:05:29"]

#1 [pkgsrc] graphics/freetype2


h97@makoto 11:50:29/150906( pkg_info -qL freetype2 |grep lib                             |


h97@makoto 11:48:57/150906( pkg_info -qL freetype2 |grep lib                             |

#2 devel/p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth

patch p5-RT-Authen-ExtenalAuth-0.17

Appending installation info to /export/WRKOBJDIR/devel/p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/work/

 RT couldn't load RT config file /usr/pkg/etc/rt4/ as:
    user: username
    group: hogehoge

The file is owned by user www and group www.  

This usually means that your current user cannot read the file.  You
will likely need to run this installation step as root, or some user
with more permissions.
*** Error code 13

make: stopped in /export/WRKOBJDIR/devel/p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/work/
It's already work out by wiz@ :-)

停電 (瞬電)
the second try on bare-metal
opendkim and senmail
chat/iam 0.0.8
uselocale vs setlocale (textproc/R-readxl)
以上、6 日分です。
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