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2009年12月02日(水) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2009/12/04 15:06:55"]

#1 [NetBSD] play with disklabel for scratch disk drive

I had installed brand new scratch disk as /dev/wd1, and try to write disklabel. I needed two minutes to understand what to do.
pts/0:makoto@m08 15:58:58/091202(~)> sudo disklabel -i wd1
disklabel: could not read existing label
pts/0:makoto@m08 15:59:12/091202(~)> sudo disklabel -e wd1
disklabel: could not read existing label
pts/0:makoto@m08 15:59:18/091202(~)> man disklabel
pts/0:makoto@m08 DING!/091202(~)> sudo disklabel -e -I wd1
disklabel: could not read existing label
pts/0:makoto@m08 16:00:06/091202(~)> sudo disklabel -e -I wd1
disklabel: could not read existing label
pts/0:makoto@m08 16:00:44/091202(~)> sudo disklabel -e -I wd1d
disklabel: could not read existing label
pts/0:makoto@m08 16:00:52/091202(~)> sudo disklabel -e -I wd1a
pts/0:makoto@m08 16:00:55/091202(~)> 
(But it turned out the disk was not scratch. It's been initialized and had NetBSD label).

#2 [NetBSD] xen 3.3

I have installed NetBSD/amd64 5.0.1 (as of 20091103) and trying to run CentOS 4.4 with xen 3.3. Before doing that, I understand X11 is necessary. So modualr-xorg stuff installed. It runs after running xorgconfig + manually edit on /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

Then I tried to run hvm CentOS 4.4, but it does not seem to run. No windows comes out after 'xm create centos44'.

4GB memory:

The machine is ML 115, with Radeon 3450 Video card. It had 2GB memory and Xorg was saying needed 310MB memory. I have swapped 2GB memory with 2 x 2GB transcend memory kit. But now it gets
(XEN) Early fatal page fault at e008:ffff828c8012f1c9 (cr2=ffff8300bef9f000, ec=0002)
I think I should try i386 instead of amd64.

kicad oddity
comparison on ./buildsh tools
py-setuptools (python 3.11.9)
make release took 1 hours and 10 min
qemu invocation for 10.99.10
Windows 10 version
serial connection
bc bench
Trial on 10.99.10
another version (later trial) to succeed
以上、1 日分です。
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