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Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索
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2004年12月18日() 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2004/12/18 22:49:12"]

#1 [NetBSD][2.99.11] 二台目を 2.99.11 にした

僕の作った iso 形式 には X は入っていない。 そこで X は unselect する必要がある。そうしたはずだが、次の ように言われた。
 I cannot save /usr/X11R6/bin/X as /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old, because the target
 disk already has an /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old.  Please fix this before continuing.
 One way is to start a shell from the Utilities menu, examine the target
 /usr/X11R6/bin/X and /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old.  If /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old is from a
 completed upgrade, you can rm -f /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old and restart.  Or if
 /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old is from a recent, incomplete upgrade, you can rm -f
 /usr/X11R6/bin/X and mv /usr/X11R6/bin/X.old to /usr/X11R6/bin/X.

 Aborting upgrade.         +-----------------------+
                           |>Hit enter to continue |
               | NetBSD-2.99.11 Install System                 |
               |                                               |
               | a: Install NetBSD to hard disk                |
               | b: Upgrade NetBSD on a hard disk              |
               | c: Re-install sets or install additional sets |
               | d: Reboot the computer                        |
               | e: Utility menu                               |
               |>x: Exit Install System                        |
# df
Filesystem  512-blocks     Used     Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/md0a         3959     3528       431    89%    /
# mount /dev/wd0a /mnt
# mount /dev/wd0g /mnt/usr
# cd /mnt/usr/  
# rm -f /mnt/usr/X11R6/bin/X.old
# umount /mnt/usr
umount: /mnt/usr: Device busy
# cd /
# umount /mnt/usr
# umount /mnt
# sysinst

upgrade だと /etc とか自動的に面倒見てくれる ?:


ttyflags: TIOCSFLAGS: on /dev/ttyE0: Device not configured

三台目 (iBook/366):

(I)nstall, (S)hell or (H)alt ? s
# mount /dev/cd0c /mnt
# /mnt/bin/date
Fri Jan  1 00:01:40 GMT 1904
# /mnt/bin/date 200412180817
date: bind Can't assign requested address
Sat Dec 18 08:17:00 GMT 2004
# umount /mnt


OS 10.3 が入っていた 20G
# pdisk /dev/wd0c
Edit /dev/wd0c -
Command (? for help): P
Partition map (with 512 blocks) on '/dev/wd0c'
   #:                 type name                 length   base     ( size )
   1:  Apple_partition_map Apple                      63 @ 1       
   2:       Apple_Driver43*Macintosh                  56 @ 64      
   3:       Apple_Driver43*Macintosh                  56 @ 120
   4:     Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh                  56 @ 176
   5:     Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh                  56 @ 232     
   6:       Apple_FWDriver Macintosh                 512 @ 288
   7:   Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh                 512 @ 800
   8:        Apple_Patches Patch Partition           512 @ 1312
   9:           Apple_Free                        262144 @ 1824     (128.0M)
  10:            Apple_HFS Apple_HFS_Untitled_2 38806096 @ 263968   (18.5G)
  11:           Apple_Free                            16 @ 39070064

Device block ...

 d 10
 C 1824 65536 ofwboot Apple_HFS 
9 not HFS
9 not HFS
   1:  Apple_partition_map Apple                      63 @ 1       
   2:       Apple_Driver43*Macintosh                  56 @ 64      
   3:       Apple_Driver43*Macintosh                  56 @ 120
   4:     Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh                  56 @ 176
   5:     Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh                  56 @ 232     
   6:       Apple_FWDriver Macintosh                 512 @ 288
   7:   Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh                 512 @ 800
   8:        Apple_Patches Patch Partition           512 @ 1312
   9:            Apple_HFS ofwboot		   65536 @ 1824     (32.0M) 
  10:                 root A/UX                  1048576 @ 67360   (512.0M) UFS K0
  11:                 swap swap                  1048576 @ 1115936 (512.0M) 
  12:      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /usr                  1048576 @ 2164512   (1.0G) UFS K0 /usr
  13:      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 /export              34808416 @ 4261664  (16.6G) UFS K0 /usr
disklabel で確認 ??
boot cd:,ofwboot.elf hd:14/netbsd
4272160read text

 DEFAULT CATCH!, code=900 at %SRR0: 00000000 %SRR1: 00083030
上の pdisk は少し変だったので、もう一度 この辺 を見てやり直したが、DEFAULT CATCH! は同じ。ofwboot.elf は CDROM に入っている もの。 MacOS 9.2.2 の disk で初期しておいて、もう一度。
 C  9p 65536   Apple_HFS HFS
 c 10p 1048576 'A/UX Root' a
 c 11p 1048576 Swap        b
 c 12p 2097152 'Usr File system' g
 c 13p 30807415 /export g

#2 [Namazu] 2.0.14

2.0.14 を作って、そのうちの namazu.cgi だけを /usr/pkg/libexec/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi に写した。

#3 [ofppc] Debian GNU/Linux の CD

debia powerpc iso files これを使って このようにすれば よい ?

なんだ netboot するではないか:

 0 > boot net 
 LOAD: Waiting 60 seconds for Spanning Tree
 BOOTP R = 1 BOOTP S = 1  
 FILE: /tftpboot/boot
 Load Addr=0x4000 Max Size=0xbfc000 
 FINAL Packet Count = 107   Final File Size = 54468 bytes.
 Unexpected Firmware Error:
 DEFAULT CATCH!, code=fff00300 at   %SRR0: 00c1b030   %SRR1: 00003030 
 0 > go 
 >> NetBSD/ofppc OpenFirmware Boot, Revision 1.5
 >> (makoto@st4200, Fri Dec 17 08:21:28 JST 2004)
 net_open: client addr:
 net_open: subnet mask:
 net_open: net gateway:
 net_open: server addr:
 net_open: server path: /tftpboot
 net_open: file name: /tftpboot/boot
 Using IP address:
 root addr= path=/tftpboot
 open /netbsd.ofppc: Permission denied
 net_open: client addr:
 net_open: subnet mask:
 net_open: net gateway:
 net_open: server addr:
 net_open: server path: /tftpboot
 net_open: file name: /tftpboot/boot
 Using IP address:
 root addr= path=/tftpboot
 Unexpected Firmware Error:
 DEFAULT CATCH!, code=fff00200 at   %SRR0: 6f667768   %SRR1: 00083000 
 0 > 

root path を設定してやったら、:

>> NetBSD/ofppc OpenFirmware Boot, Revision 1.5
>> (makoto@st4200, Fri Dec 17 08:21:28 JST 2004)
net_open: client addr:
net_open: subnet mask:
net_open: net gateway:
net_open: server addr:
net_open: server path: /tftpboot
net_open: file name: /tftpboot/boot
Using IP address:
root addr= path=/tftpboot
2317224+308464 [127888+116469]=0x2bce74
NetBSD does not yet support the "IBM,7046-B50".
Using generic OpenFirmware driver support.
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 2.99.11 (GENERIC) #0: Fri Dec 17 08:17:01 JST 2004
total memory = 256 MB
avail memory = 240 MB
bootpath /pci@80000000/ethernet@c/netbsd.ofppc
cbootpath /pci@80000000/ethernet@c
mainbus0 (root): IBM,7046-B50
cpu0 at mainbus0 (PowerPC,604e@0): 604e (Revision 1.2), ID 0 (primary)
cpu0: 56.25 MHz
ofbus0 at mainbus0 (event-sources)
epow-events at ofbus0 not configured
memory-controller@fec00000 at mainbus0 not configured
ofbus1 at mainbus0 (rom@ff000000)
boot-rom@fff00000 at ofbus1 not configured
rtas at mainbus0 not configured
ofbus2 at mainbus0 (pci@80000000)
ofbus3 at ofbus2 (isa@b)
reserved@i92 at ofbus3 not configured
IBM,tablet-port@i898 at ofbus3 not configured
nvram@i74 at ofbus3 not configured
ofrtc0 at ofbus3 (rtc@i70): rtc
IBM,eeprom@i78 at ofbus3 not configured
parallel@i378 at ofbus3 not configured
ofcons0 at ofbus3 (serial@i3f8)
serial@i2f8 at ofbus3 not configured
sound@i534 at ofbus3 not configured
8042@i60 at ofbus3 not configured
ofbus4 at ofbus3 (fdc@i3f0)
ofdisk0 at ofbus4 (disk@0)
IBM,op-panel@i808 at ofbus3 not configured
IBM,pwr-mgmt@i82a at ofbus3 not configured
timer@i40 at ofbus3 not configured
interrupt-controller@i20 at ofbus3 not configured
dma-controller@i0 at ofbus3 not configured
ofnet0 at ofbus2 (ethernet@c): address 00:04:ac:17:xx:yy
interrupt-controller@d at ofbus2 not configured
ofbus5 at ofbus2 (scsi@10)
ofdisk1 at ofbus5 (sd@0)
ofdisk2 at ofbus5 (sd@1)
ofdisk3 at ofbus5 (sd@2)
ofdisk4 at ofbus5 (sd@3)
ofdisk5 at ofbus5 (sd@4)
ofdisk6 at ofbus5 (sd@5)
ofdisk7 at ofbus5 (sd@6)
st@0 at ofbus5 not configured
st@1 at ofbus5 not configured
st@2 at ofbus5 not configured
st@3 at ofbus5 not configured
st@4 at ofbus5 not configured
st@5 at ofbus5 not configured
st@6 at ofbus5 not configured
display@16 at ofbus2 not configured
boot device: <unknown>

dvipdfmx ICC profile format spec. version 4.3.0
wip/wsjtx 5.4.2
今更 advent calendar
以上、1 日分です。
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