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2014年01月21日(火) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2014/01/23 23:54:47"]

#1 [NetBSD] PR kern/41974 (panic in cpu_in_cksum)

On ML115 G1, NetBSD/amd64 6.1.2 with 8GB memory, packaging misc/openoffice3 gives 100% trap 6 (MAKE_JOBS=4)
PR kern/41974 (panic in cpu_in_cksum)
5.0 NFS-related panic (current-users 2008/12/23)
In my diary I'm seeing following address constantly:
rip ffffffff805f8a7d
So, search this PC address:
objdump -d /netbsd
ffffffff805f889e <pmap_enter_ma>:
ffffffff805f889e:  55                      push   %rbp
ffffffff805f8a1b:  0f 84 35 04 00 00       je     ffffffff805f8e56 <pmap_enter_ma+0x5b8>
ffffffff805f8a21:  48 b9 00 f0 ff ff ff    movabs $0xffffffffff000,%rcx
ffffffff805f8a28:  ff 0f 00 
ffffffff805f8a2b:  48 21 ca                and    %rcx,%rdx
ffffffff805f8a2e:  48 c7 45 98 00 00 00    movq   $0x0,-0x68(%rbp)
ffffffff805f8a35:  00 
ffffffff805f8a36:  4d 89 ec                mov    %r13,%r12
ffffffff805f8a39:  4d 85 ed                test   %r13,%r13
ffffffff805f8a3c:  75 aa                   jne    ffffffff805f89e8 <pmap_enter_ma+0x14a>
ffffffff805f8a3e:  4c 89 db                mov    %r11,%rbx
ffffffff805f8a41:  4d 89 f5                mov    %r14,%r13
ffffffff805f8a44:  45 89 fe                mov    %r15d,%r14d
ffffffff805f8a47:  4d 89 d7                mov    %r10,%r15
ffffffff805f8a4a:  48 83 7d 98 00          cmpq   $0x0,-0x68(%rbp)
ffffffff805f8a4f:  0f 84 d5 04 00 00       je     ffffffff805f8f2a <pmap_enter_ma+0x68c>
ffffffff805f8a55:  48 8b 55 98             mov    -0x68(%rbp),%rdx
ffffffff805f8a59:  49 89 95 28 01 00 00    mov    %rdx,0x128(%r13)
ffffffff805f8a60:  48 85 d2                test   %rdx,%rdx
ffffffff805f8a63:  0f 84 19 05 00 00       je     ffffffff805f8f82 <pmap_enter_ma+0x6e4>
ffffffff805f8a69:  4c 8b 75 a0             mov    -0x60(%rbp),%r14
ffffffff805f8a6d:  49 c1 e6 10             shl    $0x10,%r14
ffffffff805f8a71:  49 c1 ee 1c             shr    $0x1c,%r14
ffffffff805f8a75:  49 c1 e6 03             shl    $0x3,%r14
ffffffff805f8a79:  4c 03 75 c8             add    -0x38(%rbp),%r14
ffffffff805f8a7d:  4d 8b 26                mov    (%r14),%r12
ffffffff805f8a80:  48 89 d8                mov    %rbx,%rax
3744          movabsq $4503599627366400, %rcx		(fffffffffffff000 = -4096)
3745          andq    %rcx, %rdx
3746          movq    $0, -104(%rbp)
3747  .L382:
3748          movq    %r13, %r12
3749          testq   %r13, %r13
3750          jne     .L387
3751          movq    %r11, %rbx
3752          movq    %r14, %r13
3753          movl    %r15d, %r14d
3754          movq    %r10, %r15
3755          cmpq    $0, -104(%rbp)
3756          je      .L420
3757  .L388:
3758          movq    -104(%rbp), %rdx
3759          movq    %rdx, 296(%r13)
3760          testq   %rdx, %rdx
3761          je      .L383
3762  .L380:
3763          movq    -96(%rbp), %r14
3764          salq    $16, %r14
3765          shrq    $28, %r14
3766          salq    $3, %r14
3767          addq    -56(%rbp), %r14
3768  .L393:
3769          movq    (%r14), %r12
3770          movq    %rbx, %rax
3771          xorq    %r12, %rax
3772          movabsq $4503599627366401, %rcx          (ffffffffffff001 = -4095)
Generating Mixed Source and Assembly List using GCC ( -Wa,-adhln -g )
        .loc 1 3984 0
        movq    -96(%rbp), %r14
        salq    $16, %r14
        shrq    $28, %r14
        salq    $3, %r14
        addq    -56(%rbp), %r14
        .loc 1 3986 0
        movq    (%r14), %r12
        .loc 1 3991 0
        movq    %rbx, %rax
        xorq    %r12, %rax
        movabsq $4503599627366401, %rcx
cat -n x86/x86/pmap.c |less
  3980          /*
  3981           * update the pte.
  3982           */
  3984          ptep = &ptes[pl1_i(va)];
  3985          do {
  3986                  opte = *ptep;
  3988                  /*
  3989                   * if the same page, inherit PG_U and PG_M.
  3990                   */
  3991                  if (((opte ^ npte) & (PG_FRAME | PG_V)) == 0) {
  3992                          npte |= opte & (PG_U | PG_M);
  3993                  }
  3994 #if defined(XEN)
  3995                 if (domid != DOMID_SELF) {
  3996                         /* pmap_pte_cas with error handling */
  3997                         int s = splvm();
  3998                         if (opte != *ptep) {
  3999                                 splx(s);
  4000                                 continue;
  4001                         }
  4002                         error = xpq_update_foreign(
  4003                             vtomach((vaddr_t)ptep), npte, domid);
  4004                         splx(s);
  4005                         if (error) {
  4006                                 if (ptp != NULL && ptp->wire_count <= 1) {
  4007                                         pmap_free_ptp(pmap, ptp, va, ptes, pdes);
  4008                                 }
  4009                                 pmap_unmap_ptes(pmap, pmap2);
  4010                                 goto out;
  4011                         }
  4012                         break;
  4013                 }
  4014 #endif /* defined(XEN) */
  4015         } while (pmap_pte_cas(ptep, opte, npte) != opte);
By the way, /usr/include/x86/trap.h tells trap 6 is page fault.
 48  #define T_PAGEFLT        6  /* page fault */

(Added lated day):

With (another similar machine) ML115 G1, 8GB Memory, openoffice successfully packaged. OS(NetBSD/amd64) and Release(6.1.2) are the same. The difference is
Host machineCPUtmpfstrap6
ML115 G5Athlon 4450B (Dual)YESYES
ML115 G1Athlon 3500+nono
ML115 G1Athlon 3500+YESno
Sucessfull log:
misc/openoffice3-3.1.1nb52.tgz -> ../All/openoffice3-3.1.1nb52.tgz
perl5/p5-Archive-Zip-1.30nb5.tgz -> ../All/p5-Archive-Zip-1.30nb5.tgz
textproc/raptor2-2.0.12nb1.tgz -> ../All/raptor2-2.0.12nb1.tgz
www/neon-0.30.0nb1.tgz -> ../All/neon-0.30.0nb1.tgz
www/xulrunner17-17.0.11nb1.tgz -> ../All/xulrunner17-17.0.11nb1.tgz

sent 176,430,319 bytes  received 49,206 bytes  18,576,792.11 bytes/sec
total size is 318,199,208  speedup is 1.80
sh env-bulkbuild-script  17222.94s user 3500.45s system 90% cpu 6:20:32.52 total
genova# date
Thu Jan 23 17:42:23 JST 2014
with tmpfs:
sent 135,927,229 bytes  received 136 bytes  24,714,066.36 bytes/sec
total size is 318,223,841  speedup is 2.34
sh env-bulkbuild-script  16333.43s user 3217.40s system 97% cpu 5:33:00.03 total

停電 (瞬電)
the second try on bare-metal
opendkim and senmail
chat/iam 0.0.8
以上、1 日分です。
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