Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索 詳しくは 詳細指定/ヘルプを参照して下さい |
2019年11月30日(土) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2004/08/09 23:43:33"]#1 [NetBSD] NetBSD-9.0_RC1-amd64-install.img.gzCF-SX3@makoto 18:10:32/191130(~/Downloads)% zcat NetBSD-9.0_RC1-amd64-install.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/rsd0d bs=64k 23200+0 records in 23200+0 records out 1520435200 bytes transferred in 129.115 secs (11775821 bytes/sec) @ setup chroot environmnet:CF-SX2@makoto 19:37:59/191130(/export/CHROOT) % foreach i (`cd /usr/INSTALL/; ls *xz | grep -v kern`) echo $i ;sudo pax -pe -r --xz -f /usr/INSTALL/$i; end ( つっこみ )
2019年11月25日(月) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2019/11/25 14:51:26"]#1 [沢庵] 一回目の大根を漬けた
11/17 (日) に干した大根を漬けた。
小さい漬物樽を使った。 これから干すのは 14 本 100 x 8 + 130 x 4 + 120 x 2
( つっこみ )
2019年11月08日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2019/11/08 21:54:16"]#1 [pkgsrc] math/py-tables
I'm trying to fix build problem by upgrading to 3.6.1 but,
ERROR: ************************************************************ ERROR: The following files are in the PLIST but not in /tmp/math/py-tables/work/.destdir/usr/pkg: ERROR: /tmp/math/py-tables/work/.destdir/usr/pkg/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tables/tests/__pycache__/__pycache__/test_suite.cpython-37.cpython-37.pyc ERROR: /tmp/math/py-tables/work/.destdir/usr/pkg/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tables/tests/__pycache__/__pycache__/test_suite.cpython-37.opt-1.cpython-37.pyc ERROR: ************************************************************ ERROR: The following files are in /tmp/math/py-tables/work/.destdir/usr/pkg but not in the PLIST: ERROR: /tmp/math/py-tables/work/.destdir/usr/pkg/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tables/tests/__pycache__/test_suite.cpython-37.opt-1.pyc ERROR: /tmp/math/py-tables/work/.destdir/usr/pkg/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tables/tests/__pycache__/test_suite.cpython-37.pyc *** Error code 1 ( つっこみ )
2019年11月03日(日) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2019/11/02 23:46:50"]#1 [pkgsrc] (Wanderlust) problem reading mail メールが読めなくなってChecking "%inbox!" Opening TLS connection to ‘imap.example.com’... Opening TLS connection with ‘gnutls-cli --x509cafile nil -p 993 imap.example.com’...failed Opening TLS connection with ‘gnutls-cli --x509cafile nil -p 993 imap.example.com --protocols ssl3’...failed Opening TLS connection to ‘imap.example.com’...failed Auto plugged off at imap.example.com:993
という訳で pkg_info の差分を表示する perl script を作って比べて見た #!/usr/pkg/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Std; our %ARGV; our %opts; sub ColorString($$){ my (%COLOR) = ( qw ( black 30 red 31 green 32 yellow 33 blue 34 pink 35 magenta 36 white 37 )); my($color) = shift; my($string) = shift; return sprintf("%c[%dm%s%c[0m", 0x1b, $COLOR{$color}, $string, 0x1b); } getopt('',\%opts); print STDERR sprintf("%4d <", __LINE__). (caller 0)[3]. '> '. $ARGV[0] .' '. $ARGV[1].' '. "\n"; my $FILEA = $ARGV[0]; my $FILEB = $ARGV[1]; if ($FILEB eq '') { print STDERR sprintf("%04d <", __LINE__). (caller 0)[3]. "> you need two filename\n"; die; } my (%LISTA, %LISTB, %WHOLE); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ open(FILEA, $FILEA) || die "problem opening file: $FILEA :$!\n"; while(<FILEA>){ if (/(\S+)-([0-9.]+(nb[0-9.]*){0,})/) { my $name = $1; my $version = $2; # print STDERR sprintf("%04d ", __LINE__). (caller 0)[3]. $name. ' ' . $version . "\n"; $LISTA{$name} = $version; $WHOLE{$name}++ } } close(FILEA); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ open(FILEB, $FILEB) || die "problem opening file: $FILEB :$!\n"; while(<FILEB>){ if (/(\S+)-([0-9.]+(nb[0-9.]*){0,})/) { my $name = $1; my $version = $2; # print STDERR sprintf("%04d ", __LINE__). (caller 0)[3]. $name. ' ' . $version . "\n"; $LISTB{$name} = $version; $WHOLE{$name}++ } } close(FILEB); # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach my $i (sort keys %WHOLE) { my $a = $LISTA{$i}; my $b = $LISTB{$i}; if ($a ne $b) { if ($a eq '') { $a = ColorString('red', sprintf("%20s", '('. $i. ')'));} if ($b eq '') { $b = ColorString('red', sprintf("%20s", '('. $i. ')'));} printf("%-25s\t %20s\t %20s\n", $i, $a, $b); } } __END__How-to-use: 使い方: at HOST B: pkg_info > /tmp/hostB at HOST A: pkg_info > /tmp/hostA scp HOST_B:/tmp/hostB /tmp perl this_script /tmp/hostA /tmp/hostB |less -RFound missing one as emacs-w3m. I've added it and resolved. I recently the work to fix the emacs-w3m-snapshot build problem.
emacs-w3m が欠けていたので、追加したら読めるようになった
( つっこみ )
最近の日記 2024年07月03日 ・kicad oddity 2024年05月08日 ・comparison on ./buildsh tools 2024年05月06日 ・py-setuptools (python 3.11.9) ・make release took 1 hours and 10 min ・qemu invocation for 10.99.10 2024年05月05日 ・Windows 10 version ・serial connection ・bc bench 2024年05月04日 ・Trial on 10.99.10 ・another version (later trial) to succeed | ||||||||||||