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2015年12月31日(木) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/12/31 13:00:22"]#1 [NetBSD] Raid setup
最近 N3150 の機械に Software RAID を設定した。
@ 続いて DL320/G5p にも 同様に入れようと:
p400 controller のもの 1TB x 4 の構成 目印: 00:22:64:01:9c:64 # dmesg |grep ciss ciss0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0: HP Smart Array 3 ciss0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 16 ciss0: 1 LD, HW rev 3, FW 2.08/2.08 scsibus0 at ciss0: 1 target, 1 lun per target ciss0: normal state on 'ciss0:0' (online) # | sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <HP, LOGICAL VOLUME, 2.08> disk fixed | sd0: 2794 GB, 65535 cyl, 255 head, 350 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 5860378032 sectors | sd0: GPT GUID: b07e7971-f757-11e2-a2a5-002264019c64 | sd0: bad GPT partition array CRC | sd0: async, 8-bit transfers, tagged queueing何だか変。最初からやり直す。Hardware RAID は(僕にとっては)ある意味取扱い難いので、 Software RAID にするつもり。 @ 別の E400 Controller の機械には:
DragonFly BSD 3.6.0 が入っていた (1GB Memory/ 80GB x 4 Disk)
目印 00:24:81:00:91:14 Disk を 1.5T x 4 に入替えて network 起動 sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <HP, LOGICAL VOLUME, 1.86> disk fixed sd0: 4191 GB, 65535 cyl, 255 head, 526 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 8790633264 sectors sd0: async, 8-bit transfers, tagged queueingとなってしまったので、やり直し。しかるべきところで F8 を押し、Delete Logical Drive をしたが、 これでは disk は一つも見えない。 止むを得ないので E400 Controller を外して SATA port から直結にした。 こんどは、次のように見える。 wd0: <WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0> wd0: 1397 GB, 2907021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2930277168 sectors wd1 at atabus0 drive 1 wd1: <WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0> wd1: 1397 GB, 2907021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2930277168 sectors wd2 at atabus1 drive 0 wd2: <WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0> wd2: 1397 GB, 2907021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2930277168 sectors wd3 at atabus1 drive 1 wd3: <WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0> wd3: 1397 GB, 2907021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2930277168 sectorsdisklabel wd0a # disklabel -i wd0a Enter '?' for help partition>P 4 partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs] a: 2930277168 0 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 2907020) d: 2930277168 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 2907020) partition>a Filesystem type [4.2BSD]: Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [0c, 0s, 0M]: 2048s Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [2907021c, 2930277168s, 1430799.375M]: 500MB a: 1024000 2048 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 2*- 1017*) partition>e Filesystem type [unused]: RAID Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [0c, 0s, 0M]: a Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [0c, 0s, 0M]: 20000M e: 40960000 1026048 RAID # (Cyl. 1017*- 41652*) partition>f Filesystem type [unused]: RAID Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [0c, 0s, 0M]: f Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [0c, 0s, 0M]: partition>f Filesystem type [RAID]: Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [0c, 0s, 0M]: e Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [0c, 0s, 0M]: $ f: 2888291120 41986048 RAID # (Cyl. 41652*- 2907020) partition>P 6 partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs] a: 1024000 2048 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 2*- 1017*) d: 2930277168 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 2907020) e: 40960000 1026048 RAID # (Cyl. 1017*- 41652*) f: 2888291120 41986048 RAID # (Cyl. 41652*- 2907020) partition>W Label disk [n]?y Label written partition>Q #次のようにして、全ての disk に複製 # disklabel wd0a > /tmp/R # disklabel -R wd1d /tmp/R # disklabel -R wd2d /tmp/R # disklabel -R wd3d /tmp/R# newfs -O2 /dev/wd0a /dev/rwd0a: 500.0MB (1024000 sectors) block size 8192, fragment size 1024 using 11 cylinder groups of 45.46MB, 5819 blks, 10976 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 144, 93248, 186352, 279456, 372560, 465664, 558768, 651872, 744976, 838080, 931184, # mount /dev/wd0a /mnt # ls /mnt # mkdir /mnt/etc # mkdir /mnt/etc/raid # cat > /mnt/etc/raid/raid0.conf START array # numRow numCol numSpare 1 4 0 START disks /dev/wd0e /dev/wd1e /dev/wd2e /dev/wd3e #START spare #/dev/wd3e START layout # sectPerSU SUsPerParityUnit SUsPerReconUnit RAID_level_1 128 1 1 5 START queue fifo 100 #2014/03/31 の日記 を見ながら # raidctl -C /mnt/etc/raid/raid0.conf raid0 raid0: Component /dev/wd0e being configured at col: 0 Column: 0 Num Columns: 0 Version: 0 Serial Number: 0 Mod Counter: 0 Clean: No Status: 0 Number of columns do not match for: /dev/wd0e /dev/wd0e is not clean! raid0: Component /dev/wd1e being configured at col: 1 Column: 0 Num Columns: 0 Version: 0 Serial Number: 0 Mod Counter: 0 Clean: No Status: 0 Column out of alignment for: /dev/wd1e Number of columns do not match for: /dev/wd1e /dev/wd1e is not clean! raid0: Component /dev/wd2e being configured at col: 2 Column: 0 Num Columns: 0 Version: 0 Serial Number: 0 Mod Counter: 0 Clean: No Status: 0 Column out of alignment for: /dev/wd2e Number of columns do not match for: /dev/wd2e /dev/wd2e is not clean! raid0: Component /dev/wd3e being configured at col: 3 Column: 0 Num Columns: 0 Version: 0 Serial Number: 0 Mod Counter: 0 Clean: No Status: 0 Column out of alignment for: /dev/wd3e Number of columns do not match for: /dev/wd3e /dev/wd3e is not clean! raid0: There were fatal errors raid0: Fatal errors being ignored. raid0: RAID Level 5 raid0: Components: /dev/wd0e /dev/wd1e /dev/wd2e /dev/wd3e raid0: Total Sectors: 122879616 (59999 MB) # # raidctl -I 2015123100 raid0 # raidctl -iv raid0 Initiating re-write of parity Parity Re-write status: 2% | | ETA: 08:24 - # raidctl -A hardroot raid0 raid0: New autoconfig value is: 1 raid0: New rootpartition value is: 1 raid0: Autoconfgure: Yes raid0: Root: Force #
@ /netbsd と /boot を /dev/wd0a に写しておく:# installboot -fv -o console=com0 speed=0 /dev/rwd0a bootxx_ffsv1 installboot: Opening file system `speed=0' read-write: No such file or directory # installboot -fv -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/rwd0a bootxx_ffsv1 File system: /dev/rwd0a Primary bootstrap: bootxx_ffsv1 Boot options: timeout 5, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0上記は boot しなかった。 # mount /dev/wd0a /mnt # installboot -fv -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/rwd0a bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot File system: /dev/rwd0a File system type: ffs (blocksize 8192, needswap 0) Primary bootstrap: bootxx_ffsv1 Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot Boot options: timeout 5, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0 #boot しない # installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/rwd0e /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1 File system: /dev/rwd0e Primary bootstrap: /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1 Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `/dev/rwd0e' Boot options: timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0boot しない # installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0a /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv2 /mnt/boot File system: /dev/rwd0a File system type: ffs (blocksize 8192, needswap 0) Primary bootstrap: /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv2 Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot Boot options: timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0scan_ffs # stty erase ^H # mount /dev/raid0a /mnt # chroot /mnt # mount -a # stat_ffs /dev/wd0a stat_ffs: not found # scan_ffs /dev/wd0a Disk: WDC WD15EARS-00Mfictitious Total sectors on disk: 2930277168 FFSv2 at 0 size 1024000, last mounted on /mnt/mnt scan_ffs: pread: Invalid argument # newfs /dev/wd0a /dev/rwd0a: 500.0MB (1024000 sectors) block size 8192, fragment size 1024 using 11 cylinder groups of 45.46MB, 5819 blks, 11328 inodes. super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at: 32, 93136, 186240, 279344, 372448, 465552, 558656, 651760, 744864, 837968, 931072, # scan_ffs /dev/wd0a Disk: WDC WD15EARS-00Mfictitious Total sectors on disk: 2930277168 FFSv1 at 0 size 1024000, last mounted onffsv1 にしておいて、もう一度 installboot # installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0a /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot File system: /dev/rwd0a File system type: ffs (blocksize 8192, needswap 0) Primary bootstrap: /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1 Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot Boot options: timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0 #boot しない # cd /usr/mdec # installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0a bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot File system: /dev/rwd0a File system type: ffs (blocksize 8192, needswap 0) Primary bootstrap: bootxx_ffsv1 Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot Boot options: timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0 # installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd1a bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot File system: /dev/rwd1a File system type: raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0) Primary bootstrap: bootxx_ffsv1 Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `/dev/rwd1a' Boot options: timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0 # installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd2a bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot File system: /dev/rwd2a File system type: raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0) Primary bootstrap: bootxx_ffsv1 Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `/dev/rwd2a' Boot options: timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0 # installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0e bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot File system: /dev/rwd0e File system type: raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0) Primary bootstrap: bootxx_ffsv1 Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot Boot options: timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0 #boot しない # stty erase ^H # mount /dev/raid0a /mnt shc# ^U chroot /mnt # mount -a # cd /usr/mdec # mount /dev/wd0a /mnt # ls /mnt boot netbsd # installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0d bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot File system: /dev/rwd0d File system type: raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0) Primary bootstrap: bootxx_ffsv1 Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `/dev/rwd0d' Boot options: timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0 # sync # sync # rebootboot した。wd0a でなく wd0d とする必要があった。 @ pkg_add pkgin:# export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.jp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/amd64/7.0_RC1_riz/All # pkg_add pkgin load: 1.44 cmd: pkg_add 5551 [biowait] 0.02u 0.00s 0% 3752k load: 1.32 cmd: pkg_add 5551 [biowait] 0.02u 0.00s 0% 3752k =========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.6 2014/12/05 14:31:07 schmonz Exp $ You may wish to have the vulnerabilities file downloaded daily so that it remains current. This may be done by adding an appropriate entry to a user's crontab(5) entry. For example the entry # download vulnerabilities file 0 3 * * * /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities >/dev/null 2>&1 will update the vulnerability list every day at 3AM. You may wish to do this more often than once a day. In addition, you may wish to run the package audit from the daily security script. This may be accomplished by adding the following lines to /etc/security.local if [ -x /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin ]; then /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin audit fi Alternatively this can also be acomplished by adding an entry to a user's crontab(5) file. e.g.: # run audit-packages 0 3 * * * /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin audit Both pkg_admin subcommands can be run as as an unprivileged user, as long as the user chosen has permission to read the pkgdb and to write the pkg-vulnerabilities to /var/db/pkg. The behavior of pkg_admin and pkg_add can be customised with pkg_install.conf. Please see pkg_install.conf(5) for details. If you want to use GPG signature verification you will need to install GnuPG and set the path for GPG appropriately in your pkg_install.conf. =========================================================================== @ /export は 4.0TB くらいあるので gpt:
2013/07/28 の日記
( つっこみ )
2015年12月26日(土) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/12/26 14:43:16"]#1 [Graphics] NVIDIA GTX-750 GM-107 (Maxwell)| drm kern info: nouveau [ PGRAPH][nouveau0] using external firmware | drm kern error: nouveau E[ PGRAPH][nouveau0] failed to load fuc409c | drm kern error: nouveau E[ DEVICE][nouveau0] failed to create 0x18000717, -22 | drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DEVICE][nouveau0] dec() == 21 | drm kern error: nouveau E[ DRM] failed to create 0x80000080, -22 | drm kern debug: nouveau T[ SW][nouveau0] dec() == 0 | drm kern debug: nouveau D[ SW][nouveau0] destroying sys/external/bsd/drm2/dist/drm/nouveau/core/engine/graph/nouveau_engine_graph_nvc0.c: 951 int 952 nvc0_graph_init_ctxctl(struct nvc0_graph_priv *priv) 953 { 954 struct nvc0_graph_oclass *oclass = (void *)nv_object(priv)->oclass; 955 struct nvc0_grctx_oclass *cclass = (void *)nv_engine(priv)->cclass; 956 u32 r000260; 957 int i; 958 959 if (priv->firmware) { 960 /* load fuc microcode */ 961 r000260 = nv_mask(priv, 0x000260, 0x00000001, 0x00000000); 962 nvc0_graph_init_fw(priv, 0x409000, &priv->fuc409c, 963 &priv->fuc409d); 964 nvc0_graph_init_fw(priv, 0x41a000, &priv->fuc41ac, 965 &priv->fuc41ad); 1221 static int 1222 nvc0_graph_ctor_fw(struct nvc0_graph_priv *priv, const char *fwname, 1223 struct nvc0_graph_fuc *fuc) 1224 { 1225 struct nouveau_device *device = nv_device(priv); 1226 const struct firmware *fw; 1227 char f[32]; 1228 int ret; 1229 1230 snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "nouveau/nv%02x_%s", device->chipset, fwname); 1231 ret = request_firmware(&fw, f, nv_device_base(device)); 1232 if (ret) { 1233 snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "nouveau/%s", fwname); 1234 ret = request_firmware(&fw, f, nv_device_base(device)); 1235 if (ret) { 1236 nv_error(priv, "failed to load %s\n", fwname); 1237 return ret; 1238 } 1239 } 36 cd /tmp 38 mkdir t 39 cd t 41 wget --no-check-certificat https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imirkin/re-vp2/master/extract_firmware.py 43 python2.7 extract_firmware.py 44 wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/340.32/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.32.run 45 file NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.32.run 46 less NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.32.run 47 sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.32.run --extract-only 49 ls -lt NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.32 50 less NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.32/LICENSE ( つっこみ )
2015年12月22日(火) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/12/26 04:46:51"]#1 [NetBSD][X11] nouveau does not work with GTX 750
With kernel configuration
# $NetBSD: GENERIC_USERMODE,v 1.1 2012/06/30 15:03:57 reinoud Exp $ include "arch/amd64/conf/GENERIC" # it's probably worth testing in -current now if you want. you'll need # to enable these lines in your config: nouveau* at pci? dev ? function ? nouveaufb* at nouveaufbbus? # and you might want to disable nouveau debug -- my console spews a really # large amount, but only if it works ;) you'll have to do this by editing # files.nouveau to have this instead: #no makeoptions nouveau #makeoptions nouveau CPPFLAGS+="-DCONFIG_NOUVEAU_DEBUG=0" #makeoptions nouveau CPPFLAGS+="-DCONFIG_NOUVEAU_DEBUG_DEFAULT=0"Graphic Card is GTX-750 and dmesg may say: nouveau0 at pci7 dev 0 function 0: vendor 10de product 1381 (rev. 0xa2)The screen looks like --------------------------- This machine has no serial console, so following part is hand-copied: --------------------------- drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] dec() == 3 drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DEVICE][nouveau0] use(-1) == 0 drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DEVICE][nouveau0] stopping ... drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DEVICE][nouveau0] stopped drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] dec() == 2 drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] fini running drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff fini children drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff fini running drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] use(-1) == 1 drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff fini completed drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] fini completed with 0 drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] dec() == 0 drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] destroying drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DEVICE][nouveau0] dec() == 1 drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff destroy running drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff destroy completed drm kern debug: nouveau T[ DRM] dec() == -1 nouveau0: unable to attach drm: 22 panic: cnopen: no console device fatal breakpoint trap in supervisor mode trap type 1 code 0 rip ffffffff80114a75 cs 8 rflags 246 cr2 7f7ff6c0cce9 ilevel 0 rsp ffff0e811d985ac8 curlwp 0xfffffe811d863860 pid 2.1 lowest kstack 0xfffffef811d9822ce Stopped in pid 2.1 (init) at netbsd: breakpoint+0x5: leave db(3)>dmesg with GENERIC is here: ( つっこみ )
2015年12月18日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/12/19 11:37:23"]#1 [Machine] ASRock N3150B-ITX Mother board again
最近(この一年くらいの間)に買った Mother board
H81 (2015/02) N3150B-ITX(1) (build.sh) N3150B-ITX @ Case と電源をどうしよう ?:
で、もう一つを 12/12(土) に (12/11 駒場 → 荻窪 → 秋葉原) で
H81 の箱をどうやって用意したのかが不思議 (ひき出し) が使われている。 ( つっこみ )
最近の日記 2025年01月29日 ・ham/wsjtx 2025年01月27日 ・wip/wsjtx 5.4.2 2025年01月25日 ・ham/wsjtx 2025年01月15日 ・今更 advent calendar 2025年01月12日 ・金柑収穫 | |||||||||||||||||