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2015年12月31日(木) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/12/31 13:00:22"]

#1 [NetBSD] Raid setup

最近 N3150 の機械に Software RAID を設定した。
  • Netboot を設定して NetBSD/amd64 7.0 の RAMDISK 版を起動
  • sysinst から抜ける
  • disklabel を手で書く
    a    0.5 GB  boot用
    e   20   GB  raid0
    f  980   GB  raid1
    swap は省いたつもりだったが、今見ると、入っている。
    #        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
     a:   1024128       2048     4.2BSD   1024  8192     0  # (Cyl.      2*-   1018*)
     b:  32481792    1026176       swap                     # (Cyl.   1018*-  33242*)
     c: 1953523120      2048     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      2*- 1938020)
     d: 1953525168         0     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0 - 1938020)
     e:  40960000   33507968       RAID                     # (Cyl.  33242*-  73876*)
     f: 1879057200  74467968       RAID                     # (Cyl.  73876*- 1938020)
    e 区画に、 raidctl を使って、raid5 を設定 (device = raid0)
  • sysinst を使って raid0 に設置
  • e からは 60GB の区画が出来るので、それを
     1GB /
    15GB swap
    12GB /usr
    15GB /var
    15GB /home-root
    とする。 df -m で見ると:
    /dev/raid0a         971         93        829  10% /
    /dev/raid0f       14542         52      13762   0% /var
    /dev/raid0e       11633       1055       9995   9% /usr
    /dev/raid0g       15644         15      14846   0% /home-root
以前と違って、kernel は GENERIC のままで /dev/raid0a を見つけてくれる。

続いて DL320/G5p にも 同様に入れようと:

p400 controller のもの 1TB x 4 の構成
目印: 00:22:64:01:9c:64
# dmesg |grep ciss
ciss0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0: HP Smart Array 3
ciss0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 16
ciss0: 1 LD, HW rev 3, FW 2.08/2.08
scsibus0 at ciss0: 1 target, 1 lun per target
ciss0: normal state on 'ciss0:0' (online)

| sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <HP, LOGICAL VOLUME, 2.08> disk fixed
| sd0: 2794 GB, 65535 cyl, 255 head, 350 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 5860378032 sectors
| sd0: GPT GUID: b07e7971-f757-11e2-a2a5-002264019c64
| sd0: bad GPT partition array CRC
| sd0: async, 8-bit transfers, tagged queueing
何だか変。最初からやり直す。Hardware RAID は(僕にとっては)ある意味取扱い難いので、 Software RAID にするつもり。

別の E400 Controller の機械には:

DragonFly BSD 3.6.0 が入っていた (1GB Memory/ 80GB x 4 Disk)
目印 00:24:81:00:91:14
Disk を 1.5T x 4 に入替えて network 起動
sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <HP, LOGICAL VOLUME, 1.86> disk fixed
sd0: 4191 GB, 65535 cyl, 255 head, 526 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 8790633264 sectors
sd0: async, 8-bit transfers, tagged queueing
となってしまったので、やり直し。しかるべきところで F8 を押し、Delete Logical Drive をしたが、 これでは disk は一つも見えない。
止むを得ないので E400 Controller を外して SATA port から直結にした。 こんどは、次のように見える。
wd0: <WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0>
wd0: 1397 GB, 2907021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2930277168 sectors
wd1 at atabus0 drive 1
wd1: <WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0>
wd1: 1397 GB, 2907021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2930277168 sectors
wd2 at atabus1 drive 0
wd2: <WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0>
wd2: 1397 GB, 2907021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2930277168 sectors
wd3 at atabus1 drive 1
wd3: <WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0>
wd3: 1397 GB, 2907021 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2930277168 sectors
disklabel wd0a
# disklabel -i wd0a   
Enter '?' for help
4 partitions:
#        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
 a: 2930277168         0     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.      0 - 2907020)
 d: 2930277168         0     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0 - 2907020)
Filesystem type [4.2BSD]: 
Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [0c, 0s, 0M]: 2048s
Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [2907021c, 2930277168s, 1430799.375M]: 500MB
 a:   1024000      2048     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.      2*-   1017*)
Filesystem type [unused]: RAID
Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [0c, 0s, 0M]: a
Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [0c, 0s, 0M]: 20000M
 e:  40960000   1026048       RAID                     # (Cyl.   1017*-  41652*)
Filesystem type [unused]: RAID
Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [0c, 0s, 0M]: f
Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [0c, 0s, 0M]: 
Filesystem type [RAID]: 
Start offset ('x' to start after partition 'x') [0c, 0s, 0M]: e
Partition size ('$' for all remaining) [0c, 0s, 0M]: $
 f: 2888291120  41986048       RAID                     # (Cyl.  41652*- 2907020)
6 partitions:
#        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
 a:   1024000      2048     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.      2*-   1017*)
 d: 2930277168         0     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0 - 2907020)
 e:  40960000   1026048       RAID                     # (Cyl.   1017*-  41652*)
 f: 2888291120  41986048       RAID                     # (Cyl.  41652*- 2907020)
Label disk [n]?y
Label written
次のようにして、全ての disk に複製
# disklabel wd0a > /tmp/R
# disklabel -R wd1d /tmp/R
# disklabel -R wd2d /tmp/R
# disklabel -R wd3d /tmp/R
# newfs -O2 /dev/wd0a
/dev/rwd0a: 500.0MB (1024000 sectors) block size 8192, fragment size 1024
        using 11 cylinder groups of 45.46MB, 5819 blks, 10976 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at:
# mount /dev/wd0a /mnt
# ls /mnt
# mkdir /mnt/etc
# mkdir /mnt/etc/raid 
# cat > /mnt/etc/raid/raid0.conf
START array
# numRow numCol numSpare
1 4 0

START disks

#START spare

START layout
# sectPerSU SUsPerParityUnit SUsPerReconUnit RAID_level_1
128 1 1 5

START queue
fifo 100
2014/03/31 の日記 を見ながら
# raidctl -C /mnt/etc/raid/raid0.conf raid0
raid0: Component /dev/wd0e being configured at col: 0
         Column: 0 Num Columns: 0
         Version: 0 Serial Number: 0 Mod Counter: 0
         Clean: No Status: 0
Number of columns do not match for: /dev/wd0e
/dev/wd0e is not clean!
raid0: Component /dev/wd1e being configured at col: 1
         Column: 0 Num Columns: 0
         Version: 0 Serial Number: 0 Mod Counter: 0
         Clean: No Status: 0
Column out of alignment for: /dev/wd1e
Number of columns do not match for: /dev/wd1e
/dev/wd1e is not clean!
raid0: Component /dev/wd2e being configured at col: 2
         Column: 0 Num Columns: 0
         Version: 0 Serial Number: 0 Mod Counter: 0
         Clean: No Status: 0
Column out of alignment for: /dev/wd2e
Number of columns do not match for: /dev/wd2e
/dev/wd2e is not clean!
raid0: Component /dev/wd3e being configured at col: 3
         Column: 0 Num Columns: 0
         Version: 0 Serial Number: 0 Mod Counter: 0
         Clean: No Status: 0
Column out of alignment for: /dev/wd3e
Number of columns do not match for: /dev/wd3e
/dev/wd3e is not clean!
raid0: There were fatal errors
raid0: Fatal errors being ignored.
raid0: RAID Level 5
raid0: Components: /dev/wd0e /dev/wd1e /dev/wd2e /dev/wd3e
raid0: Total Sectors: 122879616 (59999 MB)
# raidctl -I 2015123100 raid0
# raidctl -iv raid0
Initiating re-write of parity
Parity Re-write status:
  2% |                                       | ETA:    08:24 -
# raidctl -A hardroot raid0
raid0: New autoconfig value is: 1
raid0: New rootpartition value is: 1
raid0: Autoconfgure: Yes
raid0: Root: Force
  • sysinst を起動
  • utility から Network を設定
    This is the extended partition manager.  All disks, partitions, etc. are
     listed below.  MBR partitions, if desired, must be created before editing
     the disklabel.  To use RAID, LVM, or CGD: 1) Create BSD partitions with the
     appropriate type; 2) Create RAID/LVM VG/CGD using these partitions; 3) Save
     changes; 4) Create partitions for RAID/CGD or Logical Volumes for LVM.
     f:    wd1a:                          4.2BSD                         500M
     g:    wd1e:                          RAID                         20000M
     h:    wd1f:                          RAID                       1410298M
     i: wd2 (1.4T, WDC WD15EARS-00MVWB0)  WDC WD15EARS-0a           UNCHANGED
     j:    wd2a:                          4.2BSD                         500M
     k:    wd2e:    +---------------------------------------------+    20000M
     l:    wd2f:    | a: Disks:                                   |  1410298M
     m: wd3 (1.4T, W|>b: Spares:                                  | UNCHANGED
     n:    wd3a:    | c: RAID level:                            0 |      500M
     o:    wd3e:    | d: numRow:                                0 |    20000M
     p:    wd3f:    | e: numCol:                                0 |  1410298M
     q: raid0       | f: numSpare:                              0 | UNCHANGED
     r:    raid0a:  | g: sectPerSU:                            32 |    59999M
    >s: Create softw| h: SUsPerParityUnit:                      1 |
     t: Update devic| i: SUsPerReconUnit:                       1 |
     u: Save changes| j: REMOVE                                   |
     x: Finish parti| x: DONE                                     |
     <: page up, >: +---------------------------------------------+
    #        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
     a:   1024000        63     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.      0*-    166*)
     b:  30720000   1024063       swap                     # (Cyl.    166*-   5166*)
     d: 122879616         0     unused      0     0        # (Cyl.      0 -  19999*)
     e:  24576000  31744063     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.   5166*-   9166*)
     f:  30720000  56320063     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.   9166*-  14166*)
     g:  35839553  87040063     4.2BSD      0     0     0  # (Cyl.  14166*-  19999*)
    Label disk [n]?y
    Label written
    と思ったが sysinst の中で、もう一度対話的に区画を設定
    You can now change the sizes for the system partitions.  The default is to    
     allocate all the space to the root file system.  However, you may wish to     
     have separate /usr (additional system files), /var (log files etc) or /home   
     (users' home directories) file systems.
     Free space will be added to the partition marked with a '+'.                  
            MB         Cylinders   Sectors   Filesystem                            
        a:   1002               334   2052096   /
        b:  16002              5334  32772096   swap
        c:      0                 0         0   /tmp (tmpfs)
        d:  12000              4000  24576000   /usr
        e:  15000              5000  30720000   /var
       >f:  15993              5331  32753664   /home
        g: Add a user defined partition
        h: Change input units (sectors/cylinders/MB)
        x: Accept partition sizes.  Free space 2 MB, 9 free partitions.

/netbsd と /boot を /dev/wd0a に写しておく:

# installboot -fv -o console=com0 speed=0 /dev/rwd0a bootxx_ffsv1
installboot: Opening file system `speed=0' read-write: No such file or directory
# installboot -fv -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/rwd0a bootxx_ffsv1
File system:         /dev/rwd0a
Primary bootstrap:   bootxx_ffsv1
Boot options:        timeout 5, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
上記は boot しなかった。
# mount /dev/wd0a /mnt
# installboot -fv -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/rwd0a bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot
File system:         /dev/rwd0a
File system type:    ffs (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   bootxx_ffsv1
Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot
Boot options:        timeout 5, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
boot しない
# installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/rwd0e /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1
File system:         /dev/rwd0e
Primary bootstrap:   /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1
Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `/dev/rwd0e'
Boot options:        timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
boot しない
# installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0a /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv2 /mnt/boot
File system:         /dev/rwd0a
File system type:    ffs (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv2
Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot
Boot options:        timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
# stty erase ^H     
# mount /dev/raid0a /mnt
# chroot /mnt
# mount -a
# stat_ffs /dev/wd0a
stat_ffs: not found
# scan_ffs /dev/wd0a
Disk: WDC WD15EARS-00Mfictitious
Total sectors on disk: 2930277168

FFSv2 at 0 size 1024000, last mounted on /mnt/mnt
scan_ffs: pread: Invalid argument
# newfs /dev/wd0a
/dev/rwd0a: 500.0MB (1024000 sectors) block size 8192, fragment size 1024
        using 11 cylinder groups of 45.46MB, 5819 blks, 11328 inodes.
super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at:
# scan_ffs /dev/wd0a
Disk: WDC WD15EARS-00Mfictitious
Total sectors on disk: 2930277168

FFSv1 at 0 size 1024000, last mounted on 
ffsv1 にしておいて、もう一度 installboot
# installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0a /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot
File system:         /dev/rwd0a
File system type:    ffs (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   /usr/mdec/bootxx_ffsv1
Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot
Boot options:        timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
boot しない
# cd /usr/mdec
# installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0a bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot
File system:         /dev/rwd0a
File system type:    ffs (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   bootxx_ffsv1
Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot
Boot options:        timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
#  installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd1a bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot
File system:         /dev/rwd1a
File system type:    raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   bootxx_ffsv1
Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot
Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `/dev/rwd1a'
Boot options:        timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
# installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd2a bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot
File system:         /dev/rwd2a
File system type:    raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   bootxx_ffsv1
Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot
Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `/dev/rwd2a'
Boot options:        timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
# installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0e bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot
File system:         /dev/rwd0e
File system type:    raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   bootxx_ffsv1
Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot
Boot options:        timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
boot しない
# stty erase ^H
# mount /dev/raid0a /mnt
shc# ^U
chroot /mnt
# mount -a
# cd /usr/mdec
# mount /dev/wd0a /mnt
# ls /mnt
boot   netbsd
# installboot -o timeout=30 -v -o console=com0,speed=0 /dev/wd0d bootxx_ffsv1 /mnt/boot
File system:         /dev/rwd0d
File system type:    raw (blocksize 8192, needswap 0)
Primary bootstrap:   bootxx_ffsv1
Secondary bootstrap: /mnt/boot
Ignoring PBR with invalid magic in sector 0 of `/dev/rwd0d'
Boot options:        timeout 30, flags 0, speed 0, ioaddr 0, console com0
# sync
# sync
# reboot
boot した。wd0a でなく wd0d とする必要があった。

pkg_add pkgin:

# export PKG_PATH=
# pkg_add pkgin
load: 1.44  cmd: pkg_add 5551 [biowait] 0.02u 0.00s 0% 3752k
load: 1.32  cmd: pkg_add 5551 [biowait] 0.02u 0.00s 0% 3752k
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.6 2014/12/05 14:31:07 schmonz Exp $

You may wish to have the vulnerabilities file downloaded daily so that
it remains current.  This may be done by adding an appropriate entry
to a user's crontab(5) entry.  For example the entry

# download vulnerabilities file
0 3 * * * /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities >/dev/null 2>&1

will update the vulnerability list every day at 3AM. You may wish to do
this more often than once a day.

In addition, you may wish to run the package audit from the daily
security script.  This may be accomplished by adding the following
lines to /etc/security.local

if [ -x /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin ]; then
        /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin audit

Alternatively this can also be acomplished by adding an entry to a user's
crontab(5) file. e.g.:

# run audit-packages
0 3 * * * /usr/pkg/sbin/pkg_admin audit

Both pkg_admin subcommands can be run as as an unprivileged user,
as long as the user chosen has permission to read the pkgdb and to write
the pkg-vulnerabilities to /var/db/pkg.

The behavior of pkg_admin and pkg_add can be customised with
pkg_install.conf.  Please see pkg_install.conf(5) for details.

If you want to use GPG signature verification you will need to install
GnuPG and set the path for GPG appropriately in your pkg_install.conf.

/export は 4.0TB くらいあるので gpt:

2013/07/28 の日記 を見ながら。

2015年12月26日() 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/12/26 14:43:16"]

#1 [Graphics] NVIDIA GTX-750 GM-107 (Maxwell)

| drm kern info: nouveau  [  PGRAPH][nouveau0] using external firmware
| drm kern error: nouveau E[  PGRAPH][nouveau0] failed to load fuc409c
| drm kern error: nouveau E[  DEVICE][nouveau0] failed to create 0x18000717, -22
| drm kern debug: nouveau T[  DEVICE][nouveau0] dec() == 21
| drm kern error: nouveau E[     DRM] failed to create 0x80000080, -22
| drm kern debug: nouveau T[      SW][nouveau0] dec() == 0
| drm kern debug: nouveau D[      SW][nouveau0] destroying

    951 int
    952 nvc0_graph_init_ctxctl(struct nvc0_graph_priv *priv)
    953 {
    954         struct nvc0_graph_oclass *oclass = (void *)nv_object(priv)->oclass;
    955         struct nvc0_grctx_oclass *cclass = (void *)nv_engine(priv)->cclass;
    956         u32 r000260;
    957         int i;
    959         if (priv->firmware) {
    960                 /* load fuc microcode */
    961                 r000260 = nv_mask(priv, 0x000260, 0x00000001, 0x00000000);
    962                 nvc0_graph_init_fw(priv, 0x409000, &priv->fuc409c,
    963                                                    &priv->fuc409d);
    964                 nvc0_graph_init_fw(priv, 0x41a000, &priv->fuc41ac,
    965                                                    &priv->fuc41ad);
   1221 static int
   1222 nvc0_graph_ctor_fw(struct nvc0_graph_priv *priv, const char *fwname,
   1223                    struct nvc0_graph_fuc *fuc)
   1224 {
   1225         struct nouveau_device *device = nv_device(priv);
   1226         const struct firmware *fw;
   1227         char f[32];
   1228         int ret;
   1230         snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "nouveau/nv%02x_%s", device->chipset, fwname);
   1231         ret = request_firmware(&fw, f, nv_device_base(device));
   1232         if (ret) {
   1233                 snprintf(f, sizeof(f), "nouveau/%s", fwname);
   1234                 ret = request_firmware(&fw, f, nv_device_base(device));
   1235                 if (ret) {
   1236                         nv_error(priv, "failed to load %s\n", fwname);
   1237                         return ret;
   1238                 }
   1239         }
   36  cd /tmp
   38  mkdir t
   39  cd t
   41  wget --no-check-certificat
   43  python2.7
   44  wget
   45  file
   46  less
   47  sh --extract-only
   49  ls -lt NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.32
   50  less  NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.32/LICENSE

2015年12月22日(火) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/12/26 04:46:51"]

#1 [NetBSD][X11] nouveau does not work with GTX 750

With kernel configuration
# $NetBSD: GENERIC_USERMODE,v 1.1 2012/06/30 15:03:57 reinoud Exp $

include "arch/amd64/conf/GENERIC"
# it's probably worth testing in -current now if you want.  you'll need
# to enable these lines in your config:

nouveau*        at pci? dev ? function ?
nouveaufb*      at nouveaufbbus?

# and you might want to disable nouveau debug -- my console spews a really
# large amount, but only if it works ;)  you'll have to do this by editing
# files.nouveau to have this instead:

#no makeoptions nouveau
#makeoptions     nouveau CPPFLAGS+="-DCONFIG_NOUVEAU_DEBUG=0"
#makeoptions     nouveau CPPFLAGS+="-DCONFIG_NOUVEAU_DEBUG_DEFAULT=0"
Graphic Card is GTX-750 and dmesg may say:
nouveau0 at pci7 dev 0 function 0: vendor 10de product 1381 (rev. 0xa2)
The screen looks like
This machine has no serial console, so following part is hand-copied:
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] dec() == 3
drm kern debug: nouveau T[  DEVICE][nouveau0] use(-1) == 0
drm kern debug: nouveau T[  DEVICE][nouveau0] stopping ...
drm kern debug: nouveau T[  DEVICE][nouveau0] stopped
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] dec() == 2
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] fini running
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff fini children
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff fini running
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] use(-1) == 1
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff fini completed
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] fini completed with 0
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] dec() == 0
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] destroying
drm kern debug: nouveau T[  DEVICE][nouveau0] dec() == 1
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff destroy running
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] 0xffffffff:0xffffffff destroy completed
drm kern debug: nouveau T[     DRM] dec() == -1
nouveau0: unable to attach drm: 22
panic: cnopen: no console device
fatal breakpoint trap in supervisor mode
trap type 1 code 0 rip ffffffff80114a75 cs 8 rflags 246 cr2 7f7ff6c0cce9 ilevel
0 rsp ffff0e811d985ac8
curlwp 0xfffffe811d863860 pid 2.1 lowest kstack 0xfffffef811d9822ce
Stopped in pid 2.1 (init) at netbsd: breakpoint+0x5: leave
dmesg with GENERIC is here:

2015年12月18日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/12/19 11:37:23"]

#1 [Machine] ASRock N3150B-ITX Mother board again

最近(この一年くらいの間)に買った Mother board
Mother boardBoxPower Supply
H81ML-110/G3 の箱手持の ATX 電源
N3150B-ITXShop PCShop PC

H97 (2014/10)
H81 (2015/02)
N3150B-ITX(1) (

Case と電源をどうしよう ?:

で、もう一つを 12/12(土) に (12/11 駒場 → 荻窪 → 秋葉原) で 買って来た訳だが
  • ML-110/G3 等についていた 4 つの disk が入るひき出しを再利用したい
  • 電源と Case は手持のもので間合せてたい
と思ったが、なかなかうまく行かない。 電源ピンが 24 でなく 20 だったり、24 ピンのものは Case に固定出来ないねじ穴や、AC 電源コネクタ位置だったり。 上に書いた「ひき出し」は、大きくて 24 ピンの電源が付いている ML-115 の箱には取付けられそうもない。
H81 の箱をどうやって用意したのかが不思議 (ひき出し) が使われている。
どうも、ML-115 の古い方 (G1) と同じ電源が入っているようだ。

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