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2015年08月27日(木) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/08/27 14:26:17"]

#1 [NetBSD] 7.99.20 panics at ip6intr ?

netbsd: nostic assertion "rt->rt_refcnt > 0" failed: 
      file "/home/source/ab/HEAD/src/sys/net
/route.c", line 418 
netbsd: cpu0: Begin traceback...
netbsd: vpanic() at netbsd:vpanic+0x13c
netbsd: kern_assert() at netbsd:kern_assert+0x4f
netbsd: rtfree() at netbsd:rtfree+0xf5
netbsd: rtcache_clear() at netbsd:rtcache_clear+0x41
netbsd: rtcache_update() at netbsd:rtcache_update+0x12
netbsd: in6_pcbrtentry() at netbsd:in6_pcbrtentry+0xa4
netbsd: tcp_mss_from_peer() at netbsd:tcp_mss_from_peer+0x50
netbsd: tcp_input() at netbsd:tcp_input+0xc3b
netbsd: tcp6_input() at netbsd:tcp6_input+0x49
netbsd: ip6_input() at netbsd:ip6_input+0x561
netbsd: ip6intr() at netbsd:ip6intr+0x45
netbsd: softint_dispatch() at netbsd:softint_dispatch+0xd3
netbsd: DDB lost frame for netbsd:Xsoftintr+0x4f, trying 0xfffffe811d0e5ff0
netbsd: Xsoftintr() at netbsd:Xsoftintr+0x4f
netbsd: --- interrupt ---
netbsd: 0:
netbsd: cpu0: End traceback...
netbsd: uv
netbsd: m_fault(0xffffdfuem8p3ifn9g3 ct7od 1d0e,v  00x,01,  (2o)f f-s>e te=
netbsd: 2783, size=f4a1t7a7l6 8p6a)g:e
netbsd: fault in superdvuimspo r mode
netbsd: trap type 6 code 2 rip ffffffff8061744b cs 8 rflags 10282 cr2 84 
        ilevel 8 rsp fffffe811d815b98
netbsd: curlwp 0xfffffe8417b57560 pid 1823.1 lowest kstack 0xfffffe811d8122c0
netbsd: Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
netbsd:    2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
netbsd:    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
netbsd: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
netbsd:    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
netbsd: NetBSD 7.99.20 (GENERIC.201508070750Z) #0: Fri Aug  7 08:42:58 UTC 2015

dvipdfmx ICC profile format spec. version 4.3.0
wip/wsjtx 5.4.2
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