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2013年06月02日() 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2013/06/02 22:51:10"]

#1 [wip] wip/gdb (7.5.1) make test results

wip/gdb が 今は 7.5.1 だけれど Makefile と distinfo さえ変更すれば 7.6 にも出来る
その辺りで、いろいろな OS で make test をしている。 ちなみに、 make test をするには runtest が必要で、それは devel/dejagnu を make package-install しておく
で、その make test の要約を 2013/06/02 の TODO に記録してある。
  • DragonFly の成績が悪い
  • amd64 であっても 200 くらい FAIL している

NetBSD/amd64 の方は:

m08@makoto 21:51:23/130602(..wip/gdb)% 
grep 'p ctable1' work/gdb-7.5.1/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base2/gdb.sum |grep FAIL|wc
      89     356    4005
m08@makoto 21:52:28/130602(..wip/gdb)% \
cat -n  work/gdb-7.5.1/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/printcmds.exp |less

   291      gdb_test "p ctable1\[128\]" " = 128 '\\\\200'"
   292      gdb_test "p ctable1\[129\]" " = 129 '\\\\201'"
   293      gdb_test "p ctable1\[130\]" " = 130 '\\\\202'"
それで、この gdb_test は次の部分。でも考えると、これは重要ではなさそう。
   936  proc gdb_test { args } {
   937      global verbose
   938      global gdb_prompt
   939      global GDB
   940      upvar timeout timeout
   942      if [llength $args]>2 then {
   943          set message [lindex $args 2]
   944      } else {
   945          set message [lindex $args 0]
   946      }
   947      set command [lindex $args 0]
   948      set pattern [lindex $args 1]
   950      if [llength $args]==5 {
   951          set question_string [lindex $args 3];
   952          set response_string [lindex $args 4];
   953      } else {
   954          set question_string "^FOOBAR$"
   955      }
   957      return [gdb_test_multiple $command $message {
   958          -re "\[\r\n\]*($pattern)\[\r\n\]+$gdb_prompt $" {
   959              if ![string match "" $message] then {
   960                  pass "$message"
   961              }
   962          }
   963          -re "(${question_string})$" {
   964              send_gdb "$response_string\n";
   965              exp_continue;
   966          }
   967       }]
   968  }


DragonFly の方は、この辺りだろうか
dragon342@makoto 22:16:07/130602(..wip/gdb)% \
grep 'unexpected ' `find work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/  -name \*sum `| sort -nr -k 5  
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures     2827
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base2/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures   968
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.mi/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures      919
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base1/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures   678
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.arch/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures    122
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.threads/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures 109
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.trace/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures   11
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.cp/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures      8
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.multi/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures   6
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/ of unexpected failures    3
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.stabs/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures   1
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.opt/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures     1
work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.linespec/gdb.sum:# of unexpected failures        1
dragon342@makoto 22:07:14/130602(..wip/gdb)% \
grep FAIL work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base2/gdb.sum  \
| awk '{print $2, $3, $4}' | sort | uniq -c |sort -nr | head -10
  81 gdb.base/structs.exp: p/c fun<n>();
  81 gdb.base/structs.exp: p/c L<n>;
  81 gdb.base/structs.exp: call Fun<n>(foo<n>);
  71 gdb.base/sigall.exp: send signal
  71 gdb.base/sigall.exp: get signal
  70 gdb.base/sigall.exp: advance to
  60 gdb.base/structs.exp: zed L<n>
  60 gdb.base/structs.exp: value foo<n>
  60 gdb.base/structs.exp: advance to
  30 gdb.base/structs.exp: return foo<n>;
dragon342@makoto 22:19:43/130602(..wip/gdb)% \
FAIL work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.mi/gdb.sum  \
| awk '{print $2, $3, $4}' | sort | uniq -c |sort -nr | head -10
  68 gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: get children
  68 gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: get children
  64 gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: get number
  64 gdb.mi/mi-var-child.exp: get number
  42 gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: path expression
  42 gdb.mi/mi2-var-child.exp: expression for
  20 gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: step at
  18 gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: set format
  18 gdb.mi/mi-var-cmd.exp: delete var
  17 gdb.mi/mi-var-display.exp: eval variable
dragon342@makoto 22:09:10/130602(..wip/gdb)% \
grep FAIL work/gdb-7.6/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base1/gdb.sum  \
| awk '{print $2, $3, $4}' | sort | uniq -c |sort -nr |head -10
  48 gdb.base/funcargs.exp: continue to
  27 gdb.base/call-sc.exp: return foo;
  23 gdb.base/funcargs.exp: backtrace from
  18 gdb.base/call-sc.exp: zed L
  18 gdb.base/call-sc.exp: value foo
  18 gdb.base/call-sc.exp: advance to
  18 gdb.base/bitfields2.exp: continuing to
  13 gdb.base/bitfields.exp: continuing to
  12 gdb.base/break.exp: run until
  10 gdb.base/callfuncs.exp: call inferior
DragonFly /OS に入っている gdb は 7.4.1 で、これの 成績や diff などを見た方が良いとは思う。
もっとも devel/gdb の 5.3 と比べて、それより良ければ、 入替という方も良い考えかな。

src from git Repository:

dragon342@makoto 22:26:29/130602(/usr)% sudo make src-create
If problems occur you may have to rm -rf src and try again.

mkdir -p /usr/src
cd /usr/src && git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/src/.git/
cd /usr/src &&  git remote add origin git://
cd /usr/src && git fetch origin
remote: Counting objects: 398761, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (119505/119505), done.
Receiving objects:   7% (31695/398761), 12.92 MiB | 56 KiB/s    

kicad oddity
comparison on ./buildsh tools
py-setuptools (python 3.11.9)
make release took 1 hours and 10 min
qemu invocation for 10.99.10
Windows 10 version
serial connection
bc bench
Trial on 10.99.10
another version (later trial) to succeed
以上、1 日分です。
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