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2015年11月13日(金) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2015/11/16 13:37:46"]

#1 [Machine] for NetBSD/amd64 on N3150B-ITX

11/11 に買って来た、ASRock の Mini-ITX (N3150B-ITX) の板に 16GB のメモリを載せ、80GB の SATA をつないだ。消費電力は 30-32W。
最初は表示が(高解像度を期待しているのか)乱れたり、きちんと表示した後には BIOS が中国語だったりして、多少びっくりしたが、いづれもすぐに解決した。
NetBSD/amd64 201511021600Z
を入れた。 (dmesg)
startx をすると twm の画面が立上る
性能を調べるのに をして見る。DESTDIR は tmpfs
make release started at:  Sat Nov 14 23:10:28 JST 2015
make release finished at: Sun Nov 15 03:35:35 JST 2015
===> Successful make release
===> ended:      Sun Nov 15 03:35:35 JST 2015
===> Summary of results: command:    ./ -j 8 -T /export/T.7.99.21 -O /tmp/O.7.99.21 release started:    Sat Nov 14 23:10:27 JST 2015
         NetBSD version:      7.99.21
         MACHINE:             amd64
         MACHINE_ARCH:        x86_64
         Build platform:      NetBSD 7.99.21 amd64
         HOST_SH:             /bin/sh
         MAKECONF file:       /etc/mk.conf
         TOOLDIR path:        /export/T.7.99.21
         DESTDIR path:        /tmp/O.7.99.21/destdir.amd64
         RELEASEDIR path:     /tmp/O.7.99.21/releasedir
         Updated makewrapper: /export/T.7.99.21/bin/nbmake-amd64
         Successful make release ended:      Sun Nov 15 03:35:35 JST 2015
===> .
27399.70s 6345.61s 4:25:07.81 212% 0+0k 0+298488io 565355pf+0w
src も tmpfs の上の方が良いと思うが、どうやって写すか。
今回もそうだが、src は git clone で持って来ている。
[remote "origin"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
msaitoh@ requested following list. By the way, I met him just after I bought these stuff.
cpuctl -v identify 0
pcictl pci0 list
n3150@makoto 22:36:24/151116(~)% grep 'not configured' /var/run/dmesg.boot                                                                                      
FWHD (INT0800) at acpi0 not configured
LDRC (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
SIO1 (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
LPTE (PNP0400) at acpi0 not configured
UAR1 (PNP0501) at acpi0 not configured
UAR2 (PNP0501) at acpi0 not configured
SIO2 (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
BTH1 (BCM2E64) at acpi0 not configured
GPS1 (BCM4752) at acpi0 not configured
SHUB (SMO91D0) at acpi0 not configured
CAMD (INT33F7) at acpi0 not configured
CAM3 (INT33BE) at acpi0 not configured
STRB (INTCF1C) at acpi0 not configured
TPD1 (MSFT0002) at acpi0 not configured
SPRC (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
PDRC (PNP0C02) at acpi0 not configured
drm at vga0 not configured
vendor 8086 product 22b5 (USB serial bus, xHCI, revision 0x21) at pci0 dev 20 function 0 
   not configured
vendor 8086 product 2298 (miscellaneous crypto, revision 0x21) at pci0 dev 26 function 0 
   not configured
vendor 8086 product 2292 (SMBus serial bus, revision 0x21) at pci0 dev 31 function 3 
   not configured
n3150@makoto 22:36:38/151116(~)% 

停電 (瞬電)
the second try on bare-metal
opendkim and senmail
chat/iam 0.0.8
uselocale vs setlocale (textproc/R-readxl)
以上、1 日分です。
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