hns - 日記自動生成システム - Version 2.19.9

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Namazu for hns による簡易全文検索
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2005年03月05日() 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2005/03/05 13:23:50"]

#1 [NetBSD][pkgsrc][bulk-build] infinite loop at textproc/p5-Text-WikiFormat

2005/03/05 03:58:09  4016/5380=74.6% textproc/p5-Text-WikiFormat @ powerpc> 
powerpc> Select your continent (or several nearby continents) [] 
powerpc> Sorry! since you don't have any existing picks, you must make a
powerpc> geographic seliFormat @ powerpc> 
powerpc> (1) Africa
powerpc> (2) Asia
powerpc> (3) Central America
powerpc> (4) Europe
powerpc> (5) North America
powerpc> (6) Oceania
powerpc> (7) South America

21GB log already ?:

ttyp5:root@mini 8:06:22/050305(/export/pkgsrc)# ls -l /export/bulk-build-20050228-0032
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 21152897644 Mar 5 08:03 /export/bulk-build-20050228-0032
21,152,897,644 bytes

#2 [Emacs] regexp

次の単語の順を入替える(実際には < > の前後には空白はない)
<string> Libro di Class Unita 15-b</string>
<string>Unita 15-b Libro di Class </string>
Quesy replace regexp: >(Libro di Class) (.*)<
with: \2 \1
Replaced 0 occurences

Quesy replace regexp: \>(Libro di Class) (.*)\<
with: \>\2 \1\<
Replaced 0 occurences
Quesy replace regexp: (string.)(Libro di Class) (.*)(./string)
with: \1\3 \2\4
Replaced 0 occurences
Quesy replace regexp: \(string.\)\(Libro di Class\) \(.*\)\(./string\)~ with: \1\3 \2\4
Replaced 112 occurences
Perl の \( と逆なのを ...忘れていた。


iTunes Music Library.xml の中身を変えただけではだめだった。


% foreach i ( * )
foreach? echo $i | perl -nle 's/(\d\d) (Libro di Class) (U.*)(\.m4a)/$1 $3, $2$4/;print;'
foreach? end

mv を付ける:

% foreach i ( * )
foreach? echo $i | perl -nle 's/(\d\d) (Libro di Class) (U.*)(\.m4a)/mv $_ $1 $3, $2$4/;print;'
foreach? end


% foreach i ( * )
foreach? echo $i | perl -nle 's/(\d\d) (Libro di Class) (U.*)(\.m4a)/mv "$_" "$1 $3, $2$4"/;print;'
foreach? end

shell script に書出:

% touch tt
% foreach i ( * )
foreach? echo $i | perl -nle 's/(\d\d) (Libro di Class) (U.*)(\.m4a)/mv "$_" "$1 $3, $2$4"/;print;' >> tt
foreach? end

結局、うまく行かないので backup から元に戻す:


kicad oddity
comparison on ./buildsh tools
py-setuptools (python 3.11.9)
make release took 1 hours and 10 min
qemu invocation for 10.99.10
Windows 10 version
serial connection
bc bench
Trial on 10.99.10
another version (later trial) to succeed
以上、1 日分です。
Powered by hns-2.19.9, HyperNikkiSystem Project

Count.cgi (since 2000/02/05)