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2016年02月01日(月) 旧暦 [n年日記] [更新:"2016/02/01 14:30:45"]

#1 [pkgsrc] make test on perl-5.22.1

Let me record the failure anyway
h97@makoto 23:26:33/160201(..lang/perl5)% make test |& tee ~/prep/perl-5.22.1-make-test
h97@makoto 23:21:56/160201(..lang/perl5)% grep -i fail ~/prep/perl-5.22.1-make-test

t/op/time ..............................# Failed test 7 
                - changes to $ENV{TZ} respected at op/time.t line 62
FAILED at test 7
t/porting/customized ...................# Failed test 26 
                 - SHA for cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/lib/ExtUtils/ matches stashed 
	           SHA at porting/customized.t line 105
# Failed test 48 - SHA for cpan/version/lib/ matches stashed 
		   SHA at porting/customized.t line 105
FAILED at test 26
t/porting/regen ........................# Failed test 1 
                - generated regcharclass.h is up to date at porting/regen.t line 85
# Failed test 4 - generated charclass_invlists.h is up to date at porting/regen.t line 85
FAILED at test 1

ext/POSIX/t/wrappers ...................#   Failed test 'sleep'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 89.
FAILED at test 35
lib/locale ............................. FAILED at test 400
Failed 5 tests out of 2291, 99.78% okay.
h97@makoto 23:21:58/160201(..lang/perl5)% 

停電 (瞬電)
the second try on bare-metal
opendkim and senmail
chat/iam 0.0.8
uselocale vs setlocale (textproc/R-readxl)
以上、1 日分です。
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