This directory | Upper directory | Summary
Found:                 3131 These packages are to be updated
TODO flags:             503 (More to be updated, by TODO)
Up-to-date:            6390 OK, Already up-to-date
Not Available:         1820 Failed to get update info (indicated as 0.0)
No Master Sites:          0 (usually in files directory)
NotFound (404):        1427 MASTER_SITES returns 404, and no recovery
Forbidden(403/550):     211 
Site not in DNS:        472 
Name ends with digit:      0 (The name ends with digits, may give false version)
Matured:     73 (No update expected)
Texlive:               2446 (Texlive is skipped for now)
META_PACKAGE:            48 (Other than meta-pkgs category)
Confusing:              375 (Found version wrong, hilighted, only for debug purpose)
Not Listed:               0 
Sum of Above:         16896 
Total Checked:        17618 
Started:	 Fri Nov  5 18:31:14 2021 UTC
Ended:  	 Sat Nov  6 01:00:46 2021 UTC
Elapsed:	            06:29:32
Whole listing: