Summary  |  Upper directory |  diff  
       Script Time Stamp:    2016-05-15 03:38 UTC (hash: cdf6abd) 
       Started:              2021-09-10 18:31 UTC
       Ended:                2021-09-10 20:07 UTC
       Elapsed:                         01:35:30 
Found:                    38  These packages are to be updated
TODO flags:                2  (More to be updated, by TODO)
Up-to-date:               34  OK, Already up-to-date
Not Available:             4  Failed to get update info (indicated as 0.0)
No Master Sites:           0  (usually in files directory)
NotFound (404):            5  MASTER_SITES returns 404, and no recovery
Forbidden(403/550):        3  
Site not in DNS:           5  
Name ends with digit:      0  (The name ends with digits, may give false version)
Matured:                   0  (No update expected)
Texlive:                   2  (Texlive is skipped for now)
META_PACKAGE:              0  (Other than meta-pkgs category)
Confusing:                 0  (Found version wrong, hilighted, only for debug purpose)
Not Listed:                0  
Sum of Above:             93  

Total Checked:           104  
Options used:                 -R -f -m -p /tmp/pkgsrc -c geography -d /home/makoto/public_html/pkgsrc/check-update/HEAD//.20210910-18 -S geography.html

 *** Above # has so many errors, by so many reasons, don't blame me :-) , thank you.

directoryPackageNow Update-ToTODOMAINTAINERMASTER_SITES (only the first one checked)
geography/R-countrycode R-countrycode 1.1.0 ->
geography/R-deldir R-deldir 0.1.28 ->
geography/R-ggspatial R-ggspatial 1.0.3 ->
geography/R-lwgeom R-lwgeom 0.2.5 ->
geography/R-maptools R-maptools 1.1.1 ->1.1.2.wen
geography/R-osmdata R-osmdata 0.1.3 ->
geography/R-raster R-raster 3.0.12 ->
geography/R-rgdal R-rgdal 1.4.8 ->
geography/R-rgeos R-rgeos 0.5.5 ->
geography/R-rnaturalearthhires R-rnaturalearthhires 0.2.0 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/R-sf R-sf 0.9.8 ->1.0.2.pkgsrc-users
geography/R-spData R-spData 0.3.8 ->0.3.10.pkgsrc-users
geography/R-spatstat R-spatstat 1.63.2 ->
geography/ 1.4.3 ->2.1.0.pkgsrc-users
geography/R-spatstat.utils R-spatstat.utils 1.17.0 ->2.2.0.pkgsrc-users
geography/R-stars R-stars 0.4.3 ->
geography/cm2gpx cm2gpx (403) 1.0.4 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/cmconvert cmconvert (403) 1.9.5 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/epsg epsg 8.1 ->0.0brook@nmsu.ed
geography/epsg-docs epsg-docs 200911 ->0.0cngo@nmsu.edu
geography/garmintools garmintools 0.10 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/geoclue geoclue 2.5.6 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/gipfel gipfel (-1) 0.4.0 ->0.0johannes.hofm
geography/gpxsee gpxsee 6.3 ->9.6abs
geography/kplex kplex 1.3.2 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/libnova libnova (DNS) 0.15.0 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/libspatialite libspatialite 4.3.0a ->
geography/lua-mmdb lua53-mmdb 0.2 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/mapcode mapcode (429) 2.5.4 ->
geography/mapserver mapserver 5.6.8 ->
geography/merkaartor merkaartor 0.18.4 ->0.19.0gdt
geography/opencpn opencpn 5.0.0 ->5.2.4bouyer
geography/opencpn-plugin-debugger opencpn-plugin-debugger 20170414 ->1.4bouyer
geography/opencpn-plugin-draw opencpn-plugin-draw 1.6.8 ->
geography/opencpn-plugin-gshhs opencpn-plugin-gshhs 2.2.4 ->0.0bouyer
geography/opencpn-plugin-statusbar opencpn-plugin-statusbar 20180405 ->0.7bouyer
geography/opencpn-plugin-watchdog opencpn-plugin-watchdog 2.4.6 ->
geography/opencpn-plugin-weather_routing opencpn-plugin-weather_routing 20180827 ->1.10.1bouyer
geography/osm-gps-map osm-gps-map 1.1.0 ->
geography/osm2pgsql osm2pgsql 1.3.0 ->1.5.1wiedi@frubar.
geography/p5-Class-Measure p5-Class-Measure 0.08 ->0.090.09pkgsrc-users
geography/p5-Geography-Countries p5-Geography-Countries 2009041301 ->0.0gson
geography/proj proj 6.3.2 ->
geography/proj-doc proj-doc 8.0 ->8.1.1gdt
geography/py-country py38-country (404) 19.8.18 ->0.0kamel.derouic
geography/py-geojson py38-geojson (429) 2.5.0 ->0.0kleink
geography/py-googlemaps py38-googlemaps (429) 4.4.5 ->4.5.3kleink
geography/py-obspy py38-obspy 1.2.2 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/py-proj py38-pyproj 2.6.1 ->3.2.0gdt
geography/qgis qgis 3.16.10 ->3.20.3gdt
geography/qlandkartegt qlandkartegt 1.4.2 ->
geography/qlandkartegt-garmindev qlandkartegt-garmindev 0.3.4 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/qlandkartem qlandkartem 0.2.0 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/spatialindex spatialindex 1.8.5 ->
geography/vis5d+ vis5d+ (DNS) 1.2.1 ->0.0hdp@nmsu.edu
geography/xrmap-data xrmap-data (empty) 0 ->0.0pkgsrc-users
geography/pdal-lib pdal-lib 2.2.0 ->2.3.0thomas.orgis@