;;; its/hira.el --- Hiragana Input in Egg Input Method Architecture ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc ;; Author: NIIBE Yutaka ;; Maintainer: TOMURA Satoru ;; This file is part of EGG. ;; EGG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; EGG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Symbol input is desined by jiro@math.keio.ac.jp (TANAKA Jiro) ;; This file is based on the rules of its/hira.el in Mule-2.3 distribution. ;; ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'its) (require 'cl)) (eval-when (compile) (defconst its-compaction-enable t)) (defgroup hira nil "Hiragana Input Method" :group 'its) (defvar its-hira-enable-zenkaku-alphabet (if (boundp 'its-enable-fullwidth-alphabet) its-enable-fullwidth-alphabet t) "*Enable Zenkaku alphabet") (define-its-state-machine its-hira-map "roma-kana" "あ" Japanese "Map for Romaji-Hiragana translation. (Japanese)" (its-defrule "3" "あ") (its-defrule "e" "い") (its-defrule "4" "う") (its-defrule "5" "え") (its-defrule "6" "お") (its-defrule "t" "か") (its-defrule "g" "き") (its-defrule "h" "く") (its-defrule ":" "け") (its-defrule "b" "こ") (its-defrule "t@" "が") (its-defrule "g@" "ぎ") (its-defrule "h@" "ぐ") (its-defrule ":@" "げ") (its-defrule "b@" "ご") (its-defrule "x" "さ") (its-defrule "d" "し") (its-defrule "r" "す") (its-defrule "p" "せ") (its-defrule "c" "そ") (its-defrule "x@" "ざ") (its-defrule "d@" "じ") (its-defrule "r@" "ず") (its-defrule "p@" "ぜ") (its-defrule "c@" "ぞ") (its-defrule "q" "た") (its-defrule "a" "ち") (its-defrule "z" "つ") (its-defrule "w" "て") (its-defrule "s" "と") (its-defrule "q@" "だ") (its-defrule "a@" "ぢ") (its-defrule "z@" "づ") (its-defrule "w@" "で") (its-defrule "s@" "ど") (its-defrule "u" "な") (its-defrule "i" "に") (its-defrule "1" "ぬ") (its-defrule "," "ね") (its-defrule "k" "の") (its-defrule "f" "は") (its-defrule "v" "ひ") (its-defrule "2" "ふ") (its-defrule "^" "へ") (its-defrule "-" "ほ") (its-defrule "f@" "ば") (its-defrule "v@" "び") (its-defrule "2@" "ぶ") (its-defrule "^@" "べ") (its-defrule "-@" "ぼ") (its-defrule "f[" "ぱ") (its-defrule "v[" "ぴ") (its-defrule "2[" "ぷ") (its-defrule "^[" "ぺ") (its-defrule "-[" "ぽ") (its-defrule "j" "ま") (its-defrule "n" "み") (its-defrule "]" "む") (its-defrule "/" "め") (its-defrule "m" "も") (its-defrule "7" "や") (its-defrule "8" "ゆ") (its-defrule "9" "よ") (its-defrule "o" "ら") (its-defrule "l" "り") (its-defrule "." "る") (its-defrule ";" "れ") (its-defrule "`" "ろ") (its-defrule "0" "わ") (its-defrule "|" "を") (its-defrule "y" "ん") (its-defrule "#" "ぁ") (its-defrule "E" "ぃ") (its-defrule "$" "ぅ") (its-defrule "%" "ぇ") (its-defrule "&" "ぉ") (its-defrule "'" "ゃ") (its-defrule "(" "ゅ") (its-defrule ")" "ょ") (its-defrule "Z" "っ") (its-defrule "WE" "ゐ") (its-defrule "w5" "ゑ") (its-defrule "!" "!") (its-defrule "\"" "″") (its-defrule "<" "、") (its-defrule ">" "。") (its-defrule "?" "・") (its-defrule "{" "「") (its-defrule "}" "」") (its-defrule "@" "゛") (its-defrule "[" "゜") (its-defrule "\\" "ー") ; 操作で問題が出たらこの辺を疑う…とか? (its-defrule "%%" "%") (its-defrule "??" "?") (its-defrule "{{" "『") (its-defrule "}}" "』") ; ここまで (provide 'its/hira) ) ;;; its/kana.el ends here.