#!/bin/perl # $Header: /e/u/j/local-repository/htdocs/www/software/inn/makefeedmap/tst_out2,v 2008/03/12 10:53:33 makoto Exp $ # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Path to database made by 'tst' $dbp1 = '/var/log/news/' ; $dbp2 = '/var/log/news/db/' ; $dbnam = 'tstdb' ; $db = $dbp2.$dbnam; $resultfile = $dbp2 . "tstdata"; $tries = 10; $cflush = '/usr/news/bin/ctlinnd flush ' ; $SITE = 'TST'; # site name in newsfeeds # The name of your host -- if hostname gives FQDN, then use this # else use the second line with correct #$host=`hostname`; $host = 'swidir.switch.ch'; # Give a cutoff -- little links don't count and this will reduce # the size of the result files $cutoff = 7*30; # 7 Days a 30 articles each # Path to sendmail program $sendmail = '/usr/lib/sendmail'; # --------------------------------------------------------------- require "getopts.pl"; Getopts('hfnr'); # --------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $#ARGV > -1 && -r $ARGV[0] ) { require $ARGV[0]; } # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Nothing should need changes below (I hope) # $usage = "tst_out (c) Heiko Rupp with additions by Felix Kugler Cycle db with Path:-data collected by 'tst', preprocess and send data to Heiko. Usage: tst_out [-fhr] -f: write to file $resultfile instead of piping into sendmail -h: this help -n: do not cycle db, use old copy to process & send -r: resend existing result file $resultfile, do not cycle db\n"; if ($opt_h) { print "$usage"; exit 0; } $host =~ s/\n//; # chop occasional linefeed if ($opt_r) { # resend an existing result file open(RF,$resultfile) || die "cannot open $resultfile: $!\n"; &init_mail; while () { print OUT; } close(OUT); exit 0; } # flush db and save data unless ($opt_n) { chdir($dbp2) || die "$dbp2 does not exist - please create directory"; chdir($dbp1); system("mv $dbnam* $dbp2"); system($cflush. ' '. $SITE); sleep 2; } while ($tries > 0) { last if dbmopen(%db,$db,0644); sleep 5; $tries --; } die "No DB $db " if $tries == 0; $tot=$db{'*'}; if ($opt_f) { open(OUT,">$resultfile") || die "cannot open $resultfile: $!\n"; } else { &init_mail; } print OUT "Site: ",$host,"\n"; print OUT "Total: ",$tot,"\n"; foreach $x (sort keys %db) { ($to,$from) = split('_',$x); if ($to ne "*" && $from ne "*" && $db{$x} > $cutoff) { print OUT $to,"!",$from,"!",$db{$x},"\n"; } } dbmclose(%db); close(OUT); sub init_mail { open(OUT,"|$sendmail -t -v") || die "Sendmail not found "; print OUT "From: news\@$host\n"; print OUT "Subject: Data from $host\n"; print OUT "To: collect-stats\@snert.pilhuhn.de\n"; print OUT "\n"; }