# -*- Perl -*- # Following values are default: # if you change, uncomment first please ### $dbp1 = '/var/log/news/' ; ### $dbp2 = '/var/log/news/db/' ; ### $dbnam = 'tstdb' ; ### $db = $dbp2.$dbnam; ### $resultfile = $dbp2 . "tstdata"; ### $tries = 10; ### $cflush = "/usr/news/bin/ctlinnd flush" ; # The name of your host -- if hostname gives FQDN, then use this # else use the second line with correct #$host=`hostname`; ### $host = 'swidir.switch.ch'; # Give a cutoff -- little links don't count and this will reduce # the size of the result files ### $cutoff = 7*30; # 7 Days a 30 articles each # Path to sendmail program ### $sendmail = '/usr/lib/sendmail'; ### $SITE = 'TST'; 1;