【 disktab の例と説明】 Fujitsu M2682SAU:\ :ty#winchester:ns#73:nt#9:nc#1048:\ :pa#45570:oa#0:ta=4.2BSD:ba#8192:\ :pb#221340:ob#45570:tb=swap:\ :pc#682248:oc#0:tc=4.2BSD:\ :pd#363258:od#266910:td=4.2BSD:\ :pg#52080:og#630168:tg=4.2BSD: Quantum Lightning 730S:\ :ty#winchester:ns#63:nt#16:nc#1415:\ :pa#40320:oa#0:ta=4.2BSD:ba#8192:\ :pb#362880:ob#40320:tb=swap:\ :pc#1426320:oc#0:tc=4.2BSD:\ :pd#705600:od#403200:td=4.2BSD:\ :pg#317520:og#1108800:tg=4.2BSD: ----以下注釈---- (以下四つの x は a..h が入る) px partition x の sector 数 ox partition x の 開始 offset tx partition x の 形式 (4.2BSD|swap|unknown) bx partition x の block size ty type ns number of sectors/track nt number of tracks/cylinder nc number of total cylinders sector 数、開始 offset などは cylinder 境界、つまり ns*nt の倍数 のこと (人間用に分り易い表) Fujitsu M2682SAU: sector offset cyl MB a 45570 0 70 20 / b 221340 45570 340 96 swap c 682248 0 1048 337 (全体) d 363258 266910 558 160 /usr g 52080 630168 80 24 /var Quantum Lightning 730S: sector offset cyl MB a 40320 0 40 20 / b 362880 40320 360 180 swap c 1426320 0 1415 710 (全体) d 705600 403200 700 350 /usr g 317520 1108800 315 160 /var