=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20211023: found digest-20220214 ===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /usr/pkg/pkgdb/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /usr/pkg/pkgdb fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. ===> Building for tui-journal-0.7.0 Compiling libc v0.2.151 Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.75 Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12 Compiling autocfg v1.1.0 Compiling quote v1.0.35 Compiling syn v2.0.47 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling jobserver v0.1.27 Compiling pkg-config v0.3.28 Compiling cc v1.0.83 Compiling version_check v0.9.4 Compiling vcpkg v0.2.15 Compiling serde v1.0.194 Compiling ahash v0.8.7 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.194 Compiling lock_api v0.4.11 Compiling once_cell v1.19.0 Compiling typenum v1.17.0 Compiling parking_lot_core v0.9.9 Compiling log v0.4.20 Compiling openssl-sys v0.9.98 Compiling generic-array v0.14.7 Compiling smallvec v1.11.2 Compiling getrandom v0.2.11 Compiling zerocopy v0.7.32 Compiling bitflags v2.4.1 Compiling memchr v2.7.1 Compiling slab v0.4.9 Compiling num-traits v0.2.17 Compiling allocator-api2 v0.2.16 Compiling hashbrown v0.14.3 Compiling pin-utils v0.1.0 Compiling scopeguard v1.2.0 Compiling thiserror v1.0.56 Compiling openssl v0.10.62 Compiling futures-core v0.3.30 Compiling openssl-macros v0.1.1 Compiling thiserror-impl v1.0.56 Compiling memoffset v0.7.1 Compiling paste v1.0.14 Compiling native-tls v0.2.11 Compiling syn v1.0.109 Compiling serde_json v1.0.111 Compiling rustix v0.38.28 Compiling parking_lot v0.12.1 Compiling signal-hook-registry v1.4.1 Compiling pin-project-lite v0.2.13 Compiling equivalent v1.0.1 Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.8.18 Compiling unicode-segmentation v1.10.1 Compiling heck v0.4.1 Compiling indexmap v2.1.0 Compiling mio v0.8.10 Compiling libsqlite3-sys v0.27.0 Compiling tracing-attributes v0.1.27 Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.1 Compiling futures-sink v0.3.30 Compiling bitflags v1.3.2 Compiling nix v0.26.4 Compiling tinyvec v1.6.0 Compiling either v1.9.0 Compiling wayland-sys v0.31.1 Compiling libloading v0.8.1 Compiling minimal-lexical v0.2.1 Compiling itoa v1.0.10 Compiling foreign-types-shared v0.1.1 Compiling foreign-types v0.3.2 Compiling nom v7.1.3 Compiling dlib v0.5.2 Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.22 Compiling block-buffer v0.10.4 Compiling crypto-common v0.1.6 Compiling wayland-backend v0.3.2 Compiling socket2 v0.5.5 Compiling futures-task v0.3.30 Compiling futures-io v0.3.30 Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.14 Compiling percent-encoding v2.3.1 Compiling bytes v1.5.0 Compiling tokio v1.35.1 Compiling form_urlencoded v1.2.1 Compiling idna v0.5.0 Compiling futures-util v0.3.30 Compiling itertools v0.12.0 Compiling digest v0.10.7 Compiling tracing-core v0.1.32 Compiling rand_core v0.6.4 Compiling quick-xml v0.30.0 Compiling scoped-tls v1.0.1 Compiling iana-time-zone v0.1.59 Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.17 Compiling crc-catalog v2.4.0 Compiling cpufeatures v0.2.11 Compiling openssl-probe v0.1.5 Compiling downcast-rs v1.2.0 Compiling unicode_categories v0.1.1 Compiling signal-hook v0.3.17 Compiling ryu v1.0.16 Compiling rustversion v1.0.14 Compiling sqlformat v0.2.3 Compiling sha2 v0.10.8 Compiling crc v3.0.1 Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1 Compiling chrono v0.4.31 Compiling wayland-scanner v0.31.0 Compiling tracing v0.1.40 Compiling crossbeam-queue v0.3.10 Compiling futures-intrusive v0.5.0 Compiling url v2.5.0 Compiling tokio-stream v0.1.14 Compiling atoi v2.0.0 Compiling hashlink v0.8.4 Compiling futures-channel v0.3.30 Compiling spin v0.9.8 Compiling libz-sys v1.1.12 Compiling tokio-macros v2.2.0 Compiling num_cpus v1.16.0 Compiling errno v0.3.8 Compiling dotenvy v0.15.7 Compiling powerfmt v0.2.0 Compiling time-core v0.1.2 Compiling event-listener v2.5.3 Compiling byteorder v1.5.0 Compiling hex v0.4.3 Compiling sqlx-core v0.7.3 Compiling time-macros v0.2.16 Compiling deranged v0.3.11 Compiling flume v0.11.0 Compiling wayland-client v0.31.1 Compiling rand v0.8.5 Compiling futures-executor v0.3.30 Compiling nix v0.27.1 Compiling utf8parse v0.2.1 Compiling num_threads v0.1.6 Compiling urlencoding v2.1.3 Compiling fastrand v2.0.1 Compiling fixedbitset v0.4.2 Compiling petgraph v0.6.4 Compiling tempfile v3.9.0 Compiling sqlx-sqlite v0.7.3 Compiling time v0.3.31 Compiling anstyle-parse v0.2.3 Compiling atomic-write-file v0.1.2 Compiling strum_macros v0.25.3 Compiling signal-hook-mio v0.2.3 Compiling wayland-protocols v0.31.0 Compiling crossbeam-epoch v0.9.17 Compiling libgit2-sys v0.16.1+1.7.1 Compiling anstyle-query v1.0.2 Compiling x11rb v0.12.0 Compiling anstyle v1.0.4 Compiling colorchoice v1.0.0 Compiling unicode-width v0.1.11 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0 Compiling fnv v1.0.7 Compiling rayon-core v1.12.0 Compiling bytecount v0.6.7 Compiling tree_magic_mini v3.0.3 Compiling anstream v0.6.5 Compiling crossbeam-deque v0.8.4 Compiling wayland-protocols-wlr v0.2.0 Compiling crossterm v0.27.0 Compiling strum v0.25.0 Compiling sqlx-macros-core v0.7.3 Compiling x11rb-protocol v0.12.0 Compiling derive-new v0.5.9 Compiling stability v0.1.1 Compiling lru v0.12.1 Compiling serde_spanned v0.6.5 Compiling toml_datetime v0.6.5 Compiling os_pipe v1.1.5 Compiling gethostname v0.3.0 Compiling anyhow v1.0.79 Compiling cassowary v0.3.0 Compiling strsim v0.10.0 Compiling option-ext v0.2.0 Compiling clap_lex v0.6.0 Compiling indoc v2.0.4 Compiling winnow v0.5.32 Compiling toml_edit v0.21.0 Compiling ratatui v0.25.0 Compiling clap_builder v4.4.12 Compiling dirs-sys v0.4.1 Compiling wl-clipboard-rs v0.8.0 Compiling sqlx-macros v0.7.3 Compiling clap_derive v4.4.7 Compiling thread_local v1.1.7 Compiling path-dedot v3.1.1 Compiling smawk v0.3.2 Compiling termcolor v1.1.3 Compiling tui-journal v0.7.0 (/tmp/misc/tui-journal/work/tui-journal-0.7.0) Compiling unicode-linebreak v0.1.5 Compiling textwrap v0.16.0 Compiling simplelog v0.12.1 Compiling path-absolutize v3.1.1 Compiling fuzzy-matcher v0.3.7 Compiling clap v4.4.12 Compiling rayon v1.8.0 Compiling sqlx v0.7.3 Compiling arboard v3.3.0 Compiling directories v5.0.1 Compiling tui-textarea v0.4.0 Compiling toml v0.8.8 Compiling git2 v0.18.1 warning: unknown lint: `async_fn_in_trait` --> backend/src/lib.rs:26:9 | 26 | #[allow(async_fn_in_trait)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | = note: `#[warn(unknown_lints)]` on by default error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/json.rs:18:5 | 18 | async fn load_all_entries(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/json.rs:33:5 | 33 | async fn add_entry(&self, entry: EntryDraft) -> Result { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/json.rs:57:5 | 57 | async fn remove_entry(&self, entry_id: u32) -> anyhow::Result<()> { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/json.rs:71:5 | 71 | async fn update_entry(&self, entry: Entry) -> Result { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/json.rs:95:5 | 95 | async fn get_export_object(&self, entries_ids: &[u32]) -> anyhow::Result { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/sqlite/mod.rs:64:5 | 64 | async fn load_all_entries(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/sqlite/mod.rs:84:5 | 84 | async fn add_entry(&self, entry: EntryDraft) -> Result { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/sqlite/mod.rs:120:5 | 120 | async fn remove_entry(&self, entry_id: u32) -> anyhow::Result<()> { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/sqlite/mod.rs:133:5 | 133 | async fn update_entry(&self, entry: Entry) -> Result { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/sqlite/mod.rs:196:5 | 196 | async fn get_export_object(&self, entries_ids: &[u32]) -> anyhow::Result { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/lib.rs:28:5 | 28 | async fn load_all_entries(&self) -> anyhow::Result>; | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/lib.rs:29:5 | 29 | async fn add_entry(&self, entry: EntryDraft) -> Result; | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/lib.rs:30:5 | 30 | async fn remove_entry(&self, entry_id: u32) -> anyhow::Result<()>; | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/lib.rs:31:5 | 31 | async fn update_entry(&self, entry: Entry) -> Result; | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/lib.rs:32:5 | 32 | async fn get_export_object(&self, entries_ids: &[u32]) -> anyhow::Result; | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information error[E0706]: functions in traits cannot be declared `async` --> backend/src/lib.rs:33:5 | 33 | async fn import_entries(&self, entries_dto: EntriesDTO) -> anyhow::Result<()> { | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | `async` because of this | = note: `async` trait functions are not currently supported = note: consider using the `async-trait` crate: https://crates.io/crates/async-trait = note: see issue #91611 for more information For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0706`. warning: `tui-journal` (lib) generated 1 warning error: could not compile `tui-journal` (lib) due to 16 previous errors; 1 warning emitted *** Error code 101 Stop. make[1]: stopped in /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/misc/tui-journal *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/misc/tui-journal