=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20211023: found digest-20220214 => Checksum BLAKE2s OK for gnuradio- => Checksum SHA512 OK for gnuradio- ===> Installing dependencies for gnuradio-channels- ========================================================================== The supported build options for gnuradio-channels are: alsa filter-design ninja-build The currently selected options are: filter-design You can select which build options to use by setting PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS or the following variable. Its current value is shown: PKG_OPTIONS.gnuradio (not defined) ========================================================================== ========================================================================== The following variables will affect the build process of this package, gnuradio-channels- Their current value is shown below: * JPEG_DEFAULT = jpeg * PKGSRC_BLAS_TYPES = netlib openblas openblas_pthread openblas_openmp * PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT = 39 Based on these variables, the following variables have been set: * BLAS_INCLUDES = -I/usr/pkg/include/netlib * BLAS_LIBS = -lblas * BLAS_TYPE = netlib * CBLAS_LIBS = -lcblas -lblas * JPEGBASE (defined, but empty) * JPEG_TYPE = jpeg * LAPACKE_LIBS = -llapacke -llapack -lblas * LAPACK_LIBS = -llapack -lblas * PYPACKAGE = python39 You may want to abort the process now with CTRL-C and change the value of variables in the first group before continuing. Be sure to run `/usr/bin/make clean' after the changes. ========================================================================== => Tool dependency glib2-tools-[0-9]*: found glib2-tools-2.70.5 => Tool dependency mktools-[0-9]*: found mktools-20220607 => Tool dependency cmake>=2.8.1nb1: found cmake-3.23.2 => Tool dependency gmake>=3.81: found gmake-4.3nb3 => Tool dependency perl>=5.0: found perl-5.34.1 => Tool dependency pkgconf-[0-9]*: found pkgconf-1.8.0 => Tool dependency cwrappers>=20150314: found cwrappers-20220403 => Tool dependency checkperms>=1.1: found checkperms-1.12 => Build dependency x11-links>=1.35: found x11-links-1.35 => Build dependency boost-headers-1.78.*: found boost-headers-1.78.0 => Build dependency py39-pybind11>=2.6.0: found py39-pybind11-2.9.2 => Build dependency gcc8>=8.0: found gcc8-8.4.0nb5 => Full dependency py39-scipy-[0-9]*: found py39-scipy-1.8.1nb1 => Full dependency py39-packaging-[0-9]*: found py39-packaging-21.3nb1 => Full dependency py39-gobject3-[0-9]*: found py39-gobject3-3.42.0 => Full dependency py39-mako-[0-9]*: found py39-mako-1.1.6nb2 => Full dependency py39-cairo-[0-9]*: found py39-cairo-1.21.0 => Full dependency py39-yaml-[0-9]*: found py39-yaml-5.4.1nb1 => Full dependency py39-qtgraph-qt5-[0-9]*: found py39-qtgraph-qt5-0.12.0nb1 => Full dependency gnuradio-core-[0-9]*: found gnuradio-core- => Full dependency gsm>=1.0.12: found gsm-1.0.19 => Full dependency jack>=1.9.19nb4: found jack-1.9.19nb4 => Full dependency portaudio>=190600.20161030nb10: found portaudio-190600.20161030nb10 => Full dependency boost-libs-1.78.*: found boost-libs-1.78.0nb2 => Full dependency cppunit>=1.10.2nb5: found cppunit-1.15.1 => Full dependency gmp>=5.0.1: found gmp-6.2.1nb2 => Full dependency spdlog>=1.8.5nb1: found spdlog-1.10.0 => Full dependency cairo>=1.16.0nb2: found cairo-1.16.0nb6 => Full dependency cairo-gobject>=1.16.0nb5: found cairo-gobject-1.16.0nb6 => Full dependency libunwind>=12.0.0: found libunwind-13.0.1 => Full dependency py39-numpy>=1.20.3nb1: found py39-numpy-1.22.4nb2 => Full dependency fftw>=3.1nb1: found fftw-3.3.10 => Full dependency gsl>=2.6: found gsl-2.7.1 => Full dependency volk>=2.5.0: found volk-2.5.1 => Full dependency icu>=71.1: found icu-71.1 => Full dependency gtk3+>=3.24.30nb1: found gtk3+-3.24.33 => Full dependency gcc8-libs>=8.3.0: found gcc8-libs-8.4.0nb6 ===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /usr/pkg/pkgdb/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /usr/pkg/pkgdb fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. ===> Overriding tools for gnuradio-channels- ===> Extracting for gnuradio-channels- ===> Patching for gnuradio-channels- => Applying pkgsrc patches for gnuradio-channels- => Verifying /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-cmake_Modules_GrPybind.cmake => Applying pkgsrc patch /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-cmake_Modules_GrPybind.cmake Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |$NetBSD: patch-cmake_Modules_GrPybind.cmake,v 1.1 2022/01/16 18:06:25 tnn Exp $ | |Disable use of precompiled headers; it doesn't play nice with pkgsrc nor ccache. | |--- cmake/Modules/GrPybind.cmake.orig 2022-01-14 15:27:04.000000000 +0000 |+++ cmake/Modules/GrPybind.cmake -------------------------- Patching file cmake/Modules/GrPybind.cmake using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 157 (offset -1 lines). done => Verifying /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gnuradio-runtime_CMakeLists.txt => Applying pkgsrc patch /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gnuradio-runtime_CMakeLists.txt Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |$NetBSD: patch-gnuradio-runtime_CMakeLists.txt,v 1.1 2022/01/16 18:06:25 tnn Exp $ | |Disable use of precompiled headers; it doesn't play nice with pkgsrc nor ccache. | |--- gnuradio-runtime/CMakeLists.txt.orig 2022-01-14 15:27:04.000000000 +0000 |+++ gnuradio-runtime/CMakeLists.txt -------------------------- Patching file gnuradio-runtime/CMakeLists.txt using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 51. done => Verifying /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gnuradio-runtime_lib_CMakeLists.txt => Applying pkgsrc patch /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gnuradio-runtime_lib_CMakeLists.txt Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |$NetBSD: patch-gnuradio-runtime_lib_CMakeLists.txt,v 1.1 2022/01/16 18:06:25 tnn Exp $ | |Disable use of precompiled headers; it doesn't play nice with pkgsrc nor ccache. | |--- gnuradio-runtime/lib/CMakeLists.txt.orig 2022-01-14 15:27:04.000000000 +0000 |+++ gnuradio-runtime/lib/CMakeLists.txt -------------------------- Patching file gnuradio-runtime/lib/CMakeLists.txt using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 173 (offset 2 lines). done => Verifying /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gnuradio-runtime_lib_constants.cc.in => Applying pkgsrc patch /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gnuradio-runtime_lib_constants.cc.in Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |$NetBSD: patch-gnuradio-runtime_lib_constants.cc.in,v 1.3 2022/01/16 18:06:25 tnn Exp $ | |Override broken PREFIX detection. | |--- gnuradio-runtime/lib/constants.cc.in.orig 2022-01-14 15:27:04.000000000 +0000 |+++ gnuradio-runtime/lib/constants.cc.in -------------------------- Patching file gnuradio-runtime/lib/constants.cc.in using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 27. done => Verifying /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gr-audio_lib_CMakeLists.txt => Applying pkgsrc patch /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gr-audio_lib_CMakeLists.txt Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |$NetBSD: patch-gr-audio_lib_CMakeLists.txt,v 1.3 2020/08/30 20:43:46 tnn Exp $ | |If alsa is present on the system but the PKG_OPTION disabled we |should not use it. | |--- gr-audio/lib/CMakeLists.txt.orig 2019-08-09 21:40:34.000000000 +0000 |+++ gr-audio/lib/CMakeLists.txt -------------------------- Patching file gr-audio/lib/CMakeLists.txt using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 23 (offset -12 lines). done => Verifying /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gr-audio_lib_alsa_alsa__impl_h => Applying pkgsrc patch /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-channels/../../ham/gnuradio-core/patches/patch-gr-audio_lib_alsa_alsa__impl_h Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me... The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |$NetBSD: patch-gr-audio_lib_alsa_alsa__impl_h,v 1.4 2021/04/07 16:14:07 tnn Exp $ | |gnuradio- error: 'ESTRPIPE' was not declared in this scope |See also |https://mail-index.netbsd.org/pkgsrc-wip-discuss/2013/10/27/msg002529.html | |--- gr-audio/lib/alsa/alsa_impl.h.orig 2021-03-22 22:37:12.000000000 +0000 |+++ gr-audio/lib/alsa/alsa_impl.h -------------------------- Patching file gr-audio/lib/alsa/alsa_impl.h using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 14. done ===> Creating toolchain wrappers for gnuradio-channels- ===> Configuring for gnuradio-channels- => Arrange the patched line depepending on alsa is in PKG_OPTIONS or not => Substitute PREFIX /bin/mkdir -p /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/gnuradio- => Generating pkg-config file for builtin expat package. => Generating pkg-config files for builtin xz package. => Replacing python interpreter in */*.py */*/*.py */*/*/*.py */*/*/*/*.py */*/*/*/*/*.py */*/*/*/*/*/*.py */*/*/*/*/*/*/*.py */*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/__main__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/compiler.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/main.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in docs/doxygen/update_pydoc.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in docs/usage-manual/export-usage-manual.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/build_utils_codes.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-qtgui/apps/usrp_display_qtgui.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-uhd/apps/msgq_runner.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-uhd/grc/gen_uhd_usrp_blocks.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/bindtool/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/__main__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/cli.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/plot_tools/plot_data.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/plot_tools/pyqt_filter.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/plot_tools/pyqt_plot.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/converter/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/converter/__main__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/converter/block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/converter/block_tree.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/converter/cheetah_converter.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/converter/flow_graph.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/converter/main.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/converter/xml.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/Config.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/Connection.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/Constants.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/FlowGraph.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/Messages.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/base.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/cache.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/errors.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/platform.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Actions.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Application.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Bars.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/BlockTreeWindow.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Config.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Console.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Constants.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Dialogs.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/DrawingArea.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Executor.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/FileDialogs.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/MainWindow.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Notebook.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/ParamWidgets.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/ParserErrorsDialog.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Platform.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/PropsDialog.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/StateCache.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/Utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/VariableEditor.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/external_editor.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_block_flags.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_block_templates.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_cheetah_converter.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_compiler.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_cpp.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_evaled_property.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_examples.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_expr_utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_generator.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_xml_parser.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/tests/test_yaml_checker.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in docs/doxygen/doxyxml/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in docs/doxygen/doxyxml/base.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in docs/doxygen/doxyxml/doxyindex.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in docs/doxygen/doxyxml/text.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/eng_arg.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/eng_notation.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/eng_option.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/pmt/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/pmt/pmt_to_python.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/am_demod.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/fm_demod.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/fm_emph.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/nbfm_rx.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/nbfm_tx.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/standard_squelch.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/wfm_rcv.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/wfm_rcv_fmdet.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-analog/python/analog/wfm_tx.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-audio/python/audio/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-blocks/python/blocks/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-blocks/python/blocks/pdu_compatibility.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-blocks/python/blocks/qa_block_gateway.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-blocks/python/blocks/stream_to_vector_decimator.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-channels/python/channels/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/examples/ofdm/receive_path.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/examples/ofdm/transmit_path.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/bpsk.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/cpm.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/generic_mod_demod.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/gfsk.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/gmsk.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/modulation_utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/ofdm_txrx.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/packet_utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/psk.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/qam.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/qamlike.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-digital/python/digital/qpsk.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-dtv/python/dtv/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-fec/python/fec/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-fft/python/fft/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-fft/python/fft/fft_vcc.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-fft/python/fft/fft_vfc.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-fft/python/fft/logpwrfft.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/filterbank.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/optfir.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-iio/python/iio/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-network/python/network/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-network/python/network/tcp_source.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-pdu/python/pdu/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-qtgui/python/qtgui/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-soapy/python/soapy/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-trellis/python/trellis/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-uhd/python/uhd/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/bindtool/core/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/bindtool/core/base.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/bindtool/core/generator.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/bindtool/scripts/bind_from_json.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/bindtool/scripts/bind_gr_module.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/bindtool/scripts/bind_intree_file.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/bindtool/scripts/header_utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/core/Constants.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/core/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/core/base.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/core/comments.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/core/iosignature.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/core/outputschema.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/core/parseheader.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/core/parseheader_generic.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/tests/test_blocktool.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/blocktool/tests/test_json_file.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/add.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/base.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/bind.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/disable.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/info.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/makeyaml.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/newmod.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/rename.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/rm.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/cli/update.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/add.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/base.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/bind.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/disable.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/info.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/makeyaml.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/newmod.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/rename.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/rm.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/core/update.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/templates.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tests/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tests/test_modtool.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tools/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tools/cmakefile_editor.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tools/code_generator.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tools/cppfile_editor.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tools/grc_yaml_generator.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tools/parser_cc_block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tools/scm.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/tools/util_functions.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-video-sdl/python/video_sdl/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-vocoder/python/vocoder/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-wavelet/python/wavelet/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-zeromq/examples/python/client.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-zeromq/examples/python/gui.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-zeromq/examples/python/server.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-zeromq/python/zeromq/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-zeromq/python/zeromq/probe_manager.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-zeromq/python/zeromq/rpc_manager.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/blocks/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/blocks/_build.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/blocks/_flags.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/blocks/_templates.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/blocks/block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/blocks/dummy.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/blocks/embedded_python.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/blocks/virtual.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/generator/FlowGraphProxy.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/generator/Generator.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/generator/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/generator/cpp_hier_block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/generator/cpp_top_block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/generator/hier_block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/generator/top_block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/io/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/io/yaml.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/params/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/params/dtypes.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/params/param.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/params/template_arg.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/ports/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/ports/_virtual_connections.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/ports/clone.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/ports/port.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/schema_checker/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/schema_checker/block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/schema_checker/domain.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/schema_checker/flow_graph.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/schema_checker/utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/schema_checker/validator.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/epy_block_io.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/expr_utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/extract_docs.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/flow_graph_complexity.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/hide_bokeh_gui_options_if_not_installed.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/canvas/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/canvas/block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/canvas/colors.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/canvas/connection.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/canvas/drawable.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/canvas/flowgraph.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/canvas/param.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/gui/canvas/port.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in docs/doxygen/doxyxml/generated/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/GNURadioControlPortClient.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/RPCConnection.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/ctrlport/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/exceptions.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/gateway.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/hier_block2.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/qa_hier_block2.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/tag_utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gnuradio-runtime/python/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-fec/python/fec/LDPC/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/design/api_object.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/design/filter_design.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/design/fir_design.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/gui/CustomViewBox.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/gui/GrFilterPlotWidget.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/gui/bandgraphicsview.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/gui/banditems.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/gui/icons_rc.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/gui/idealbanditems.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/gui/polezero_plot.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-filter/python/filter/gui/pyqt_filter_stacked.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/backports/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/backports/chainmap.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/backports/shlex.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/descriptors/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/descriptors/_lazy.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in grc/core/utils/descriptors/evaluated.py. WARNING: [replace-interpreter] Skipping non-existent file "*/*/*/*/*/*.py". INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/update_pydoc.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/python/howto/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/__init__.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/base.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/doxyindex.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/text.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/python/howto/bindings/bind_oot_file.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/python/howto/bindings/header_utils.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in gr-utils/modtool/templates/gr-newmod/docs/doxygen/doxyxml/generated/__init__.py. => Fixing CMAKE_MODULE_PATH in CMakeLists.txt INFO: [subst.mk:cmake] Nothing changed in "CMakeLists.txt". => Checking for portability problems in extracted files -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.4.0 -- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.4.0 -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/.cwrapper/bin/c++ - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/.cwrapper/bin/gcc - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Build type set to Release. -- Build date set to Fri, 10 Jun 2022 11:10:47Z. -- Could NOT find Git (missing: GIT_EXECUTABLE) -- Looking for pthread.h -- Looking for pthread.h - found -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success -- Found Threads: TRUE -- Found Boost: /usr/pkg/include (found suitable version "1.78.0", minimum required is "1.69") found components: date_time program_options system regex thread unit_test_framework chrono atomic -- -- Configuring testing-support support... -- Dependency Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_FOUND = ON -- Disabling testing-support support. -- Override with -DENABLE_TESTING=ON/OFF CMake Warning at cmake/Modules/GrCompilerSettings.cmake:26 (MESSAGE): The compiler selected to build GNU Radio (GCC version 8.4.0 : /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/.cwrapper/bin/c++) is older than that officially supported (9.3.0 minimum). This build may or not work. We highly recommend using a more recent GCC version. Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:99 (include) -- Performing Test HAVE_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN -- Performing Test HAVE_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_WARN_SIGN_COMPARE -- Performing Test HAVE_WARN_SIGN_COMPARE - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_WARN_ALL -- Performing Test HAVE_WARN_ALL - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_WARN_NO_UNINITIALIZED -- Performing Test HAVE_WARN_NO_UNINITIALIZED - Success -- Compiler Version: gcc (GCC) 8.4.0 Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- Compiler Flags: /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/.cwrapper/bin/gcc:::-DNDEBUG -O2 -pthread -fPIC -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include/portaudio2 -I/usr/include -I/usr/pkg/include/cppunit -I/usr/pkg/include/python3.9 -I/usr/X11R7/include -I/usr/X11R7/include/freetype2 -I/usr/pkg/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/pkg/include/gio-unix-2.0 -I/usr/pkg/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/pkg/include/harfbuzz -I/usr/X11R7/include/libdrm -fvisibility=hidden -Wsign-compare -Wall -Wno-uninitialized /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/.cwrapper/bin/c++:::-DNDEBUG -O2 -pthread -fPIC -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include/portaudio2 -I/usr/include -I/usr/pkg/include/cppunit -I/usr/pkg/include/python3.9 -I/usr/X11R7/include -I/usr/X11R7/include/freetype2 -I/usr/pkg/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/pkg/include/gio-unix-2.0 -I/usr/pkg/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/pkg/include/harfbuzz -I/usr/X11R7/include/libdrm -pthread -fvisibility=hidden -Wsign-compare -Wall -Wno-uninitialized -- ADDING PERF COUNTERS -- User set python executable /usr/pkg/bin/python3.9 -- Found PythonInterp: /usr/pkg/bin/python3.9 (found suitable version "3.9.13", minimum required is "3.6.5") -- Found PythonLibs: /usr/pkg/lib/libpython3.9.so (found suitable exact version "3.9.13") -- Python checking for packaging - found -- Python checking for numpy - found -- Python checking for pygccxml - not found -- -- ***************************** WARNING!!! ************************* -- pygccxml is highly recommended for using gr_modtool -- and is either not present or below the minimum version 2.0.0 -- Only trivial bindings will be generated using gr_modtool bind -- ****************************************************************** -- Found PythonInterp: /usr/pkg/bin/python3.9 (found version "3.9.13") -- Found PythonLibs: /usr/pkg/lib/libpython3.9.so -- Performing Test HAS_FLTO -- Performing Test HAS_FLTO - Success -- Found pybind11: /usr/pkg/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pybind11/include (found version "2.9.2") -- -- Configuring python-support support... -- Dependency PYTHONLIBS_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency PACKAGING_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency pybind11_FOUND = 1 -- Dependency NUMPY_FOUND = TRUE -- Enabling python-support support. -- Override with -DENABLE_PYTHON=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring VOLK support... -- Found Volk: Volk::volk -- Found VOLK: -- * Version: 2.5.1 -- * Libraries: Volk::volk -- * Includes: /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/.buildlink/include -- Not using additional GNU Radio native architecture optimizations. -- Performing Test HAVE_CX_LIMITED_RANGE -- Performing Test HAVE_CX_LIMITED_RANGE - Success -- Found PkgConfig: /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/.tools/bin/pkg-config (found version "1.8.0") -- Checking for module 'gmp' -- Found gmp, version 6.2.1 -- Found GMP: /usr/pkg/lib/libgmpxx.so -- Using GMP. -- Found MPLIB: /usr/pkg/lib/libgmpxx.so -- -- Configuring post-install support... -- Disabling post-install support. -- Override with -DENABLE_POSTINSTALL=ON/OFF -- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) -- Could NOT find MathJax2 (missing: MATHJAX2_JS_PATH) -- -- Configuring doxygen support... -- Dependency DOXYGEN_FOUND = NO -- Disabling doxygen support. -- Override with -DENABLE_DOXYGEN=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring man-pages support... -- Disabling man-pages support. -- Override with -DENABLE_MANPAGES=ON/OFF -- Using GMP. -- Looking for C++ include sys/types.h -- Looking for C++ include sys/types.h - found -- Looking for C++ include sys/mman.h -- Looking for C++ include sys/mman.h - found -- Looking for C++ include sys/ipc.h -- Looking for C++ include sys/ipc.h - found -- Looking for C++ include sys/shm.h -- Looking for C++ include sys/shm.h - found -- Looking for C++ include signal.h -- Looking for C++ include signal.h - found -- Performing Test HAVE_SIGACTION -- Performing Test HAVE_SIGACTION - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_SYSCONF -- Performing Test HAVE_SYSCONF - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_GETPAGESIZE -- Performing Test HAVE_GETPAGESIZE - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK -- Performing Test HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_CREATEFILEMAPPING -- Performing Test HAVE_CREATEFILEMAPPING - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_SHM_OPEN -- Performing Test HAVE_SHM_OPEN - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_SINCOS -- Performing Test HAVE_SINCOS - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_SINCOSF -- Performing Test HAVE_SINCOSF - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_SINF -- Performing Test HAVE_SINF - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_COSF -- Performing Test HAVE_COSF - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_MMAP -- Performing Test HAVE_MMAP - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSCHEDPARAM -- Performing Test HAVE_PTHREAD_SETSCHEDPARAM - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER -- Performing Test HAVE_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER - Success -- -- Configuring gnuradio-runtime support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency PYTHONINTERP_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency MPLIB_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency spdlog_FOUND = 1 -- Dependency pybind11_FOUND = 1 -- Enabling gnuradio-runtime support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring common-precompiled-headers support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency GR_CMAKE_HAS_PCH = -- Disabling common-precompiled-headers support. -- Override with -DENABLE_COMMON_PCH=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-ctrlport support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Disabling gr-ctrlport support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_CTRLPORT=ON/OFF -- Checking for module 'thrift' -- Package 'thrift', required by 'virtual:world', not found -- thrift looking for version 0.13 -- Binary 'thrift' not found. -- Looking for C++ include sys/resource.h -- Looking for C++ include sys/resource.h - found -- Checking for module 'libunwind' -- Package 'libunwind', required by 'virtual:world', not found -- Found libunwind -- Loading build date Fri, 10 Jun 2022 11:10:47Z into constants... -- Loading version into constants... -- TRY_SHM_VMCIRCBUF set to ON. -- -- Python checking for PyYAML >= 3.11 - found -- Python checking for mako >= 1.1.0 - found -- Python checking for pygobject >= 2.28.6 - found -- Python checking for Gtk (GI) >= 3.10.8 - found -- Python checking for Cairo (GI) >= 1.0 - found -- Python checking for PangoCairo (GI) >= 1.0 - found -- Python checking for numpy - found -- Python checking for jsonschema - not found -- -- Configuring gnuradio-companion support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_PYTHON = ON -- Dependency PYYAML_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency MAKO_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency PYGI_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency GTK_GI_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency CAIRO_GI_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency PANGOCAIRO_GI_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency NUMPY_FOUND = TRUE -- Enabling gnuradio-companion support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GRC=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring JSON/YAML config blocks support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GRC = ON -- Dependency JSONSCHEMA_FOUND = FALSE -- Disabling JSON/YAML config blocks support. -- Override with -DENABLE_JSONYAML_BLOCKS=ON/OFF -- Checking for module 'sndfile' -- Found sndfile, version 1.1.0 -- Found SNDFILE: /usr/pkg/lib/libsndfile.so -- -- Configuring gr-blocks support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Enabling gr-blocks support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_BLOCKS=ON/OFF -- Looking for C++ include io.h -- Looking for C++ include io.h - not found -- Found GSL: /usr/pkg/include (found version "2.7.1") -- -- Configuring gr-fec support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Disabling gr-fec support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_FEC=ON/OFF -- Checking for module 'fftw3f >= 3.0' -- Found fftw3f , version 3.3.10 -- Found FFTW3f: /usr/pkg/lib/libfftw3f.so -- -- Configuring gr-fft support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency FFTW3f_FOUND = TRUE -- Enabling gr-fft support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_FFT=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-filter support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FFT = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Enabling gr-filter support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_FILTER=ON/OFF -- Python checking for pyqtgraph - found -- Python checking for scipy - found -- -- Configuring gr-analog support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FFT = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FILTER = ON -- Enabling gr-analog support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_ANALOG=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-digital support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FFT = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FILTER = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_ANALOG = ON -- Disabling gr-digital support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_DIGITAL=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-dtv support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_ANALOG = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FILTER = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FEC = OFF -- Disabling gr-dtv support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_DTV=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-audio support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Enabling gr-audio support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_AUDIO=ON/OFF -- Checking for module 'jack' -- Found jack, version 1.9.19 -- Found jack: /usr/pkg/lib/libjack.so -- Looking for C++ include AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h -- Looking for C++ include AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h - not found -- Looking for C++ include AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h -- Looking for C++ include AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h - not found -- Checking for module 'portaudio-2.0' -- Found portaudio-2.0, version 19 -- Performing Test PORTAUDIO2_FOUND -- Performing Test PORTAUDIO2_FOUND - Success -- Found PORTAUDIO: /usr/pkg/include/portaudio2 -- -- Configuring gr-channels support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FFT = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FILTER = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_ANALOG = ON -- Enabling gr-channels support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_CHANNELS=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-pdu support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FILTER = ON -- Disabling gr-pdu support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_PDU=ON/OFF -- Could NOT find libiio (missing: libiio_LIBRARY libiio_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Could NOT find libad9361 (missing: libad9361_LIBRARY libad9361_INCLUDE_DIR) -- -- Configuring gr-iio support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency libiio_FOUND = FALSE -- Disabling gr-iio support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_IIO=ON/OFF -- Python checking for PyQt5 - found -- Checking for module 'Qt5Qwt6' -- Package 'Qt5Qwt6', required by 'virtual:world', not found -- -- Configuring gr-qtgui support... -- Dependency QT_FOUND = 0 -- Dependency QWT_FOUND = FALSE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FFT = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FILTER = ON -- Dependency PYTHONLIBS_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency PYQT5_FOUND = TRUE -- Disabling gr-qtgui support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_QTGUI=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-trellis support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_ANALOG = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_DIGITAL = OFF -- Disabling gr-trellis support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_TRELLIS=ON/OFF -- Checking for module 'uhd' -- Package 'uhd', required by 'virtual:world', not found -- -- Configuring gr-uhd support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency UHD_FOUND = 0 -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FILTER = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_ANALOG = ON -- Disabling gr-uhd support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_UHD=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-uhd UHD 4.0 RFNoC support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_UHD = OFF -- Dependency UHD_FOUR_POINT_OH_RFNOC = FALSE -- Disabling gr-uhd UHD 4.0 RFNoC support. -- Override with -DENABLE_UHD_RFNOC=ON/OFF -- Python checking for Mako >= 1.1.0 - found -- Python checking for click - not found -- Python checking for click-plugins - not found -- -- Configuring gr-utils support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_PYTHON = ON -- Dependency MAKO_FOUND = TRUE -- Disabling gr-utils support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_UTILS=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr_modtool support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_PYTHON = ON -- Dependency CLICK_FOUND = FALSE -- Dependency CLICK_PLUGINS_FOUND = FALSE -- Disabling gr_modtool support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_MODTOOL=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr_blocktool support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_PYTHON = ON -- Disabling gr_blocktool support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_BLOCKTOOL=ON/OFF -- Could NOT find SDL (missing: SDL_LIBRARY SDL_INCLUDE_DIR) -- -- Configuring gr-video-sdl support... -- Dependency SDL_FOUND = FALSE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Disabling gr-video-sdl support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_VIDEO_SDL=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-vocoder support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FFT = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_FILTER = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_ANALOG = ON -- Disabling gr-vocoder support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_VOCODER=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-wavelet support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_BLOCKS = ON -- Dependency ENABLE_GR_ANALOG = ON -- Dependency GSL_FOUND = TRUE -- Disabling gr-wavelet support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_WAVELET=ON/OFF -- Checking for module 'libzmq' -- Package 'libzmq', required by 'virtual:world', not found -- Could NOT find ZeroMQ (missing: ZEROMQ_LIBRARIES) -- -- Configuring gr-zeromq support... -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Dependency ZEROMQ_FOUND = FALSE -- Disabling gr-zeromq support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_ZEROMQ=ON/OFF -- -- Configuring gr-network support... -- Dependency Boost_FOUND = TRUE -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Disabling gr-network support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_NETWORK=ON/OFF CMake Warning at gr-soapy/CMakeLists.txt:15 (find_package): By not providing "FindSoapySDR.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "SoapySDR", but CMake did not find one. Could not find a package configuration file provided by "SoapySDR" (requested version 0.7.2) with any of the following names: SoapySDRConfig.cmake soapysdr-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "SoapySDR" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "SoapySDR_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "SoapySDR" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. -- -- Configuring gr-soapy support... -- Dependency SoapySDR_FOUND = 0 -- Dependency ENABLE_GNURADIO_RUNTIME = ON -- Disabling gr-soapy support. -- Override with -DENABLE_GR_SOAPY=ON/OFF -- -- ###################################################### -- # Gnuradio enabled components -- ###################################################### -- * python-support -- * gnuradio-runtime -- * gnuradio-companion -- * gr-blocks -- * gr-fft -- * gr-filter -- * gr-analog -- * gr-audio -- * * oss -- * * jack -- * * portaudio -- * gr-channels -- -- ###################################################### -- # Gnuradio disabled components -- ###################################################### -- * testing-support -- * post-install -- * doxygen -- * man-pages -- * common-precompiled-headers -- * gr-ctrlport -- * JSON/YAML config blocks -- * gr-fec -- * gr-digital -- * gr-dtv -- * gr-pdu -- * gr-iio -- * gr-qtgui -- * gr-trellis -- * gr-uhd -- * gr-uhd UHD 4.0 RFNoC -- * gr-utils -- * gr_modtool -- * gr_blocktool -- * gr-video-sdl -- * gr-vocoder -- * gr-wavelet -- * gr-zeromq -- * gr-network -- * gr-soapy -- -- Using install prefix: /usr/pkg -- Building for version: / 3.10.2 -- Configuring done -- Generating done CMake Warning: Manually-specified variables were not used by the project: CMAKE_INSTALL_MANDIR Python3_EXECUTABLE Python3_INCLUDE_DIR Python_EXECUTABLE Python_INCLUDE_DIR -- Build files have been written to: /tmp/ham/gnuradio-channels/work/gnuradio- => Rewrite cmake Dependencies files