===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /usr/pkg/pkgdb/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /usr/pkg/pkgdb fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. ===> Building for ncgopher-0.2.0nb1 Compiling autocfg v1.0.1 Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.24 Compiling version_check v0.9.2 Compiling libc v0.2.85 Compiling syn v1.0.60 Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.1 Compiling bitflags v1.2.1 Compiling memchr v2.3.4 Compiling pkg-config v0.3.19 Compiling ryu v1.0.5 Compiling lexical-core v0.7.4 Compiling radium v0.5.3 Compiling cc v1.0.66 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.123 Compiling cfg-if v0.1.10 Compiling arrayvec v0.5.2 Compiling static_assertions v1.1.0 Compiling strsim v0.9.3 Compiling serde v1.0.123 Compiling once_cell v1.5.2 Compiling ident_case v1.0.1 Compiling fnv v1.0.7 Compiling funty v1.1.0 Compiling tap v1.0.0 Compiling wyz v0.2.0 Compiling log v0.4.14 Compiling typenum v1.12.0 Compiling proc-macro-hack v0.5.19 Compiling tinyvec_macros v0.1.0 Compiling matches v0.1.8 Compiling getrandom v0.2.2 Compiling serde v0.8.23 Compiling unicode-width v0.1.8 Compiling rustversion v1.0.4 Compiling oid-registry v0.1.1 Compiling serde_json v1.0.61 Compiling array-macro v1.0.5 Compiling signal-hook v0.3.4 Compiling ahash v0.4.7 Compiling foreign-types-shared v0.1.1 Compiling stable_deref_trait v1.2.0 Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.22 Compiling openssl v0.10.32 Compiling percent-encoding v2.1.0 Compiling adler v0.2.3 Compiling itoa v0.4.7 Compiling unicode-segmentation v1.7.1 Compiling native-tls v0.2.7 Compiling gimli v0.23.0 Compiling xi-unicode v0.3.0 Compiling linked-hash-map v0.5.4 Compiling rustc-demangle v0.1.18 Compiling base64 v0.13.0 Compiling fallible-streaming-iterator v0.1.9 Compiling openssl-probe v0.1.2 Compiling vec_map v0.8.2 Compiling object v0.23.0 Compiling maplit v1.0.2 Compiling ansi_term v0.11.0 Compiling cpuid-bool v0.1.2 Compiling opaque-debug v0.3.0 Compiling smallvec v1.6.1 Compiling rust-ini v0.13.0 Compiling fallible-iterator v0.2.0 Compiling data-encoding v2.3.2 Compiling strsim v0.8.0 Compiling gemtext v0.2.1 Compiling num-traits v0.2.14 Compiling num-integer v0.1.44 Compiling num-bigint v0.3.1 Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.8.1 Compiling num-iter v0.1.42 Compiling num-rational v0.3.2 Compiling miniz_oxide v0.4.3 Compiling nom v6.1.0 Compiling generic-array v0.14.4 Compiling ahash v0.6.3 Compiling nom v5.1.2 Compiling libsqlite3-sys v0.20.1 Compiling openssl-sys v0.9.60 Compiling ncurses v5.100.0 Compiling thread_local v1.1.2 Compiling tinyvec v1.1.1 Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.4 Compiling serde_test v0.8.23 Compiling textwrap v0.11.0 Compiling hashbrown v0.9.1 Compiling foreign-types v0.3.2 Compiling owning_ref v0.4.1 Compiling form_urlencoded v1.0.0 Compiling addr2line v0.14.1 Compiling yaml-rust v0.4.5 Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.16 Compiling linked-hash-map v0.3.0 Compiling hashlink v0.6.0 Compiling quote v1.0.8 Compiling time v0.1.44 Compiling signal-hook-registry v1.3.0 Compiling dirs-sys v0.3.5 Compiling atty v0.2.14 Compiling term_size v0.3.2 Compiling aho-corasick v0.7.15 error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/bhcomp.rs:62:24 | 62 | let bytes = bits / Limb::BITS; | ^^^^^^^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` error[E0277]: cannot divide `usize` by `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/bhcomp.rs:62:22 | 62 | let bytes = bits / Limb::BITS; | ^ no implementation for `usize / u32` | = help: the trait `Div` is not implemented for `usize` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/bigcomp.rs:157:55 | 157 | let nlz = den.leading_zeros().wrapping_sub(wlz) & (u32::BITS - 1); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` error[E0277]: no implementation for `usize & u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/bigcomp.rs:157:53 | 157 | let nlz = den.leading_zeros().wrapping_sub(wlz) & (u32::BITS - 1); | ^ no implementation for `usize & u32` | = help: the trait `BitAnd` is not implemented for `usize` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/bigcomp.rs:175:40 | 175 | let (q, r) = shift.ceil_divmod(Limb::BITS); | ^^^^^^^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` | help: you can convert a `u32` to a `usize` and panic if the converted value doesn't fit | 175 | let (q, r) = shift.ceil_divmod(Limb::BITS.try_into().unwrap()); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1043:42 | 1043 | let mut count = index.saturating_mul(Limb::BITS); | ^^^^^^^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` | help: you can convert a `u32` to a `usize` and panic if the converted value doesn't fit | 1043 | let mut count = index.saturating_mul(Limb::BITS.try_into().unwrap()); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1058:28 | 1058 | Limb::BITS.checked_mul(x.len()) | ^^^^^^^ expected `u32`, found `usize` | help: you can convert a `usize` to a `u32` and panic if the converted value doesn't fit | 1058 | Limb::BITS.checked_mul(x.len().try_into().unwrap()) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1059:22 | 1059 | .map(|v| v - nlz) | ^^^ expected `u32`, found `usize` error[E0277]: cannot subtract `usize` from `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1059:20 | 1059 | .map(|v| v - nlz) | ^ no implementation for `u32 - usize` | = help: the trait `Sub` is not implemented for `u32` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1060:20 | 1060 | .unwrap_or(usize::max_value()) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `u32`, found `usize` | help: you can convert a `usize` to a `u32` and panic if the converted value doesn't fit | 1060 | .unwrap_or(usize::max_value().try_into().unwrap()) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1058:5 | 1054 | pub fn bit_length(x: &[Limb]) -> usize { | ----- expected `usize` because of return type ... 1058 | / Limb::BITS.checked_mul(x.len()) 1059 | | .map(|v| v - nlz) 1060 | | .unwrap_or(usize::max_value()) | |______________________________________^ expected `usize`, found `u32` | help: you can convert a `u32` to a `usize` and panic if the converted value doesn't fit | 1058 | Limb::BITS.checked_mul(x.len()) 1059 | .map(|v| v - nlz) 1060 | .unwrap_or(usize::max_value()).try_into().unwrap() | error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1085:23 | 1085 | debug_assert!(n < bits && n != 0); | ^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` | help: you can convert a `u32` to a `usize` and panic if the converted value doesn't fit | 1085 | debug_assert!(n < bits.try_into().unwrap() && n != 0); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1092:25 | 1092 | let lshift = bits - n; | ^ expected `u32`, found `usize` error[E0277]: cannot subtract `usize` from `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1092:23 | 1092 | let lshift = bits - n; | ^ no implementation for `u32 - usize` | = help: the trait `Sub` is not implemented for `u32` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1134:19 | 1134 | let rem = n % bits; | ^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` error[E0277]: cannot mod `usize` by `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1134:17 | 1134 | let rem = n % bits; | ^ no implementation for `usize % u32` | = help: the trait `Rem` is not implemented for `usize` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1135:19 | 1135 | let div = n / bits; | ^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` error[E0277]: cannot divide `usize` by `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1135:17 | 1135 | let div = n / bits; | ^ no implementation for `usize / u32` | = help: the trait `Div` is not implemented for `usize` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1191:23 | 1191 | debug_assert!(n < bits); | ^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` | help: you can convert a `u32` to a `usize` and panic if the converted value doesn't fit | 1191 | debug_assert!(n < bits.try_into().unwrap()); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1201:25 | 1201 | let rshift = bits - n; | ^ expected `u32`, found `usize` error[E0277]: cannot subtract `usize` from `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1201:23 | 1201 | let rshift = bits - n; | ^ no implementation for `u32 - usize` | = help: the trait `Sub` is not implemented for `u32` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1253:19 | 1253 | let rem = n % bits; | ^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` error[E0277]: cannot mod `usize` by `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1253:17 | 1253 | let rem = n % bits; | ^ no implementation for `usize % u32` | = help: the trait `Rem` is not implemented for `usize` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1254:19 | 1254 | let div = n / bits; | ^^^^ expected `usize`, found `u32` error[E0277]: cannot divide `usize` by `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:1254:17 | 1254 | let div = n / bits; | ^ no implementation for `usize / u32` | = help: the trait `Div` is not implemented for `usize` error[E0308]: mismatched types --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:2065:27 | 2065 | let rs = Limb::BITS - s; | ^ expected `u32`, found `usize` error[E0277]: cannot subtract `usize` from `u32` --> /tmp/net/ncgopher/work/vendor/lexical-core-0.7.4/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:2065:25 | 2065 | let rs = Limb::BITS - s; | ^ no implementation for `u32 - usize` | = help: the trait `Sub` is not implemented for `u32` error: aborting due to 27 previous errors Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0308. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`. error: could not compile `lexical-core` To learn more, run the command again with --verbose. *** Error code 101 Stop. make[1]: stopped in /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/net/ncgopher *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /amd/pkgsrc/CHROOT/P/pkgsrc/net/ncgopher